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Abusing Spectres to the Maximum - Sheaim Succession Game

Footnote on the wonder issue: I think we should prioritize settlers until we fill up our allotted land.

Note on dotmapping: the city 3N1W of the capital invalidates settling on the sugar, which is the only way we can grab that happiness before bronze working. Coming up with a dotmap is kind of awkward, especially with city #3 where it is, but I think we should seriously consider a sugar city.

Dont you want City States if you go ICS?

City states is really good with very many cities and even better if the land doesn't suit Aristocracy too well (usually dry, no rivers). But CS doesn't provide commerce, instead it saves gold.

Do you guys want me to go for The double Wine city next? I think I'll put in 3N of Ceydinhal (2nd city). Where's the city name list, I'm sure someone had a link somehwere...

Also I think we need to settle that sugar pretty soon.

I don't know that the sugar is that high a priority. Pre-Bronze, a city on top of it is pretty much worthless anyway. So we're settling a worthless city in exchange for +1 pop in every city, instead of a city that could have five worthwhile tiles of its own. That only makes sense to me once we have five other cities at the happy cap, at least. Plus it makes us ignore that really nice riverland. We're not really *that* far from Bronze, are we?

I would put the 2nd wines city either next or second on the list, Auror. I wouldn't complain either way. Although I disagree with the sugar city - if you outvote me, at the very least don't settle it until we have roads. It would be worse than pointless to settle it when we can't even use the sugar in the rest of our empire
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


(July 14th, 2015, 15:59)Aurorarcher Wrote: Where's the city name list, I'm sure someone had a link somehwere...

The list of city names is disappointingly short. But there are a lot more other locations in the game, apparently.

Mardoc has a good point about the sugar city. We'd be wasting a lot of prime aristofarm territory.

I vote wines city next. We really need some commerce.

I don't want to go for sugar yet, but just saying the happy would be pretty good sooner or later...

Now that I look back at the spot though, you're right. The spot is wortheles, can put only one farm there without border pops. You have convinced me to change my mind regarding the sugar. Losing the other city spot if we settle on sugar really would suck indeed. I think following cities should be the two marked spots inside our borders.

Report coming shortly.

I was sure these guys were heading somewhere...

Only to find a dead end...

Also, hello Orthus:

Damn, now he's going to sit there forever rant. Well, at least once we break peace with barb we'll get his axe.

Empire overview at the end:

Gaveholm is producing worker, trying to put that chop into a settler (after the worker).

Jale, your turn!

(July 14th, 2015, 16:17)Aurorarcher Wrote: I don't want to go for sugar yet, but just saying the happy would be pretty good sooner or later...
Yep smile. Which makes Bronze a higher priority than I was thinking - not just for sugar, but also we're generally closer to the jungle than I'd realized. And on top there's really nice aristofarm territory on the other side of the jungle. We've have wanted it anyway if we're going to try for the Drama Bard to unlock the Sanitation Bulb.

Eventually we'll stop wanting a dozen techs all next turn, right? mischief
Ok, not likely. But it's a fun puzzle to solve, right?

Minor request - I don't know Oblivion. Could someone change the dotmap signs to signs with names on them?

Quote:Damn, now he's going to sit there forever rant.
If DaveV's skeleton experience is any indication, we might be able to shift him by 'helping garrison' the fort for a turn.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


(July 14th, 2015, 15:19)Mardoc Wrote: Other commerce boosting options:
- Research Fishing, work water tiles

Wait, are /you/ Northstar...!? yikes

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