As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] pindicator prowls pacahuatl's path of pantheons

It doesn't give any additional boost to campuses or holy sites, sadly. But I'm going to have some easy +7 Commercial Hubs and Industrial Zones from this
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Dodo Tier Player

So I've got a bit of a confession to make: I'm just playing through the turns here. I still don't have a strategy or goal I'm really aiming towards, and I'm picking the next idea I'd where to go solely on the basis of what looks good when the previous task gets finished.

In the past when I've been aimless that's been a clear sign of two things: I have zero chance at winning, and I'm completely checked out of the game to the point where playing the turns feel like a chore.

This time I'm still pretty sure that the first point still holds: Woden and suboptimal have both been making gains on me and passed me in science and culture output while I've ven focusing on gold, and although I'm starting to push for universities and a few more campuses I think I let that slip a bit too much.

However, I'm just having fun playing this game and going through the turns. I'm just sim civ-ing through my little corner of the world and enjoying it for that. Things like juggling Magnus between cities for chops or lining up eurekas and inspirations are keeping me engaged. It's no way to win a game, not without some overarching strategic aim, but I'm having fun with it.
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Dodo Tier Player

Just keep updating crazyeye . This has been a pleasantly well reported game (doubly valuable to those of us who haven't even played the previous expansion, let alone GS).
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Turn 118

Well, let's see how the empire is doing then? We are a few turns beyond the traditional 1AD update, and wow it really shows how the tech rate in Civ 6 really flies by compared to game time as opposed to Civ 4. In 4 around 1AD you're usually looking at somewhere in the Classical era, between Currency and Civil Service for this MP games. Here I've gotten gunpowder and am a bit of niter away from getting my first gunpowder units out in the field.

We got a pair of boosts this turn: Guilds from my 2nd market finishing at the beginning of the turn, and then when I hooked up the Niter source then Rifling got boosted as well. Guilds is going to be important on the eventual push towards unlocking Merchant Republic government, and Rifling is quite a ways down the line.

My civic plan right now is to get a 6-slot government unlocked ASAP, which here meant going Monarchy even though I haven't stressed religion. Next I plan on going to Merchant Republic along the top half of the tree and getting a better government unlocked. For tech I'm just pushing ahead for better units: As soon as I can get Bombards and Gunpowder then it may even be time to try for an attack. But all of that depends on Niter, which I am only now starting to store.

My settler ended turn on the tile I was initially planning on settling, but now I am reconsidering. As I just said, Niter is an important resource, so maybe it makes more sense for me to push northward and grab the second source. Eventually I am going to want 2 cities here: the spot I have marked on the west coast will need some serious tile purchasing in order to be good, but it is the best overall spot on the west coast. Plus it opens a west coast port, which would be my first. Or maybe i save the gold and "waste" a city by settling right on the Niter. I'm considering just spending the gold actually...

Score is okay. We're even in civics, ahead in technology, behind Woden in cities and empire. Not shown, but we are behind suboptimal who has gone up to 380+ power. With my latest upgrades I'm at 315, and Woden in the 200s.
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Dodo Tier Player

Turn 120


With the trader heading to Brussels (+12gpt), I'm now up over 50gpt income
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Dodo Tier Player

Turn 123

Explaining this one a bit: I moved Magnus here because there was some chopping to be done: namely a forest and the jungle that is sitting where I want a +7 Commercial District to go. The Magnus boosted chops go in and the Industrial Zone is almost finished - yet I'm at size 6 and there isn't enough food unless i want to move all my trade routes over. Instead we chopped the banana to get enough food to grow to 7 and placed down the Commercial Hub.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 124

Trade routes!

This is trade route #4, boosting Medieval Faires and getting us closer to our goal of Merchant Republic. I have 2 routes heading to Brussels netting me near 15gpt apiece, and I also have one from Yugul and now Araakali, to help build roads within the country and grow newer cities. This turn though we picked up Monarchy and became the first civ to hit a 6-policy government. Considering we are starting to fall behind in culture, that is at least a little enoucraging that we are keeping up with the culture. Long term? I don't know if we'll keep up without some other kind of investment.

With the new policies I'm getting near 60gpt, but Woden is tops at 65. Suboptimal is only pulling in 22gpt, so I think there is an opportunity to build up and try to attack him. Which means I used all those military slots to pick up some military policies and we'll be building units. I'm pulling in 4 niter per turn right now, but maybe it's better to use cuirassiers and keep the niter for field cannons and bombards?
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Dodo Tier Player

Turn 127

A mystery, if you will:

Which are the 4 tiles fertilized?

Also, I made sure I would not come 1 point short of the next golden age

So let's hurry up and start that next age, eh?

Also, I'm building units. But if you look at my tech you'll get a good idea what the plan is
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Dodo Tier Player

"X tiles fertilized" is inaccurate, it actually means "A combined total of X additional yields were added to tiles." In your case, that's presumably +1 food on the north east tundra, +1 whatever under the aqueduct, +1 food and +1 science on the tile your warrior is occupying.

Ah, I actually thought I had the aqueduct tile hit twice- I feel silly for planting it early but really that volcano hasn't wiped all game.

I've actually been disappointed with how few disasters there have been, but maybe we can build some factories and change that later on lol
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Dodo Tier Player

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