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Test games played

Decided to play a few more games on Extreme, this time using setups I know work well to see how bad the difficulty is. While it felt way too hard in previous games, I was playing wizards built around specific testing goals so they weren't very powerful.

So I want to play three wizards that are already proved to work, at least once each, but if I feel the luck factor it too great in a game, I might play that one more than once. I expect this will take at least 1-2 weeks but it'll be much easier to decide on AI resource changes afterwards. All games will be played on normal land size and high magic power.
I'm going to play these :
-3 N/3 L/4 S Archmage, Alchemy, Nomads - build a strong economy, fuel mana from gold, rely on strong sorcery spells, heroes or buffing to win, with a chance of powerful nature creatures in the mix.
-5 Chaos, 5 Sorcery, Chaneller Nomads - use combat spells to destroy opposition with attrition, take advantage of horsebowmen for the otherwise slow and weak early game. Might be better with an additional Archmage retort but spells are critical so don't want to reduce books - in fact ideal would be 6S/5C for Magic Immunity+Flame Strike
-10 D, Specialist, Archmage, High Elf - use powerful death magic to win, as it's strong in all phases in the game. Any race should work but elves can provide an additional power income to support spellcasting, and good ranged attackes (Death doesn't have spells that allows melee units to attack flying enemies)

Game 1 (N+L+S Nomads):
Started on a fairly nice size continent. Unfortunately not alone - at the far edge there is a chaos+life wizard. Went for Sprites+Earth Lore as starting picks in Nature, Heavenly Light and Just Cause in life, Resist Magic,Phantom Warriors and Guardian Wind in Sorcery.
Sprites were able to get two neutral cities - the third one which was the largest got stolen by the AI even though I went for it as quickly as it's possible. I was able to clear a Nagas node a bit later, and I think I also got a place with some unicorns, so overall the sprite paid for themselves and maybe even helped a little. However I had turn 1 Giant Spiders on my research list - going for that could have probably given me an even stronger start. Eventually I attacked the wizard on my continent and was able to take over 3 of their cities. They still had their capital and a few other cities, but they offered me Astral Gate in exchange for peace, so the war ended there for some time. I was also at war with a Life+death wizard who was their ally, but they also offered peace - my military power was stronger then theirs thanks to the spiders, mass produced horsebowmen, and buying wolf riders every turn in the captured gnoll city (the one I failed to get with sprites). I used Astral Gate as it was still very early (~1404) and I thought there is a good chance to claim vast amounts of Myrran territory if I hurry there. Instead, I found the Myrran wizard, they were right next to my capital and...they were weak, it was still too early. Dwarves are hard to take out once they start building cannons, but this is Extreme so the AI builds lots of settlers - there were no cannons to worry about yet, maybe one or two total. The rest of the dwarven units are no match for horsebowmen, and golems bought in one of the captured cities took out the capital easily.
The last Arcanus wizard is also life+death and surprisingly they were on top of the historian all game, thanks to the nodes and cult leader retort they had. At one point their power production was like 10 times mine and it's still at least 4 times but I'm ahead in military. I was able to make an Alliance with this wizard, so I don't need to fight them until all others are dead which will leave me with controlling over 2/3 of the world map on both planes - enough to win no matter what the wizard might do. For the time being I eliminated the first arcanus wizard and am fighting the second, who also has some presence on Myrror. but their overall power is about a third of mine.
I feel luck was strongly on my side in this game - all three Arcanus wizards were peaceful so I was in full control of my wars, and I got a free Astral Gate spell which allowed me to find and eliminate the Myrran wizard very early. (I did have AG on my research list but I wouldn't have went after it this early. The rest of my spells are also great - I got AEther Binding, Dispelling Wave, Incarnation, Invulnerability. I didn't get Prayer, Healing or Heroism but was able to get all three from banished wizards - everyone had at least one Life book, even the Myrran all-Chaos wizard! Furthermore no one plays Sorcery, the main weakness of this strategy, or Nature which might be able to oppose my forces with massive summoned armies or Crack's Call heroes.)
I have to rate the difficulty of this game "about right" so far but I will play this wizard again because the map was way too in my favor.
(albeit the game is not over yet - if the strong Arcanus wizard pulls out some nasty trick, things might change, but that's unlikely, we are allies. Unless they find Final Wave in a lair, they shouldn't be able to do anything dangerous.)

My main concern is the timeline. By your own admission you don't expect games to end before 1420 - but I can't imagine this game will take you that long.

you could consider trying an additional mod to compare results with current exp6b - in which the computer AIs build more bowmen vs swordsmen early on, plus city walls earlier.  I haven't seen AI bowmen at all and AI city walls seem late.  Vs sprites + horsebowmen which is my take on easiest impossible strategy.  Unless fewer swordsmen v bowmen make AI early cities more vulnerable to something else etc.

Something else? Guardian Wind...Warp Wood.

Yeah, I'm way too fast, this game was far too lucky. It's like as if I had no Myrran enemy at all, they went down too early.

As expected, I'm now ahead and control the majority of the world. I'm planning to spend some time on nodes and lairs, and preparing an army before attacking purple. They seem to have only 8 cities on the entire map, their massive amount of power comes from the 5 nodes on their starting continent (rather, island) and another 4 elsewhere.
I see plenty of strong units everywhere on my continents - angels, cockatrices, storm giants, earth elementals (the latter 3 being undead for sure), the chosen one with 20 armor, etc so I should get some real forces before this war - horsebowmen won't work.

The yellow wizard already had Wave of Despair so most likely they will have it too, and probably plenty of other rares. (Angel and Incarnation for sure, I think I saw Invulnerability on their trade list as well)

Now that I finally have some time for noding, and all of Myrror to myself, I managed to gather some treasure, these are the more noteworthy ones :

-A Plate Mail with divine prot/wraith form/regeneration/invisibility, one of the best armors in the game except it has only 2 defense.
-3 Life books
-1 Sorcery book
-1 Chaos book
-Stone Giant spell (have better already)
-Wind Walking spell
-Inspirations spell
-several nice uncommon spells
-Tactician Retort

...and at this point the purple wizard used Final Wave. Maybe I should start the war now...except with half my garrisons gone I really shouldn't. Better spam some high resist units while my hero stack heads towards their capital.

btw I failed to get all the high end equipment needed for unstoppable heroes - but I don't need it. I used create artifact to make two pieces for the Chosen One and I have buffed the rest with spells instead - I have Spell Lock and the wizard doesn't have Dispelling Wave yet (they have 2 Sorcery books though). In the unlikely even of this plan failing, Arch Angel is on my research list.

...lucky! My Chaos book has Chaos Channels as the uncommon, and I have Survival Instinct as well as Soul Linker on the Chosen One, so I can massively buff my heroes by turning them fantastic.

Yeah you got way more books than I've seen since the treasure change, which hugely eats into the found treasure. Since the change I've never had a game where I ended with more than 14 picks.

Banished the purple wizard easily.
I had Prayer which has the same effect as Guardian - thanks to that and my Sorcery summons I was able to stop most counterattacking stacks. I still lost 3 cities, but only 3 which is fairly good considering the scale of attacks. Most of these coming while the AI was banished also helped. I wonder, it might be a good idea to prevent the AI from launching attacks while banished? Probably not, as a strong enough AI will be able to force the player to use up all their mana on defending, and when they return, start winning battles as the player is out of resources.
The AI had Wave of Despair, Supreme Light and Demon Lord, if they had more territory, this could have been a difficult or even losing game - a less experienced player could have traded away Astral Gate, allowing this AI to claim half of Myrror. Fortunately they had no spells to stop a hero stack - again, a less experienced player might have traded their dispelling wave away, which in this scenario can turn the game around completely.
Cleaning the map from remaining enemy cities took some time but wasn't hard.

I probably won't have time to start the next game today.

Starting the next game.

No early spiders on my research list this time, but I see heroism. No bears, no floating island, no water walking, no healing, but focus magic is there. Nagas too, don't think I want to rely on those though.
First earth lore reveals : Node with many cockatrices, node with many sprites and few earth elemental, lair with cockatrices and many war bears, pop 1 High Men city. I guess I have use for sprites this game.

Then I realize cockatrices won't work - I don't have web. Have to keep revealing the map then...
...maybe with Focus Magic Sprites...but I can't afford that until I have a node...

Second earth lore reveals a nearby large island with mithril - I should go there but have spells for that - I will need a ship. I regret picking sprites already. My continent seems to be long but thin - there is a nearby 20 pop spot with river and wild game for my first city but the rest are unimpressive. There are Chaos nodes/lairs with Chaos Spawn - I already know from experience Sprites can't kill those unless it's like 6 against one - they have too much armor.

Guess I need more Earth Lores...

My 1 sprite effortlessly takes out the single spearmen in the neutral city - but I still regret summoning it - a phantom warrior could have dealt with this for much less mana.

Third Earth Lore reveals nothing - that's it, only ocean in that direction. I need to put Heavenly Light on the cities, so no Earth Lore for a few turns. There is nothing my Sprites can attack - not even a single skeleton. All the possible targets would require 9 of them. Nothing better to do, I take 2 steps towards the ocean in the opposite direction - and it uncovers another continent. The sprites find a node with many Phantom Beasts - but I can't enter until I cast Earth Lore on it to see if there are Air Elementals. This continent also has rivers - I'm going to need settlers here as well but I'll be overextending and vulnerable if I try that plus a ship. Next time I'll drop Guardian Wind and  get Floating Island.
Nevermind that, Tenshi is on this continent. Life+Chaos Warlord as usual, with 1 extra Nature book, Chaotic and Militarist, happiness... she offers heroism for sprites but I can research it so no thanks.

Unsurprisingly, there are Air elementals with the Phantom Beasts. However the Nature node nearby has many Earth Elementals with War Bears. That one is doable. The only problem - this is enemy territory and they might kill-steal the node. I need more sprites for this. There is another such node close to the first.

While I wait for more Sprites to deal with an Earth Elemental, I go after the "many fire elementals" at the same place. There are 7 elementals inside and there is a nature node aura so my single sprite can kill them effectively. I'm not happy with doing this only 4 tiles away from an enemy capital - units might come any time to steal my targets. 2 Swordmen and 2 Hell Hounds appear to be interested in the lair but I'm able to get it in time - without the node aura I would have been too slow. I earn 240 mana and 150 gold.

A lizardmen outpost shows up on the mithril - I no longer need to go there. I cancel building the trireme for now and get a barracks for horsebowmen.
The outpost belongs to Flandre - 9 Death, 1 Life, Specialist, Spellweaver, Peaceful Perfectionst.
I'm deducing that means there is another all-death wizard in the game because this is not the portrait all death wizards take as their first pick. So we are against at least two all-death wizards plus the chaos/life warlord. Not the easy game like last time. Those nodes better give me something good otherwise we are in trouble. Heck, we are in trouble anyway.

There is no way I can fight a death lizardmen wizard in the early game and they are peaceful so I have no need to. Having two nodes on the territory of a chaotic militarist however sounds like a bad plan so I guess I have my first target wizard...but nodes first!

There are two pop 9 spots on my continent. Not the best but I guess I should make 2 settlers because that's as much territory as I can get this game without a fight. I would prefer making horsebowmen but I doubt I can win even the first war if I don't have more cities. be continued

A stack of lizardmen swordmen are blocking the way to the northern part of my continent, so I can't send a settler there without a ship - I guess I have to build one first. If I do that, I might as well go for the pop 13 spot on the mithril continent instead - it even has coal. The mithril spot is taken though frown
I used the found gold to buy one settler to send to the closer pop 9 spot. My sprit count is rising nicely, I have 4 of them now but it takes forever for them to reach the nodes. I already summoned the spirits and sent them so I won't have to wait for that.

When down to 1 Earth Elemental, a stack of 5 Hell Hounds takes the node. No treasure and no node for me and I helped my enemy AGAIN. Sprites suck. A few more of these and we are going to be back at the "how to buff sprites to make them playable" thread. A high risk luck based strategy with a balanced reward is just not viable - you either lose, or if you win, not get enough to be worth taking the risk. Also, nodes in enemy territory are just bad targets. When I said a distance of 10+ is not good, I meant this problem. At such a distance the enemy is far too likely to take away the node, either before or after you cleared with with sprites.
I'm going to attempt the other earth elemental node but if both fail, I might as well concede this game as I invested all my picks and mana into this strategy.

Fortunately the other node doesn't get stolen - I find 950 gold, 400 mana, a Confusion spell and a hero - the Amazon. I suppose that pays for my sprites, but not for the opportunity cost of losing my chance to stop this wizard into the ground with bears. Fortunately this was a node, not a lair, so the mana income will help me...except for the part the enemy got the same benefit from the other node. I use the money to get a Sawmill everywhere and will use the rest on Horsebowmen - I need to attack the wizard and get "my" node back ASAP. The power boost they get from it is massive, this is a High power extreme map.

Unexpected development - the third wizard shows up and is at war with Tenshi. 10 Nature,1  Death, Specialist, Tactician, Ruthless Perfectionist.  This might be a good opportunity to start my war - except I don't have any troops ready yet. Can't expect to do it with just 5 sprites. Or maybe....if I attacked the stolen node, I could steal it back? The node bonus should help the sprites beat the hounds albeit I'm not sure if it's enough to get 5 of them...the problem is it leaves by other node undefended. I better wait for some horsebowmen first.

After shipping the settler to the aforementioned pop 9 spot and buying 6 horsebowmen, I load them into the ship and head towards Tenshi's continent. This should be enough to beat 5 Hell Hounds. Meanwhile I call the sprites back - 6 of them should now be enough to attack the "cockatrices+many war bears" lair. I wish I had web for additional safety though. I've also finished casting Just Cause and started producing research and skill.

The nodes have massive effects on the graph. "High" power is not a joke! If I can steal back the first node, I'll have a chance of winning.

We know the second Death wizard is not on Arcanus, so they are on Myrror. This is bad news - they won't be vulnerable to early attacks even if I somehow get early astral gates again, they'll have a very fast speed of expansion on the Myrran plane, and they'll have a fairly powerful late game as well - fortunately heroes are able to deal with that as long as I can keep them protected from Wave of Despair, and strong enough to not get killed by random other spells.

More bad news - my military bar is equal to Tenshi (whom I'm planning to attack) and Vanilla (whom I do not). I hope I can accelerate enough horsebowmen to get past this before the green wizard declares war for it but that's unlikely, horsebowmen aren't THAT strong. I'm very surprised to see they are that low on the graphs, the war must have costed both of them a lot of troops.

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