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(April 8th, 2023, 11:57)pindicator Wrote: Sorry, didn't sleep too well yesterday and missed your post. 4 workers on 8 cities is a tad light. I think with good planning you can get away with 1 to 1 ratio or slightly under

Too late!


That being said I am not going to storm along like I had originally planned. Pin is right. Lets slow down. So instead of settler out of my capital its time for a granary. Therefore don't need an immediate axe to protect and can whip a worker out of Coastlines (originally was lib into axe). I'm debating what to do with Roots. I'm honestly thinking about just not giving it a granary for a while. I have a good 2 pop whip lined up (28/30) that I honestly might use on HG. I might 6>4 a worker into another worker instead. Something like that.

[Image: 2zc3uMt.png]

Settled HeavyAwayJohnny this turn as well (song to come later). I'll double chop a granary into it and not sure when its first whip will be as stated much earlier its going to be a commerce hub and workers are actually going to be starting to cottage.

I swear I'm not working desert copper over a grassland pig this turn. LIES! This is definitely part of operating fail gold GLH. I have a spear that will decay otherwise and I kind of want to start building military SOMETIME.

Lurkers I'm confused. We reloaded to T64, but we AREN'T going sequential and the two players are playing out of order of what they would be in sequential?

I realized the agreement was not to while people were on vacation, but that was with the implicit understand of "as long as a war wasn't going on" (yes yes you can blame everyone for not explicitly stating). But yes it is Bings fault for not realizing we needed to switch to sequential, but I'm still confused as to the resolution............ Now if people want to just play a non sequential game that is fine I guess even though we picked with that assumption.

Mind you I don't know of a fair way to rewind this whole mess. T63 if Charriu / El Grillo had known they weren't going to play first T64 I'm sure there worker would have moved so it would hardly be fair to reload to T64 and give Bing first. But if we do reload to T63 and change to sequential they obviously will do different moves entirely as they know a war is coming, but mind you they may not have that same capability on T63.

Since lurkers have already given verdict I think we let it ride and I realize this was a tough one, but I think* reload should have been to T63 and then sequential enabled. For the record the lurker verdict is 100% correct in a non sequential game.

I think in these situations where we play the first however many turns as sequential, it needs to be stated that whenever there is a possible turn order conflict that players involved should play in the sequential order.

Doesn't help this game sadly
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

It was HEAVILY implied, but yes never explicitly stated. However, its weird the fix doesn't take that into account; admittedly in a weird situation that Bing generously just forgot about about.

I really dont understand the sequential thing, and had forgotten it.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


No, the switch to sequential will cause a double move, so it will have to wait until after this conflict, or be resolved in other ways.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

That is why I thought reload would have to be to T63. Bing didn't declare until T64 and it would have given a turn to get in order.



[Image: icG6vS3.png]

Also, I have boring micro stuff going on like figuring out way of getting a random turn of a granary in so I can whip at Morning turn it gets to size 4 after producing a workboat.

Pin I'm being stupid and improving the stone over cottaging so I can farm fail gold off mids. I know I said I would do granary whip into HG, but think I just want to do it into fail gold to get to currency sooner. Mind you S/G may finish mids before I even improve the stone......... but risks and all that.

Edit: someone give Bing instructions on how to setup flying camera. I don't remember and can't find atm.

I don't think that's a stupid play. That's a really efficient Wealth build for 6 worker turns
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player


From 2nd city on T65.

Having a ded lurker makes me want to do more content. So lets do some border analysis / neighbor stuff.

[Image: mYXI0TJ.png]

With Bing and Charriu in a cold war setup (or hot maybe?) I'm feeling pretty good about getting islands to west, so glad I delayed settling that way. Edit T71 as somewhat expect island has a marble, which will be useful.

I'm not an idiot and won't try to take islands to east as Scooter has Triremes (until I have Triremes and SD asks me super nice).

Now you would THINK border with SD looks super easy. However, he has asked twice not about trying to slow steal the dry wheat from my culture............ (I think I expand next turn, soon in any case).

Now comes the part for Pin feedback. Do I tell him to get his butt in gear settling that hill sheep spot. I'm not close to 3rd ring borders per se, but if he wants those floodplains he needs to get going on sometime soonish? On the other hand I really want him to keep settling towards Scooter as Bing settled all south so Scooter gets lots of free land. On top of that SD was annoying me about trying to slow take the dry wheat from me.

I'll do Charriu north next, but basically I have 3rd ring border problem up there as well, but it seems doubtful I should even try to settle soon.

In other news fail gold my way to currency plan is still on track.

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