Okay, first a turn report for T100.
Someone got a great scientist, and Dave completed the Taj Mahal to extend his current golden age by 6 turns.
I also thought I'd point out that Shoot still has an unclaimed food resource in his core, which I find slightly remarkable.
The F1 advisor sums up what our cities are doing:
Note that all our opponents are saving (at least a bit of) gold:
In that light, our 2nd place in GNP is ok, but nothing more. I'd say the players are remarkably evenly matched at this stage of the game.
We're running breakeven at 40% science. We'll switch to max tax next turn while building universities and Oxford. We'll also run a trade mission with our Economics merchant, so we should get a good chunk of gold to let us run 100% science for a while afterwards, and beeline some techs quickly.
On the plus side GNP-wise, our cities are small from whipping infra and will grow onto a lot of specialists shortly.
Finally, let's keep keeping an eye on Shoot the Moon's power. I guess he's bound to build a few Janissaries now that he's got the tech, but let's hope he doesn't gear up for an invasion.
I have to run.