Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 21


I don’t care for Angel or Iron honestly. Angel + Pit seems to have so many divine associations that I worry Fiend was picked to avoid it. Iron + Pit...I guess I don’t see the Iron connection to Fiend at any level really.

Also just to throw this out there, enemies are called Fiends in FFX. I don’t see any obvious association but I mention it since our community is well-suited to gaming clues.

Other Fiend thoughts:

*Dragon - like it as much as Angel, but very possibly red.
*Charge - monsters charge at you as a general trope.
*Net - can capture or be used to defend against fiends
*Beat - a Fiend might beat you, or the hero’s could defeat the fiends in a story.

Left to my own devices I’d probably record that I lean Angel but pass rather than guess.

I could see Dragon, or maybe Agent, as enemies that might get called fiendish.  I still lean Angel.  That said, I'd also be ok with a Pass; we're behind but not super behind.  Dave or Fenn, you want to do the pointing?  I'm off to bed.

I thought Dragon would be a Hunted word, but now that they have Shot Mammoth, I'm leaning toward Bob just missing the Dragon connection when he made the clue.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


To keep the game moving, and because we don't seem to have consensus:


Pesticide 2

Pesticide 2

Hmm, let`s see.

Pesticides are used to protect BERRIES from bugs and the like, I believe. 

Pesticide can be used on berries that are usually placed in ROWS so that they can be harvested quickly.
It can be used to COVER Berries.

Can you do a CYCLE of Pesticide in English?

Um, I`m not really confident in anything other than Berry.

a BERRY is sprayed with pesticides
pesticides are a chemical AGENT

You spray plants that are in a ROW
COVER the plants in pesticide
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Ooh, that's a tricky one. I see five words which at least vaguely fit:

* Cycle: Pesticides are applied on a cycle.

* Water: Pesticides are often mixed with water.

* Berry: You could apply pesticides to a berry crop.

* Agents: Pesticides are chemical agents.

* Cover: Pesticides cover stuff.

I slightly prefer Cycle and Cover. Whatever we pick should be two words which are otherwise very difficult to clue together.

In no particular order:
Agent - as in chemical agent
Water - often a liquid. Also you might want to put pesticides in water.
Berry - pesticides are used on crops
Net - another way of catching insects
Iron - there are probably iron compounds that act as pesticides

Not seeing anything else, but it's possible there's a brand name I don't know. Cover maybe?

I think I like Agent and Berry here.

If we end up guessing Agent, do we assume that's our third Hunted word, and pass our bonus guess?

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