Jabah Wrote:Will you be able also to have 2 scientists (from your regular library) in the Academy city (most of the time). In that case Academy will be better than settling at 20%
I, um, hmm . . . *checks scribbled notes and calculations he spent an hour on* I, uh, may have forgotten that.
Imperial Center
will continue to run 2 Scientists for the foreseeable future. Its income is currently 24 (26 w/ Currency), maybe more if I start some cottages. Those would be better long-term than continuing to work the lakes.
So 10% = 2.4.
20% = 4.8 + 2 Scientists (6) = 10.8
Settled G. Scientist + Library = 7.5 beakers.
Academy * 10.8 = 5.4 beakers.
Hm, no, that's still not as much. Imperial Center would need to generate 15 natural beakers before the Academy equaled a Settled G. Scientist (15 * .5 = 7.5). Subtract 6 from running scientists and that means 9 natural beakers. At the moment, that means running science at 40% percent. 50% to exceed Settling. So a little better than my original calculation, but not that far off.
Anyway, I think I am going to settle 'im. I think my calculations are still valid enough. Note: Settling is worth the beakers + how much they get multiplied; the Academy is worth only how much it multiplies. That is, the Academy does not contribute base beakers of its own.
My costs are going to go up in the near future when I settled a new city. Cost will go down, too, once I gift my Praetorians to Jowy (I am going to capture a small Barbarian town for him, so I'll probably get a little bit of cash, as well). Not sure how that's going to balance out yet, so I may have to recalculate.
In any case, to save you the theoretical number-crunching, the Academy probably won't start paying off until I have Currency and Code of Laws
and have Forums and Courthouses in (nearly) every city.
I expect to save about 14 gpt by getting the Praets off my hands (

for my power rating). I expect to take on about 9-10 gpt in costs by settling Bestine. So a slight gain on my part, but not enough to bump my slider up. I'll be taking on more costs when I settle Alzoc III (which might be delayed because I'm in talks with Nakor about giving him 2 Praets for a Settler--basically, I have to wait for his Settler to get to me, but I can build 2 more Praets instead of my own settler, so I get to help him out), which may require me to drop the slider. I will continue to build troops, as well, so those costs will start going up again.
So even with this more optimistic approach, I think that it will still take a significant amount of time before the Academy really starts to benefit me. Yeah, it was brought up that it's basically a difference of a few beakers right now, but I'm counting every coin. Because I anticipate having to live off of specialists for the near future . . . well.
I'll try to get some solid numbers soon (my calculations were based off what I could recall), but I think the best short-term solution is settling. And I'm going for the short-term solution because, otherwise, I may not tech fast enough for the long-term solution to matter!
However, if I live to see that rosey day with Forums and Courthouses everywhere, things start looking much nicer! I will probably be breaking 100 beakers per turn, easily. I can also afford to expand further. Nakor is going to settle on Centralia before me, which is irksome, but perhaps I'll squeeze out another Settler of my own to travel to the Silver site. I'd have to prepare, though. I'd need: Setter + 2 Workers + 2 Praetorians for defense. All those units will have to be built from scratch, so that's a bit of a problem (all current Workers needed for mainland duties).
Anyway, G.S. #2 will do an Academy for certain. I just don't think that my economy is strong enough now to go without immediate beaker infusion. (Though the arguments for the Academy are certainly compelling.)