Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[spoilers] Pindicator and Regoarrarr - Bismark of Ethiopia

Quick update

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0169.JPG]

I haven't seen Moai anywhere else though I'm sure at least Krill has it up somewhere.

Our breakeven bpt is up to 23bpt!!! thumbsup

We're currently making 7gpt at max tax, along with 15 bpt due to 2 scis in More Cowbell and now Blues Brothers. I also started the Apostolic Palace in BB. Don't really like it so close to Krill but it's our only real hammer city (currently due in 18)

Once Alpha comes in (probably 8-10t), I'll probably build Wealth there for awhile.

Brief diplo check - Commosan has 2 spices for trade which are the first Calendar resource I've seen.

What the crap? Could we be crapped on any more?!?!?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0170.JPG]

It has a Stele, Granary, Temple, Library and Stonehenge. So really the only possible way that we would not be screwed (in terms of GP generation) would be for the granary to be destroyed. Obviously the granary is important, but at least it doesn't have any GP slots

Would the RNG be so kind?!?!?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0171.JPG]


Probably the most excited I've ever been about losing a granary....

Krill got a great prophet this turn in his shrine city, so I'd expect the Mahabodhi this turn. Good thing he's not totally way in front of everyone

I forgot to grab a screenshot but we were actually confronted with an event that didn't totally suck!

The library in Blues Brothers received an influx of precious writings, so we could decide between 48b towards Alphabet or subtract 48g and gain 1bpt on the library.

Decide for yourself which one you'd pick and then reveal

I took the beakers. Long-term the 1bpt is better, but it takes 96 (ish) turns to pay off, and a) who knows if we'll be alive or relevant then and b) I thought it would be better to start off the snowball rolling on its journey through Arizona

In other news Krill built Shwedagon Paya (hey isn't that the name of one of our cities?!!?? lol), and revolted to Theocracy.

We are now a solid 3 (maybe 4) turns from Alphabet, and 10t from our great person.

I whipped the granary in Hanukkah Song, though I probably shouldn't have - should have just waited for the chop to come in. If only someone had worked the grass mine instead of the plains mine in CPH we'd have grown this turn but alas, we're at 31/32 food..... lol

I followed the signs to swap EP to Nakor, but Yuri is now at 143/86 on us, which seems pretty high, so I split them between him and Nakor. His power is ahead of ours and he's starting to worry me.... He's got a chariot up near Coneheads, and debarked an archer in neutral land near Wayne's World

Cyneheard asked us for our only ivory for his world map. I turned him down, but we should think about it. I wouldn't think he'd be able to build WEs, would he?

Next city (fish / FPs / plains cow filler) will be founded next turn. Missionary is a turn or two behind.

I did fire the GPs in More Cowbell, so we'll need to remember to hire them back next turn.

regoarrarr Wrote:I whipped the granary in Hanukkah Song, though I probably shouldn't have - should have just waited for the chop to come in. If only someone had worked the grass mine instead of the plains mine in CPH we'd have grown this turn but alas, we're at 31/32 food..... lol

I was actually considering the coast tile instead of the plains hill, but in the end decided that it would be better to get the library finished in time for Alphabet, so we could swap to building Research and getting the extra couple of beakers from the library.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Research builds are multiplied by forges, not libraries.
I have to run.

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