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Genius Loki (FFH SG)

I guess this was true here also:

(February 16th, 2016, 16:34)Aurorarcher Wrote: In some of my sims when Loki was nearby the AI didn't settle cities. I'm not sure if it was just a coincidece, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Maybe not best to sit in the city with Loki while the AI has settler there? Anyway, glad to see have we a city finally jive. I'll play now.

Amurites ares still pleased (surprisingly), but there's that -4 for the past events have drawn our people apart mischief.

I went Agr -> Cal afterall. I think I like it better than Crafting -> Mining; our worker will be workless for a while no matter which tech we choose... also take a look at last pic and you might notice why Calendar first was a good idea. wink

Amelanchier is massing units!

Khazad is getting raped by the Clan.

Traded Maps with AI. Found bunch of graveyards nearby, thought it was worth moving Loki to grab 'em.

Some gold.

But then we hit the jackpot- a tech!

And the best picture for last- I noticed there was barb city nearby and I grabbed it for us (yeah -5 gpt sucks but we have money now)... But look at that city, it's just beauty!



I'll send Khan a PM to see if he wants to take the next round, otherwise I'll grab it for... I guess 15 turns.

He wants a little time to decide, so I'll play tomorrow at the latest.

Yeah, that's cool. I don't think we're in a particular rush here.

Khan decided to stick with lurking, so I played a set of 15-

I started off by challenging the AI to games of Sominum; unfortunately EitB crashed after the third. Considering I had tied in one and lost the other two, I took it as a sign from the Gods that my scheme was folly and I shouldn't bother replaying them :P The option is still out there though for anyone bored enough and/or interested in trying to get us some +1 / +2 diplo modifiers.

Anyway, I reloaded the game, and my first real decision was to take another city:

It's expensive, but it's close enough to our amazing Ygg city that they can reinforce each other, and it controls some excellent terrain and resources. First build was a Warrior due to the proximity to Rhoanna.

... And then immediately afterwards she decides to hand us another city- this one I razed, since it was swamped by her capital culture and almost certain to lead to an immediate war-dec.

Valledia finally expanded again (the Settler founded in place); we could probably maneuver Loki down in time to capture it, but considering that the city will be useless before BW, I don't see the point.

Another really nice Barbarian city cropped up, roughly between our current possessions. We should aim to capture it after we get City States, I think. Even working two wines I'm not certain it will pay for itself with our current default civics.

For the record, Loki does not permanently suppress AI settling. I had Loki spend most of my set in Rhoanna's capital, earning us 5 gpt by Entertaining it, and for several of those turns she had a Settler camping there. For whatever reason she finally resettled her razed city, so we've got until she completes the monument to figure out what we want to do about it. I don't think we can realistically keep it, but even razing it will make her furious with us... but it also might force her to build another Settler, as opposed to taking our northern possessions with Warcry Warriors.

We def. need more troops in the north. I have a Goblin on a Goblin Fort in the area, but we're already burning through our gold stockpile at a rapid rate. I figured we should tech to Mining, and then to Cartography, so we're working on Crafting now, but if someone wants to switch to Exploration immediately I won't object. I think we'll be in a fairly strong position if we can retain our northern holdings (and eventually wipe out Rhoanna with them). Jonas is set to become a runaway AI, but there isn't much we can do about that, plus he's currently busy with the Khazad.

The Save:

Thinking about it, I'm almost tempted to keep Clar Whatever (the new Hippus city). The plains hill plant + adjacent forested plains hill means that it can pump out Warriors at a reasonable rate. It'll be very expensive to hold however, and we'll probably need 20 turns or so to be assured of holding it, which we might not have. Best option may be to wait until the monument is almost complete, raze it, and then capture and hold it when/if she resettles the site for a third time.

Nice sets! Particularly fond of that gold/corn city.

I think I agree with the delayed raze and reconsider approach. The problem with leaving it and hoping she'll ignore us is the close cultural borders which a) will deteriorate relations and b) help the AI get dangerously close to our borders.

I favor crafting->mining. We're going to crash/stall our economy soon, and with the gold Mining is just too good a tech for both revolutionizing our early production (which could be vital) whilst also helping the eco.

That barb city tempts me sore. Fortunately for the wiser policy, Loki can't afford to move atm. It would be awesome if leaving it a while lets the barbs improve it, too.

I should be able to play tomorrow.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I sent 3 warriors from the cap up north to defend the gold/corn city, because I feel we're headed for a war.

I razed their settlement right before the monument came out.

Only Annoyed, but we can't keep this up forever.

The barb city is already size 3. I wish we could afford it.

I bowed to Jonas' command, because our northern settlements are quite close to him and I believe he can keep the Khazad distracted enough for this not to be a problem. We shall see, however.

Amurites settled another worthless city:

Would probably pay for itself, though, if we could spare Loki for long enough.

Hippus resettled, and are building another settler.

Unfortunately, our economy is well and truly crashed. We're only crawling to Mining by virtue of Loki's 6gpt Entertain. I pulled him off duty so the next player can check out the Hippus Monument progress, though I'll understand if they decide it's worth it to run back and keep the gold a-flowing.

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Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Those Amurite cities would be great if we had BW... and city states. Sadly by the time we're equipped to take them she'll have monuments built.

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