I'm yet to see a game where Willem makes a single smart play. Maybe today is the day.......
Civ4 AI Survivor: Season Four
I just submitted another pick because I can't remember if I did one last week, so if there are two then the Gandhi/WanKong is the one that should be used :D
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." “I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
My picks for game one were really bad, but I somehow managed to do even worse for game two. I don't like the trend I am seeing.
![]() Sullla, your web page says game three will be on March 4th. I assume that is intended to be May 4th? Also, thanks for streaming the continuing adventures of Shanty Pete. ![]()
Wang Kon 1st, Gandhi 2nd. Domination. 333 turns. Heart in the right place but not close enough on technicalities.
![]() Expected that if "good" guys are to win, WK also needed to do well. And if WK does good enough to survive his evil neighbours, I expected him to eat them all for domination. On retrospect, WK wouldn't have had enough to get enough for domination even if he killed everyone except Vicky and Gandhi (it could have been possible that game, but that was more due to Victoria claiming FAR less land). Also I way underestimated how Gandhi could build culture. I could have noticed either of these logical points! Don't know whether to be pleased or not by the fact that my poor performance this round was due to avoidable mistake than typical AI RNG. Also TrollKon can turn out to be quite a fierce force! ... if he wasn't being TrollKon.
Game Two is a wrap! Thanks to so many people for turning out yesterday; we topped 150 prediction contest entries again and peaked at 125 viewers on the stream concurrently at one point. Here's a batch of links for the next game:
Main Season Four Webpage Sullla Twitch Page Sullla Discord Channel AI Reference Guide from CivFanatics Game Two Livestream Next Game: Opening Round Game Three Schedule: Scheduled for Saturday, 04 May 2019 at Noon EST Game Three Map Setup Video Preview Game Three Written Preview Game Three Picking Contest Entry Form Congratulations to MathBandit as the winner of Game Two's picking contest with 19 points. ![]() Note that next week's game will take place on Saturday as opposed to Friday. Hope to see you there!
Random.org popped in just to say I'm No2!
Missed the game yesterday. I was wrecked coming home from work and went to bed for a few hours. PS the game devs really messed up making Frederick of Prussia a peacenik. In real life he was an agressive warmonger, more of a Shaka like figure really.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Hey, at least Willem is moving on! Not that I made any official predictions.
I've seen a lot of complaining about the expansion features around here, like the AP, corporations and the Protective trait. Yet no one seems to be playing just the base game. Why's that?
For having such strong traits, Willem has mostly been a dud in AI Survivor so far. The most interesting aspect of AI Survivor for me has been seeing how much more important the 'under the hood' AI stuff like aggression rating, unit building tendency, and strategic emphasis (cultural, military, growth, etc.) turn out to be in comparison to the obvious stuff like traits and unique items.
On the expansion stuff, Warlords and BtS did a lot of good and useful things so most people play with them rather than base Civ IV. But the broken stuff that was added in the expansions is REALLY broken, like the AP and corporations. And some of it the AI does not know how to use very well (corporations), or uses WAY too much (espionage and spies poisoning water, etc.). Thus the existence of mods like RtR, as people try to get the good stuff while mitigating the broken stuff. That's my two cents, anyway. I still enjoy Civ IV more than 5 or 6, even with the flaws.
Wow, what a wacky Game 2.
I'm starting to wonder if this whole seeding system isn't actually harming the favorites, by isolating the most successful warmongers and putting them with a bunch of lesser civs that can team up against them. Too early to tell as yet, since Cathy and Cyrus mostly lost thanks to Izzy's perfect game and Pacal was the victim of his own poor play. (Not the first time he played a lousy early game, but this time Wang called him out on it.) On the AP in these games: Everybody likes to complain about how it messes with everything, but for my money, I greatly enjoy having it around and really really do not want to see it get taken out. I don't want easy predictable games where everything goes according to some deterministic path, I want wackiness and for crazy things to happen, and the AP provides that. The times when some poor sap gets the entire world sicced on him by the AP are some of my favorite moments in this game. Basically, please keep the AP. (April 27th, 2019, 08:38)RFS-81 Wrote: Hey, at least Willem is moving on! Not that I made any official predictions. I actually recently started up a Warlords game; the AI is better (it uses a superior version of the AI Blake developed), and the overall experience is more balanced than BtS. That said, it's probably an inferior game for MP, and I suspect most of the community burned out on vanilla SP games years ago. There's absolutely nothing new left to experience with it. |