1. Carse - put on a rathaus, followed by a library. Crazy, minus 10 gold per turn for maintenance.
2. Crydee - after longbow, university.
3. We may want to re-think about Rolan's cottage situation. There's 1 forest there to act as health boost along with the fur, but it may be better to cottage ove rit anyway if we can get a health building in Rolan after the university.
4. Kept EP on India because they haven't responded to last email.
5. Set Queg onto building research so we can get engineering with 50% research for better rounding and get a gold surplus for the following turn. We can build a lomgbow starting next turn OR a settler if we do want peace with Korea.
6. Interesting fact - after I adjusted some tile builds, we should have FIVE cities grow in population next turn.

We need to carefully micromanage the tiles in La Mut, Yabon, and Port Natal in order to maximize our yields for next turn.
7. Penultimate reminder - be sure to write down the turn number for culture boundaries. The critical cow tile in Krondor/Gao contested area is 53/46 in our favor this turn so we should see our control increase DRAMATICALLY in 4+ turns due to how culture mechanics work.
8. Last thing, why is the worker mining the jungle here? I think that a better build would be to chop/cottage the forest tiles since Port Natal has strong commerce potential. The chops would help to speed up the lib/univ that are needed. As of now though we can keep the worker mining just so we don't waste MORE worker turns.
All in all we're in a respectful position right now. Thank goodness Land's End is on a worker - we need those ASAP.