20:50*Shoot: You guys wanted to chat? (I presume about the GM)
20:51*me: yes well we sent you an email
*Shoot: yeah, I saw it
20:52*I actually tried to look up the exact formula yesterday, but could only find a general explanation of it...just for my future reference may I ask what exactly the formula is?
*me: it's quite complicated
**I can email it to you, just a sec
20:54*ok, sent
*Shoot: thanks
20:55*me: here's a link as well
*Shoot: I had gotten most of that, but didn't know how the distance was calculatted
*me: actually I'm assuming it counts 1 distance for x or y, and 1.5 for diagonals
20:56*that's how it usually does it
*Shoot: yeah I had found a similar thing on civfanatics, but just didn't know if it was going to do it like it counts maintenance where it relates to the maximum direction on both axes
**but I guess if you can see how much it is in Bursa you can confirm how the distance is caluclatted
20:57*me: well at least we can tell that the base profit for Bursa is 1.0
**so it's "too close" to get benefit from Capital's large size
**for the earlier GM it didn't matter because Capital was below size 11 anyway
20:58*Shoot: my head hurts, but I'll trust your math if it matches up with what Bursa should be
*me: heh, thanks
**Spaceman said I should leave out the calculations from the email
**wisely so, I suppose
20:59*Shoot: oh, and I don't have a fitting city on my east coast by the way...Bursa is my only city with a harbor currently and obviously as I'm not in slavery currently my other coastal cities don't really have the ability to get them out any time soon
*me: right
*Shoot: anyway, considering the difference in gold I'd be open to letting you head off to my capital
*me: we figured you were the best shot anyway, having had compass the longest
*Shoot: yeah
21:00*me: ok, that's good to hear
*Shoot: I've just had other buildings that were better to whip out first (markets and grocers for instance) and only really did harbors where I needed the health (which has only been bursa so far)
**anyway, let me open up the save to give you directions on my road network to get to my capital
*me: yeah often they have no effect on the trade route yields
21:01*Shoot: and even if they did, I only have two trade routes in the city anyway
21:02*me: are you playing the save, btw?
*Shoot: no already played
**just forgot to email it on last night
*me: oh ok
**I was wondering if our merchant was causing you to hold the save
21:03*Shoot: yeah, was silly and responded to diplo emails before sending it on and then got caught in chat with a couple people...so all told I just got distracted by diplo before sending on
**I realized it this morning, but couldn't get back to my civ comp until now
21:04*me: it's a pain for us to catch you on chat
**we're never online at the same time it seems
*Shoot: yeah, our time zones don't really match up
21:06*anyway, to stay on my road network you'll want to send your GM SE-SE-SE-E and then SE-SE
21:07*me: ok, cool
21:08*we'll do that and give you a commission of 67 gold
21:10*Shoot: awesome, thanks