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Civ5 PBEM 5 Organizing Thread

Are the Shoshone banned because they're OP ?

(August 21st, 2016, 05:37)chumchu Wrote: As an example on civs selection I used and banned Poland/Babylon/Korea/Maya for being OP, Huns/Mongols/Arabia for being one dimensional and Venice/Iroqouis/Shoshone/Spain for being unfun

I don't mind Shoshone being allowed if that's your preference

If we're playing with ancient ruins on I rather we didn't ban them (else you're taking away half of their bonuses and they become pointless)

(August 29th, 2016, 07:57)yuris125 Wrote: I don't mind Shoshone being allowed if that's your preference

I would be down for allowing Shoshone in Iroqouis.

That ban list works fine for me, with or without Shoshone/Iroquois.

After we decide on bans, I think someone could roll the leader combos. Even if we wait to choose after we can see the starts, at least we can think about it a bit sooner.

Ok I edited the list into the first post, with Shoshone and Iroquois allowed

Chumchu, do you mind rolling the civs for us to pick from? Or I can do it myself if you guys trust me :P

(August 29th, 2016, 12:02)yuris125 Wrote: Ok I edited the list into the first post, with Shoshone and Iroquois allowed

Chumchu, do you mind rolling the civs for us to pick from? Or I can do it myself if you guys trust me :P

Go ahead. I think that site chumchu posted does it automatically.

Ok. Feel free to discard this and ask someone not involved in the game to reroll

Player list in randomised order:

1. Ichabod
2. oledavy
3. yuris125
4. HitAnyKey
5. Nicolae Carpathia
6. AdrienIer

Results from the drafter:

PLAYER 1: Choose from Persia / Japan / Iroquois
PLAYER 2: Choose from Assyria / Russia / Ottomans
PLAYER 3: Choose from Songhai / Carthage / India
PLAYER 4: Choose from Inca / Germany / England
PLAYER 5: Choose from Morocco / Celts / Ethiopia
PLAYER 6: Choose from Polynesia / Rome / France

If anyone ended up with a DLC civ they don't have access to, post here and we'll get you another one at random!

Thanks Yuri for rolling the civs smile

Chumchu, thanks again for volunteering to make the map. No pressure whatsoever, but any eta on those starting screenshots? Hope the map-making is going well goodjob

Everyone else, happy mulling over picks!

Is Civ 5 one of those enlightened games where someone else in multiplayer can play with DLC that you don't have? Or does it break the game for everyone?

(Dear Firaxis: If the latter, don't do this again in Civ 6. Paradox does it the other way, which is the correct way; splintering your MP population is terrible.)
Civ 6 SP: Adventure One 
Civ 4 MP: PBEM74B [3/4] PBEM74D [3/4]
-Dedlurker: PB34

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