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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

Turn 119 and Turn 120

Quiet turns for me, for the first time in a long time I feel like I don't have much to report on. Y'all know the basics: England's economy is laughably backwards in everything except culture and gold generation (I have about 30 culture in my pocket that I can unleash at the next policy swap). Production and science are low. It's the production that really kills ya, of course, since you need production to fix all your other problems! 

Diplomatic news first. Sullla continues his countdown messages. Woden, I think that Sullla intends war with the other team at around turn 135. He probably sees Russia's low military score and similarly backwards research compared to mine, and sees also that he's mostly out of room to peacefully expand (and settlers are very prohibitive in cost now anyway). I think anything we can do to encourage this war, the better. China and Rome will not have to deal with DotF, and will have faith-drafted Chinese units, but tech-wise the two empires seem to be about in parity, and production-wise they'll be attacking into the teeth of Hansa country. This won't be the same walkover that Kongo was - it'll probably be an even tougher fight than we faced with Khmer. A stalemated war between the other two that we can intervene in at a judicious time seems perfect, from our perspective. And if one-side or the other steamrolls? Well, that's a chance we have to take.  rolleye

In other diplomatic news, I offered the same silk-for-wine deal to the Archduke. Maybe he'll be more cooperative than his partner. It's a long shot, but hey, I got that silk lying around and nothing better to do with it. I also connect a second source of tea and ship it to Woden, free of charge. 

So, let's talk domestic policy. How am I digging myself out of the hole that I'm in?

Here's the main core. Let's talk long-term strategy, and then dive into each city in turn. 

Like I said above, my main issue is poor research rates and low production, particularly in my expansion cities. I'm not sure how long the lurkers have been making fun of me for this, but it turns out that City Patron Goddess is completely useless the way I've been using it. A moment's thought would have revealed this, but in my defense I had no idea what I was doing when I started this game out back in November. Why is it useless? Well, you get a 25% discount on your first district. Great, I thought. Get your new cities up and running quickly. All well and good, except...well, how have I been building early districts in my cities? Answer: By chopping them out with Maritime Industries, of course. Follow-up question: Does CPG boost the production from chops? Answer: Of course not. 

So I've been building districts in a way that specifically neutralizes my pantheon. I would have been much better served taking Oral Tradition for more culture. 

Does this mean I should be less chop happy? Well, maybe. Another reason that some cities are low-production is that builder charges that would have gone to improving them instead went to grabbing their districts quickly. A slower, more stately approach would see me build the first district slowly, use the builder the normal way, and then maritime industries the SECOND district. That, then, is my plan to fix my empire's production: Grow my pop, as I've been trying to do, and get builders out to slap down mines and lumber mills where I can. Leyte in particular is a shabby city, Aboukir could be great with a little TLC. Salamis, Navarino, and Trafalgar are okay.

The other way to improve unit production in particular is expansion. I have 2 more cities planned on the western seaboard, facing Rome, to leverage the VA. I want to get RNDs down, and then kick out quadriremes. Upgrade them to frigates just before going to war, then use them as aggressively as I can - a long war favors the other team, I want to catch the Romans off-balance if I can. 

Gold-wise, I'd be in great shape if I only had me to worry about. But the idea was for Woden to generate research for our team and me to generate gold, and my income is far below enough to support two civs. Here, I think, there's not much I could have done earlier. Japper/Cornflakes and Emperor/Archduke both had about the same income, or dramatically poorer - and Molotov-Ribbentrop hasn't been paying for an army. The only team doing better than us in terms of gold is Sullla/Singaboy, bolstered by Lisbon and Singaboy's monk economy. We're respectable here, but respectable isn't good enough - you only have as many modern units as you have gold. A big research rate isn't enough. 

Culturally, I have 16 cpt to pick up from swapping back into trade confederation, and another 10 cpt on top of that from meritocracy. That's the one research area I'm competitive in, my number is just depressed at the moment since there's no urgent culture push and I need the gold/builders/settlers more. Theocracy will be a better government for me. 

Science rates are the big issue. I can bump myself up to 65 with trade confederation, but the rest? Ehhhhh. I have 2 good campus spots. Woden, I would feel a lot more comfortable getting at least one of those campuses up and running, up to universities. One is at Leyte - I can chop it out with a quadrireme. Trafalgar already has a library, a university would help out a lot here. Just those two steps would add enough science to bring me back up to Woden's level. Still far behind Sullla, but it should be enough to hang in there. Commercial Hubs are down at various other non-campus cities: Getting those up and running means more gold, cpt, and spt. Those are a simultaneous priority. 

The western core.

Trafalgar: Trafalgar right now is a quick builder pump for new cities. The only other urgent build it has is a University. That's my goal after this round of builders is done. City has lots of housing to spare (up to size 10), lots of food and mines - it's in good shape. It's even lending improved tiles to Aboukir to work. Build order here is builder -> University -> ?? Haven't planned that far ahead. Trafalgar has room for another district. An RND is out, becuase it would give me useless great admirals. Could be an encampment for more production, an IZ for the central 3 cities, a theater square or holy site because reasons? or an entertainment district. 

Salamis: Salamis is in good shape. Two finished districts, housing is good, food is okay, production is good. It's kicking out a settler now for the Syracuse site I identified 70 turns ago. After the settler finishes, a Lighthouse might be called for, or builders until it hits the housing cap instead. Syracuse will want a builder, probably. 

Navarino: Also developed. Tons of mines, thanks to the swarm of VA builders. It is flat out of choppable resources, of course, so it needs to slowbuild that CH. That's the target after I finish the builder, then a trader to go with it. Later a workshop -> factory might not go amiss. It would boost the 4 southern cities. Housing is also an issue.

Aboukir: Currently underdeveloped, but growing quickly. Settler time is accurate - I'll get production higher by swapping some tiles after growth, but the cost will go up by 30 cogs, too. There's a builder passing through to throw down two mines on its way to Leyte. Might also harvest that second marsh. I need one more builder here to harvest the rice, at least. Has good spots for a CH, but little in the way of a chop to getting it going - just some jungle borrowed from Trafalgar, which is worth only 1/3 of a district even with Maritime Industries. Hmmm. If I throw down some gold, it could also build a campus instead? I'd like both, but need 2 more pop for that. 

The west:

Actium is okay, apart from housing. After the lighthouse completes, I'll be able to quickly build the Great Lighthouse with a single deer chop. It has a commercial hub placed, grabbed with a stone harvest thorugh maritime industries after that (4 more quads for the west!). Then I need to grow up to size 7 - cow chop - and build a campus next to the mountain to improve science generation. 

Leyte struggles with extremely poor production. There's a builder en route to mine the hill, but I'd also like that 1/3 tile and that rice (another mine, another chop, and another growth chop). A campus is placed, to be built via stone harvest through Maritime Industries. That's after the builder in queue finishes. At size 7 - pipe dream - an IZ might do well to boost the 3 eastern cities. 

Jutland is off to a great start, apart from housing - already at the cap. Damn my lack of fresh water! I need to place an aqueduct here, and finish the RND. A monument and granary are still needed - jealous of Woden's Valetta here - and a builder to harvest the wheat. Only needs that one charge that I can see, don't need a plantation when builder labor is so precious. A mine on that hill to the northwest would be nice down the road. At size 4, a CH can go on the tea, and at size 7, a campus could go southeast of town. 

Let's say I somehow finish all that. I have 4 potential mountain campus spots, taking my campuses to 5. Each one of those is boosted by Geneva, for 30 science from Geneva alone, plus 10 more from adjacencies. Then the libraries and universities, if I could squeeze 'em in, add another 30 - so we'd double our current science to 120 from all that. Need a LOT of time to do that. I'd have CHs in 4 more cities, taking total trade routes to 17 when my new RNDs are included, which is good for an additional 18 culture and 27 science on top of what I'm already making. 

So, I need a LOT of builders to make all that happen. Maybe Trafalgar should focus on the builder pump instead of the university? Makes sense. Ships can be chopped into districts, so stay away from Exploration still. Theocracy will have to do. Swap science away from Square Rigging short of the boost, so I can build quads as long as I want, and focus on other techs. Finish the growth builds in cities - mostly already done, in fact - and then swap to district or builder mode.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

I forgot, I probably can't count on Geneva, since we're capturing it as soon as I lose suzerainity. Until then, though, Woden, let's let me enjoy the 15% bonus, eh? lol
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(April 11th, 2018, 06:46)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I'm not sure how long the lurkers have been making fun of me for this, but it turns out that City Patron Goddess is completely useless the way I've been using it.

Been reading my theorising in PBEM10? wink

(April 11th, 2018, 06:49)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I forgot, I probably can't count on Geneva, since we're capturing it as soon as I lose suzerainity. Until then, though, Woden, let's let me enjoy the 15% bonus, eh? lol

We should not wait too long to take out Geneva. You are getting something like 15Icon_Science plus whatever from your trade routes from them and I am getting 10Icon_Science plus +2 from a trade route and will get another +2Icon_Science in a couple of turns.

I have to go and check but if Sullla has 7 campus districts, he is making 30Icon_Science from them. TheArchduke is probably making 15-20Icon_Science. Although you are getting a larger percentage of your science form Geneva than Sullla, he is probably getting more absolute science than you and leads the pack by a fair amount.

The longer they are around the bigger lead Rome will get. If we take them out sooner, we should be able to keep up with the 2 leaders as there rates fall. I am working on building more campuses and will faith buy libraries and universities. If you want a few campuses built sooner, rather than later, go for it as long as you remain focused on growing your cities and economy.  You will also be able to get some other benefits from Geneva because it is another city with a campus plus library and harbor, so you also get gold and culture. Your trade routes may suffer since you loose the additional science you get from the city state but you will have to figure something else out (maybe a few more campuses). Also, you may want to buy libraries/universities if you can get more income and save production for other things.  

I would say we need to take out Geneva within the next 10 turns, so to limit the lead in techs Rome gets. Hopefully they can finish their University in that time.

(April 11th, 2018, 07:00)rho21 Wrote:
(April 11th, 2018, 06:46)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I'm not sure how long the lurkers have been making fun of me for this, but it turns out that City Patron Goddess is completely useless the way I've been using it.

Been reading my theorising in PBEM10? wink



I felt dumb after I read that, because of course it applied to me 100%. 

(April 11th, 2018, 10:26)Woden Wrote:
(April 11th, 2018, 06:49)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I forgot, I probably can't count on Geneva, since we're capturing it as soon as I lose suzerainity. Until then, though, Woden, let's let me enjoy the 15% bonus, eh? lol

We should not wait too long to take out Geneva. You are getting something like 15Icon_Science plus whatever from your trade routes from them and I am getting 10Icon_Science plus +2 from a trade route and will get another +2Icon_Science in a couple of turns.

I have to go and check but if Sullla has 7 campus districts, he is making 30Icon_Science from them. TheArchduke is probably making 15-20Icon_Science. Although you are getting a larger percentage of your science form Geneva than Sullla, he is probably getting more absolute science than you and leads the pack by a fair amount.

The longer they are around the bigger lead Rome will get. If we take them out sooner, we should be able to keep up with the 2 leaders as there rates fall. I am working on building more campuses and will faith buy libraries and universities. If you want a few campuses built sooner, rather than later, go for it as long as you remain focused on growing your cities and economy.  You will also be able to get some other benefits from Geneva because it is another city with a campus plus library and harbor, so you also get gold and culture. Your trade routes may suffer since you loose the additional science you get from the city state but you will have to figure something else out (maybe a few more campuses). Also, you may want to buy libraries/universities if you can get more income and save production for other things.  

I would say we need to take out Geneva within the next 10 turns, so to limit the lead in techs Rome gets. Hopefully they can finish their University in that time.

I'm still prioritizing city growth and economic growth first, don't worry, that's definitely the priority. Campuses are next on the agenda, though - my benchmark is to try to hang close to Singaboy, and he's about 15 ahead of me even after Trade Confederation is back. Finishing 2 campuses would make up a lot of that ground, I'm shooting for 3. 

I'm not convinced on Geneva, though - he has more absolute science from it, sure, but I can make that up by building my own, and you can profit from it, too. The 15% boost is nice as well - capturing the city would cost 4 science in every campus, plus the 15% boost, plus another 8 from English trade with the city. But...I guess it would hurt Rome more. 

I need to look in more detail at the building plan I briefly sketched out and try to put together a detailed micro plan for the whole thing. It's way more ambitious than anything I've tried before - I've done one or two cities at a time to land key wonders. I've never attempted an empire-wide civil engineering project like this. But if it works as well as my wildest dreams, our team will be right back in the mix, and with the VA in our pocket, too. I'll try and go city-by-city, count what needs to be built, what needs to be chopped, and how many worker charges I'll need, then I can work out what to build where.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turn 120

Quiet turn, now that the war is over. I open to a few notifications...

Most importantly, Singaboy rejects my offer.I go and look at his diplo screen and it seems the sugar was already spoken for as it is no longer available. The other notification of note is another quest completed for Bandar Brunei for my second envoy into the city state. The quest was to complete a commercial hub, which finished in Osiris. 

Note the barbs in the above screenshot. The sword did kill itself against my sword. I take out the sword by Nu-Kandy with the city defenses, move my redlined sword back and move my musket and sword towards the crossbow and scout, respectively. Here is how it looks afterwards...

All war wariness and occupation are gone and everybody is happy again...

Yields have all increased due to the happiness. Science went from 79.9 to 88.2, culture form 43.3 to 58.9, and gold from 30.7 to 46.6. Here is my core... 

Most cities are on settlers or builders. I did convert 2 people at Isis this turn and rearranged the tiles at Taueret to delay the walls and maximize overflow. Every city will be on important development projects for the near term and I think I will go over my plans next turn. 

Over in the west...

I start moving my army towards Geneva and probably can attack in a few turns if we desire. I will wait to get CMF's feedback on exactly when. It sounds like he wants to delay it a little and I am pressing to do it sooner rather than later. There is a builder down there that could be useful but I don't want to destroy his research rate by doing it too early. 

Anyways, uneventful turn. I will make sure to take some screenshots and discuss my development plans after I play my next turn.

Nubia-Turn 121

Start turn with...

Don't need a policy change, so everything stays as I have it. The only reason I research this is for the envoy. I put into Lisbon, which brings my income to 62.5Icon_Gold Not bad for having negative gold like 15 turns ago. If I build/upgrade a bombard and put my next 2 natural envoys into Muscat, I can add another +12Icon_Gold I can also build a few more commercial hubs to improve it more. I should be cracking a 100 in less than 20 turns.  

In the north...

Barb scout is in range of Nu-Kandy. I hit it with the city and one-shot kill it. I move the musket closer to the crossbow. I get a notification that England has sent me a deal...

Tea, that will work. I almost rejected it as I will have tea hooked up in less than 10 turns but figured I could benefit from it now, instead of waiting. Not like anybody else wants to trade. 

Down at Taueret, the walls are at 78/80Icon_Production and ready to chop... 

93Icon_Production base yield with the added +150% should be enough to finish the campus and most of an encampment. I chop the forest, put in the campus, then place the encampment, then switch back to the campus. Why would I do all that? I have found sometimes if you put something in production, then switch it out, the production overflow will stay with whatever your first build was and not go to whatever you switch too, even though you put the turn of production into it. It wouldn't really matter much as I am building the encampment right after but I what the campus first. 

Another stupid bug that I have seen before that is relevant to this turn is missionaries not converting any population until the following turn.I used my 2nd charge at Isis this turn and got not conversions, even though there are 2 population not following any religion. I should have at least got 1 but I have found this too is a bug and should get a conversion when I open the save next turn. If not, I will be pissed, as I want the 3rd charge to go to my new canal city for my 6th city and the boost to Reformed Church.   

Finally, with the chop I get enough faith for a watermill...

Add 80Icon_Production to my Valletta total. This will be the last faith buy until Theocracy for the discount. That was about it for the turn. Next, I will talk about how I am going to use my peace time to develop my cities and hopefully cruise past the leaders as they fight it out.  

Strategy Update

I put these screenshots outside of spoiler tags since you really need to look at them while you read. My game plan for the next 20 turns is to get much need build labor, chop anything I can, and pray for my improvements. I have a lot of wood, food, and resources to chop and a huge list of needs that I can faith buy. Starting in the north...

Osiris is a pretty nice town with lots of food and can grow pretty fast. It needs some builder labor to mine a few hills and harvest the cows. I am going to keep the wheat, since I have a watermill and can get a nice farm triangle out of them. The tile picker is going to pick up the 2nd wheat soon, then I hop it goes after the remaining hills in the 2nd ring. After the builder, I plan on finishing the discounted theater square, then start on the market, amphitheater, and a bank. I do need to get a trade route going to the capital to get a road done which will be the next trader. 

Moving east to Amon and Nu-Kandy, plus a new city...

The settler finished at Amon this turn and is headed to the spot by the lake. Amon is currently building a Builder that will go and improve that city. After the Builder, Amon will finish its discounted Industrial Zone, then another Builder, then a Workshop. After the Industrial Zone is complete, I plan on removing the pyramid, for a mine and the boost to Rifling. AMon has a lot of food to harvest but is locked in the 3rd ring. I will harvest the improved sheep and wheat and put a farm triangle down where the wheat are/were located to help feed the city and will probably keep the marsh rice up there too if I need the food. I should be able to harvest the other marsh rice, along with the marshes to get this city fairly large. 

At Nu-Kandy, I will put down a harbor as soon as I can, but other than that the city will be pumping Builders for a long time. The current builder will go north to crab city to improve around there. Not much else is going here for the time being, as it doesn't need a bunch of improving. 

The new city by the lake will start walls immediately and will be chopped into a campus on the double mountain marsh. I will improve the fish for the extra gold but will probably harvest the cows for faster grow. Not sure what other districts this city will get beyond a campus, probably a theater square to improve culture and maybe an industrial zone.

Up at crab city, the settler hit the water down by Thoth this turn and will take about 7 or 8 turns to settle. The builder out of Nu-Kandy should be able to meet the city as soon as it is founded and start improving it. The goal of this city is to improve the crabs to jack my income higher. I will immediately start a discounted harbor here and slow build it. I don't want to chop the lone forest as I can lumbermill it for added production. This city won't have that high of production as I will work the crab when I can but the income is key here and a surge of upgrade gold down the line, probably for tanks. 

Over at Horus...

This city needs lots of Builder love. Lots of mines to improve. Once this city gets going, it will be my production powerhouse. I have a builder in route now and will start improving the grassland hill and silk in a couple of turns. This city is also food poor and probably needs another trade route to speed its growth up. I can also buy some of the grassland tiles to the southeast if need be. It already has a campus and commercial hub and will get an industrial zone as soon as it hits size 7. I don't plan on chopping the jungle here until I can get some more food into the city, as it is one of few 2Icon_Food tiles. Next turn I will switch to a trader as I wait for the policy switch at Reformed Church but I plan on moving the builder north to improve around Amon. The current Builder has 4 charges left, plenty for 3 mines and a plantation. I might need to buy the grassland hill down by CMF'  borders to help this guy grow but will have to look at it over the next few turns.   

In the south east... 

We start with Isis. This town needs lots of Builder love. I need to get the farm triangle in the north going to get it to grown and I plan on harvesting both sheep. It has enough grassland hills that the farm triangle should be enough to support a higher population and I can mine the plains hills the sheep are currently on. The next district will be an entertainment complex to get the radiant effect for a zoo and stadium to my core, plus I need a few to get the 3 and 4 districts at a discount. Isis will be a nice little production monster once it gets improved. 

At Taueret, I chopped the walls into a campus this turn and will overflow into an encampment that should take 3 turns to finish. As soon as I captured the Khmer capital, I bought a missionary that is headed over here. With my empty campus, theater square, and encampment there is plenty to faith buy with Jesuit Education and Valletta bonus. Not much Builder labor need here other than a few mines. 

Down at Thoth, I have a farming triangle to get going to the east once I found my canal city in a couple of turns. This city will finish its currnet Builder and start another before going to units. Its next district will be a harbor to be able to build some ships. I plan on have a few Frigates in the lakes to help protection against Cossacks from Russia. The big problem in PBEM2 when facing Cossacks was not being able to see them. On solution is to have Frigates in the water that cannot be attack by them and can defog where they are coming from. After the harbor, I will go for an Industrial Zone. 

The settler for the canal city is sitting in Thoth and will settle the city in a couple of turns. I will place a harbor and buy the forest west of the whales to chop into walls to build it. This city will be a little shitty border town but the whole point of it is to allow passage of ships into the lakes for protection from Russia.

Over in the far west (former Khmer's lands)...   

Settler and Builders are currently in production. I plan on sending the tundra city to CMF as soon as I get a granary in it, which is about the time the Builder will finish. All the cities over here need lots of Builder love but there is also lots of chopping to do. I will continue to build builders until I can get most of the chopping done. After the settler at Uppy (Khmer capital), I will go builder and then chop out the next settler. I already placed a campus at the northern city (I really have to rename these cities) and will place one at Uppy when I can. The first new city will go by the mountain and I will chop out a campus and aqueduct right away. Then I will spread Khmer's religion around and buy libraries and Universities to fill them. There has to be 1000s of fiath stored in that wood that will greatly help improve my cities. I am not even really caring about optimizing the chops, as I can improve more with the faith than having to wait around for should thing to finish but I do get 20% towards districts, so it is not straight chops. 

The key will be to unlock the faith and improve these cities fast. And I will need the faith. So far, I figure I need faith to buy 3 or 4 Barracks, 3 Armories, 5 Military Academys, 5 Monuments, 7 granaries, 3 libraries, 3 universities, 1 shrine, 1 watermill, and a partridge in a pear tree. In total, that is a lot of production and faith...okay, I am too lazy and it is too late to figure how much faith I need right now, but it is a lot. I figure I have a bunch of food and a bunch of wood to harvest, so it might be do-able. 

Finally, let's talk about Geneva...

Not a half bad city. It has a campus with a library, a harbor with a lighthouse, deer, 3 stone, tea, 3 fish, pearls, and a population of 8. It has a bunch of tundra but still a few good hills and a couple of tundra sheep. 

I went and checked and Rome has a campus in every city except 2. I figure Sullla will probably put campuses in those 2 too. He has 9 campuses, meaning Geneva accounts for 38Icon_Science plus whatever happiness bonus he is getting. His current science rate is 139.9:science. Germany has 6 campus and 3 envoys and is getting 14Icon_Science. His current science rate is 110.3:science. China has 3 envoys and 3 campus (maybe 4 if he has one in his capital) and is getting 8:science. His current science rate is 82.1:science. 

You are getting 8Icon_Science from you capital/campus, ~8Icon_Science from Suzerain bonus, and +8 from trade routes for a total of roughly 24Icon_Science total. If we take Geneva out, you will loose +1Icon_Science for your 4 trade routes since you can shift them to one of my campus cities (probably Traueret where you also get +1Icon_Culture for the theater square or Horus for the extra gold form the commercial hub), so you will lose 20Icon_Science but you will gain 6.2Icon_Science from the library and population. you will also get the culture (including Nan Madol bonus), a trade route,and access to a new luxury (pearl).  

IMO, the benefits of taking Geneva outweigh the negatives. I know your science sucks right now but Rome is benefiting more from Geneva than you and will continue even if you build 3 or 4 more campuses for 16Icon_Science Besides, you are not competing with Rome in science, I am since I have more infrastructure and better avenues to improve it. I just think it will hurt Rome/China more than help us, plus it gives you another city to build ships and other things. You have about 3 turns to convince me otherwise. 

One last thing, I was thinking of sending Russia or Germany a friendship request (probably Germany). I think our best option will go after Rome, rather than Germany.  It would be nice to extend our peace, so they can focus on their eastern front. I am also planning on sending Germany a trade of something like silk for 135Icon_Gold, to try and relay the message that China is planning on attacking on T135. My hope is that silk links to Asia, which links to China? Probably a stretch but I can try, can't I?

Okay, okay, the 38 science persuades me - that would really bring Rome down to near Nubian levels of science and do a lot to help you catch up. It'll also drop Singaboy down to my own science rate. Plus, it's already got a harbor finished, so more English trade routes. I want to upgrade a lone caravel there first - I need something to guard the rest of my ships on this sea from potential barb caravels, otherwise I can leave everything alone to save on maintenance. Okay, that sounds like a pretty major equalizer, let's do it.

But doesn't that also reinforce the argument that I should take Lisbon? Rome is getting tons of gold from it, much more than your handful of envoys, China too. Lisbon is worth +16 gold per turn in every one of their commercial hubs. I could send a caravel backed by a trio of frigates (with fleets, thanks to Gaius Duilius) and raze the city in a handful of turns. Get a free military unit out of it, too, then pull back and once again cover our own city-states against naval assault.

I agree that our best bet is to go after Rome. Germany I think has probably peaked - Archduke has very little room for more cities, so this surge of districts is his last one. He's got to grow upwards or outwards now, while Sullla can develop all that Kongo land and he and Singaboy still have room for a few more settlers. Rome/China are the long-term threats here, not Germany/Russia. But I'm not sure the silk/135 deal will work - he might just think you're offering a trade, straight-up. What about a countdown, like silk+iron, 14 gpt/iron, 14gpt? Like Sullla offered me, with silk thrown in to = China (although that's a long shot, yeah).
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 121 (pt 1.)

Big strategy update later. I planned to do something exactly like Woden has done, going city by city on build orders and chops, but Fraps again failed me last night so I had to re-do the screenshots this morning. As a result, Woden beat me to it and I look like a johnny-come-lately. 

I don't have time for a full report, 'coz I gotta go to work in 10 - make that 9 now - minutes, but here's a quick update on my unit movements.

Settler is out of Salamis. Founds Syracuse (at last) on turn 124. Another spot I should have colonized as soon as I finished shipbuilding 35 turns ago. 

In the north, Lepanto, a more marginal spot, is also 3 turns from being settled...if Valetta would cooperate!  rant

The city has lots of first and second-ring hills. Food will have to come from crabs. I can chop that forested hill for one district, but I'm not sure about the other forest and the stone - is it better to keep them around, or to chop? Chopping will leave the city with only 2 mines for production, it might want the forest mill and quarry so it can build Frigates in a reasonable time. 

I COULD just chop them into Maritime Industries, overflowing into Quad after Quad until all the production is gone...that would probably be the better payoff, with how much of the game is left. Can do the math on that later. A final possibility is an IZ on the stone tile, but I'm not enthusiastic about that one. Still, I need workshops for the industrialization boost, so maybe? 

The military for now is barring Sullla from exploring further in my direction. Singaboy slipped a knight through Woden's lines in the south, but at least he has to struggle through jungle before he finds my borders. I want the two to have as little map knowledge as possible. I'd also like to dump one more envoy into Nan Madol, to feel safe. After Geneva is gone I'll have no other outlet for my envoys anyway, so that works. 

My scout wriggles to suck out the last bit of map knowledge I can from Singaboy and Sullla. This little guy has about reached the end of his useful life. I salute him. 

Note that Singaboy is building a lighthouse at Pagan. Can he use China's ability on the Great Lighthouse? I think so, but of course at this time it's better to just chop for those things, unless he's short on forests or something. I aim to land the Great Lighthouse, though. A brief preview of my later post:

I'm planning on using this later, for every city. Here's Actium. It's 5 turns away from finishing a Lighthouse. I have a quad ready to go in the build queue, and I have stone, and I have deer. I plan to use the stone, if I can. In 5 turns, the lighthouse will finish and I can place the Great Lighthouse, then immediately overflow a stone harvest into it. The wonder is 290 cogs, and my chops get ~200 cogs boosted. That will get me most of the way to the wonder right then and there. Then I can harvest the deer for another 100 cogs in the south (no way to boost this one without another quad - galleys are obsolete frown ) and finish the wonder. 

Why am I chasing one last wonder? The GL was on my "nice to have" list, but I did mention ages ago my plan to eventually build it in Actium. With the VA done and the civ in full economic mode, now seems like an opportune time. The Lighthouse adds +1 movement ot naval units throughout the empire. Right now, I get +1 from RNDs and +1 from admirals. Another +1 makes my ships almost twice as fast, while Sullla or Singaboy landing it would negate my RND advantage and make their ships able to compete with mine. This is the last piece of the puzzle in making my civ unstoppable at sea. If I grab it, I can first-strike almost any naval battle (the importance of that is shown by the Battle of the North Sea in PBEM4), with fleets and armadas backed by Great Admirals, against mundane ships fielded by Rome and China. That gives me total naval dominance, even without a canal (bah), until Steel at least. Steeel accordingly is my great research target. 

If nothing else, at least I can outrun Sullla's battleships...
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(April 12th, 2018, 06:23)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: But doesn't that also reinforce the argument that I should take Lisbon? Rome is getting tons of gold from it, much more than your handful of envoys, China too. Lisbon is worth +16 gold per turn in every one of their commercial hubs. I could send a caravel backed by a trio of frigates (with fleets, thanks to Gaius Duilius) and raze the city in a  handful of turns. Get a free military unit out of it, too, then pull back and once again cover our own city-states against naval assault.

He is only getting +8Icon_Gold/CH, not +16. Each level is +4Icon_Gold, not +8Icon_Gold. He is getting good return but I am also getting gold from Lisbon and we need gold for upgrades. I would say we could raze it immediately if your income was higher and you could support both of us but it is not. I am using it for income right now and need gold to buy a few tiles to help boost my development. 

You want to raze it so there is no return on investment, unlike Geneva. We would only hurt Rome/China but we also hurt ourselves more, since I don't have other sources of income, unlike them. We need a bunch of gold for upgrades in the coming terms, so lets use as many resources as we can. The gold Rome is getting from Lisbon right now will go towards fighting Germany, not us, so I have no issue with letting him earn a little bit n the midterm. I do think we raze it but maybe closer to the end of our friendship and after we get our incomes increased. 

Plus, if you build a bunch of Commercial Hubs, you could put a few envoys in there for more gold too.

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