t185 - checking the damage....
Gandhi wins the AP elections, shockingly!
OK, well my Eastern Stack is gone ... and really quite badly apparently. Looks like I killed a total of 5 Artillery and a SAM for the cost of my entire stack. (38units)
Oh, and he threw an additional 4 Artillery at the Western stack to ensure they're not healthy enough to do any damage.
Well I guess that's the end of that attack.
Time to regroup and rebuild, and no pussy-footing around it this time; all military all the time ... well maybe a Jail or two here and there.
So first things first, I use my GG to pillage the Railway under my stack and then start the retreat towards the New Damascus. G2 Infantry pillages the Rails NE of Medina, and ensure that no stack can waltz across the mountains.
New troops start to assemble in Bursa, which is still vulnerable to a 2-move attack. The good news is that the tile SSE of Vienna has switched cultural control, and thus I have a corridor between ND & Bursa North of Banana Lake for 1t movement between the two. (even though it's not RR'd)
Healthy Bombers with targets in range strip the remaining improvements from Vienna, while the rest heal. Actually, I think I'll be putting an Airport into Bursa to stage an additional 4planes into the Theatre.
Ruff was true to his word and Claude Monet is waiting in Edirne ... he, James Cook(GM) and Al-Kindi(GS) join to kick off a Golden Age Party.
Police State dialed up; I think I'll hold off Free Market probably until the end of the GA so I can take advantage of the multiplier on the GPP. Also, by then I should have spread Sid's to enough cities that the Corporation Payments discount of Free Market is significant. I'll also stay in Slavery & Theocracy for now and review my options again at the end of the GA.
Right, now that everyone's happy again I can go around and review the builds and tile assignments.
Istanbul & New Damascus will be the next two cities to pop a Great Person. Standard tile config would have ND pop a 20% Artist in 5t, but if I switch Istanbul about a bit I can get a 35% Artist in just 4t. So I do that to give my best attempt to replace Ruff's GA gift.
As discussed with Ruff, I move my Transports towards the North under my Destroyers and Battleships. I also promote my remaining Galleon to a Transport and the two Ironclads outside Sarmatian to Destroyer. Two of the Carriers join the party, while the other two head over to bomb some Improvements around Aachen.
Sid's is spread to Istanbul - which needs a Courthouse very soon - and it starts on an Exec. I'll spread it into Diyarbakir next and use that city to churn out execs, as it has a low production relative to the other cities.
With the upgrades & Corp spread, my cash box is empty. Rocketry would take 2t @ -400gpt if I went to 100%, and I can get 945g for a turn at 0%, so I think I may go binary for a little while.
Oh, Ruff sent me a note that he was heading for Democracy now ... aiming for the Statue. Hmmmmm.