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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Roland you are missing bruindane names on the zakalwe list.

3v: zakalwe ( Sandover, Lewwyn, Bruindane )
2v: Jkaen ( fire&ice, Mr. Nice Guy )
1v: pocketbeetle ( Rowain )
1v: Rowain ( novice )

  1. fire&ice votes Jkaen
  2. Mr. Nice Guy votes Jkaen
  3. Rowain votes pocketbeetle
  4. novice votes Rowain
  5. Sandover votes zakalwe
  6. Lewwyn votes zakalwe
  7. Bruindane votes zakalwe

After a long night celebrating the hanging of the scribe, Novice was headed back to the Mayor's office with Farmer Cull's shapeliest daughter. A movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. As he turned around, he thought he saw the elven ambassador disappear amongst the trees. Shrugging it off (frankly he was in no condition for any more lucid reaction), he resumed searching his pockets for the keys to the office.

Just as he had decided that he'd better search the farmer's daughter's pockets as well, he spotted a crumpled and torn note that had been trodden into the mud. Novice recognized the handwriting of Zakofonix, the cacophonous bard. The note read:

Wolves and villagers may both be wont
to hide behind this special font
roses are red, some fruit is orange

The rest of the note was unreadable, so Novice made a mental note to ask the author about it in the morning, and promptly passed out. Fortunately the farmer's daughter's cushioned his fall.
I have to run.

zakalwe Wrote:
Zakofonix was surprised to see so many people crowding the village square. Usually, almost no-one showed up for his weekly poetry recitals; they were even less popular than the sermons of Father Tryx.

Today, the square was teeming with villagers. Many of them were talking excitedly (arguing, even); Zakofonix felt suddenly nervous in the face of such high expectations. After all, he had grown accustomed to somewhat poor reception. Feedback in the form of eggs and tomatoes was not unheard of, and a common conclusion of his performances---particularly if Domeena, the Father's youngest daughter, was present---was a firm gag and rigid hogtie.

As he climbed a barrel of tar (his usual podium), his nervousness turned to panic as he realized he hadn't actually prepared anything. He froze, but it was too late to back out gracefully. He was already drawing the crowd's attention; people were pre-emptively covering their ears, the blacksmith started banging furiously on his anvil, while Domeena drew a sharp breath and expectantly eyed the coils of ropes stacked over by the stables.

For a moment, the *BANG*s and *CLANG*s from the blacksmith were all that broke the silence. Rather than writing poetry, Zakofonix had spent the previous night enjoying wine and biscuits with the Innkeeper's daughter---and they quickly ran out of biscuits. In his growing desperation,
the memory of last night was a pleasant but ultimately unwelcome distraction. Then, inspiration (of sorts) struck.

He cleared his throat.

*ahem*... *BANG*.... *CLANG*

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose *BANG* was so long he could *CLANG* it
And he said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
If my ear were a *CLANG* I would *BANG* it

A stunned silence followed. Apparently, the villagers had expected something a little more... high-brow. They did not know how to react to this new style of poetry, but before they could decide, fate intervened. The lid of the barrel that was supporting Zakofonix gave in, and he promptly fell into a pool of tar. That brought a roar of laughter from the villagers, which didn't abate when the Innkeeper, enraged for previously alluded to reasons, came storming out of the crowd and kicked the barrel into the chicken pen of Farmer Cull. Covered in tar and feathers, and hailed by a storm of mocking laughter, Zakofonix stumbled off.

As poetry recitals went, he was prepared to call it a success.

Why didn't scooter cast lynch vote here.

zakalwe Wrote:For having me tarred and feathered, my vote goes out to the innkeeper, Sandover. I'll find a way to console your daughter. wink

Sandover did the right thing and voted to lynch Zakalwe.

zakalwe Wrote:Back in the Herbalist's shop, Zakofonix ducked back up from behind the counter.

Woah, this stuff really is great, Jn.. Jkn.. Jjjke..... Jnjnjn... *sigh*... Jake! I feel really inspired!

Realizing that Jake had actually left the shop, perhaps forgetting he was there to begin with, he shrugged (and giggled). Time to head over to the inn, to see if the Innkeeper's daughter might be finishing her shift soon. Better make a careful approach though, in case that nasty father of hers was around.

As he stumbled his way in the general direction of the inn he mentally composed a piece of poetry.

Roshes are red
Violets are violet
The villagers are blue
'Caushe the wolves are so violent

As he complimented himself on this profound piece, imagining the reception it might get in the square, he passed a dark alley behind the Carpenter's shop. Five figures were huddled there, talking in shushed voices. Zakofonix stopped and tried to focus his eyesight, bemused. He considered approaching them to recite his poem, but his inspired mind had already wandered on and he couldn't recall the details right now. With a shrug, he moved on, abruptly turned the western corner of the stables and tripped face first into a water trough.

zakalwe Wrote:Ironically, I was just composing a follow-up OOC post switching my vote away from Sandover, over to Lewwyn. I'd like to see at least 3 lynch candidates "in the running". With just 2 candidates, chances are they will both eventually turn out to be innocent, and we will learn very little from the vote. With 3 candidates, chances are higher that one will be a wolf, which will tell us more in hindsight, even if we end up lynching the wrong one.
Jkaen should totally have voted to lynch Zakalwe. Hey, Zakalwe is accusing Lewwyn here. That must explain Lewwyn's vote.

zakalwe Wrote:It was dark. Zakofonix was lying in the hay in Farmer Cull's barn, trying to sleep. Now that the farmhand had proudly marched off to the Mayor's residence, Zakofonix had volunteered to look after the cows. He reckoned they provided good company, and the barn was a warm and cozy place to dry off. [If you know what I mean.] He kept listening for screams and other scary noises, but heard nothing yet. Sobered in many senses of the word, he composed his somber thoughts into a little verse, mentally titled "Suspicions".

The smith must have an axe to grind
The glass blower knows how to huff and puff
The snoop says he has a villain to find
Or maybe we should call his bluff

The teacher preaches and the trapper preys
The bowyer never shoots straight
The barbarian has a real scary gaze
And an awkward gait

How many of you can match the players with their roles above?

zakalwe Wrote:The village square was again busy when Zakofonix arrived. The atmosphere was tense but (apart from an "inspired" herbalist running around in circles over by the stables) people were being somewhat civil, in mutual recognition that nobody could be trusted. Zakofonix had been reflecting on this as he walked, and on how everybody was bound to look suspicious in one way or another. Sensing that people might be in a receptive mood, he now sat on the edge of the well, preparing to speak up. A few people paused to watch him; encouragingly, nobody was covering their ears just yet. Zakofonix proceeded to raise his voice and recite a few lines.

The vintner likes to wine and dine
but he may be fermenting your mind
The elf is always a bit too emphatic
to really be called diplomatic

The farmer has no need for a scarecrow
but still he prefers to lie low
The tailor suits his own needs
too bad the snoop is out of leads

The farmhand may seem a little too keen
if you know what I mean
The stablehand as a matter of course
ought to be hung like a horse

In anticipation, Zakofonix waited for the villagers' response.

zakalwe Wrote:Btw, I was fully expecting you to throw another menhir at me after my previous poetry recital, so I had Zakofonix prepare a retort for it in advance. smile

What the *CLANG* is a menhir anyway
I have to learn not to stand in its way
My take on you is you're no giver
In my mind you have yet to deliver

Not sure I totally agree with Zakafonix on this one currently, but he gets a certain artistic license (if you know what I mean). smile

I meant to call back to this earlier.

[Image: menhir.gif]

zakalwe Wrote:Alright, time to get serious and break out the iambic pentameter (if you know what I mean). Seems like Zakofonix has a cunning plan. smile

The scribe grew fur as he was put to death
Tonight we sing and dance upon his grave
We should have known it from his horrid breath
Tomorrow, check who else forgot to shave

There's a lot of effort going unappreciated here. Zalkalwe isn't hiding behind his rp, it's being ignored. On on the other hand, there's a certain irony in Zakofonix being ignored by the vilage.

Thanks for the greatest hits, Bruindane.

Bruindane Wrote:There's a lot of effort going unappreciated here. Zalkalwe isn't hiding behind his rp, it's being ignored. On on the other hand, there's a certain irony in Zakofonix being ignored by the vilage.

Oh, I definitely appreciate his efforts (If you know what I mean). smile

So what are your reasons for voting Zakalwe, Bruindane? (Or did you already say?)
I have to run.

Hey, Roland, I see you reading this. Post some opinions, please!

I think Meiz definetely deserves a detailed look, like Irgy pointed out. Maybe the ones who voted to lynch him in game 2 should look at it and give they're opinions. Maybe Meiz is just a villager which looks like a wolf when playing.

I'd like to hear explanations about why Zakalwe is a suspect. I haven't looked well into his case. What I can say is that I don't like how fast he voted against Rowain after saying, in a pretty big and detailed post, that we were reading too much regarding Selrahc. Why would you be so cautious towards the vote against one player and so fast when voting to lynch another?

I'd like to ask for other people's opinion regarding Jkaen. What do you guys have to say? Irgy, Roland, PB, Rowain (get out of each other throat for a while, maybe both of you are innocent)?

And there's PB vs. Rowain too.

Lot of things to think about.

Zakofonix was scratching his head. Apparently he had some unknown competitor out there. The handwriting that the Mayor had drunkenly assumed to be his was in fact nothing but a cheap imitation. And how anyone could mistake this piece of crap for his own work was, frankly, beyond him. With a shrug, he scribbled in the obvious missing line and handed it back.

Wolves and villagers may both be wont
to hide behind this special font
roses are red, some fruit is orange
some keep their seeds in a sporange

So, tell me more about that farmer's daughter... did you show her your mule (if you know what I mean)?

Ichabod Wrote:Hey, Roland, I see you reading this. Post some opinions, please!

Wow. Stalking me much? :P

Ichabod Wrote:I think Meiz definetely deserves a detailed look, like Irgy pointed out. Maybe the ones who voted to lynch him in game 2 should look at it and give they're opinions. Maybe Meiz is just a villager which looks like a wolf when playing.

Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is about. As to Meiz's (short-lived) performance in WW2, he's reprising his role nicely here. A little older, a little wiser, but still the same Meiz. Ironically, that exact pattern was what ultimately tipped me off about Selrahc (it was almost the only thing, honestly). Looking to past experience isn't going to help you lynch Meiz - quite the opposite, in fact.

Ichabod Wrote:I'd like to hear explanations about why Zakalwe is a suspect. I haven't looked well into his case. What I can say is that I don't like how fast he voted against Rowain after saying, in a pretty big and detailed post, that we were reading too much regarding Selrahc. Why would you be so cautious towards the vote against one player and so fast when voting to lynch another?

If he turns out to be a 'Wolf, I know I personally will miss his very colorful contributions to this game. Much as I'm not one to roleplay myself very much (this time around, anyway), his efforts go a long way to adding to the atmosphere and the enjoyment of the game. I just wanted to say that - I have nothing further to add about him at this time.

Ichabod Wrote:I'd like to ask for other people's opinion regarding Jkaen. What do you guys have to say? Irgy, Roland, PB, Rowain (get out of each other throat for a while, maybe both of you are innocent)?

His two days are up. As far as I'm concerned, it's open season on him - and anyone like him. smile That said, I still say he's playing the role of inexperienced Villager quite well - especially with his RPing. If anyone's hiding behind their RP, it's Jkaen, though I think that's even more example of his inexperience than of any malicious intent. I think he's a Villager, but I'm not going to go out of my way to defend him at this point - I want to see what he has to say, first.

Ichabod Wrote:And there's PB vs. Rowain too.

Lot of things to think about.

Well, I'd happily lynch either. wink 'Course, if you want a more serious response, I'd say pocketbeetle is the more likely 'Wolf candidate at this point. I'm waiting to see what more he has to offer at the moment.

Anyway, it's still early Ichabod. If you've seen my style in WW2 you'll note I'm not often the first to post on any given day. I take my time and analyze things to death before committing. I'm not swaying from that style - after all, it's served me well thus far this game. smile

Some stuff I read that I found interesting while catching up:

Irgy Wrote:Can I just say, that this sort of thing is not metagaming. It technically has some of the elements of it, but werewolf is all about picking up changes in people's personalities, and if there's a change then you need a reference point . . . The sorts of mischeif that people are accusing the wolves of are often strategies far more complex and involved than anyone actually playing a wolf would follow. A lot of people's wolf-strategy is to just act like a villager and do their best to pretend they don't know who the wolves are at all. A large proportion of the sorts of things people are being accused of simply don't apply to anyone following that strategy.

Of course I admit if that strategy is performed flawlessly then it's almost undetectable, so what's the use of even accounting for it? But in reality it is actually quite hard to perform flawlessly. My point is that it's failures in that strategy we should likely be looking for, rather than the high levels of mischeif that some people are imagining. Though don't stop entirely, because as soon as we stop looking for mischeif it becomes something they can get away with.

This post helped me a lot. It gave me a better perspective on what I should keep an eye out for. Problem is, I didn't play in WW1 or WW2, so I don't really have any meta-data to go off of.

Lewwyn Wrote:I, uh, have a meta reason for trusting [Roland]? After the wolf kill I was waiting for people to post. So like I always do I was snooping and checking to see if anyone was replying to thread. Rowain was actually searching the thread. I believe it said reading all posts in WW3 by Bob, or somesuch. Later he posted that quote from Bob. I figured he was a villager looking to see if there was anything Bob had said to tip them off. And he found it and posted it.

Now I believe if he were a WW that he A) wouldn't have need to search, B) probably wouldn't have posted it in order to keep his profile a bit lower.

I kind of wanted to lynch Roland just so I wouldn't fall behind and have so much stuff to read when I need to catch back up, but that is a pretty convincing argument to me that he is actually a villager.

Meiz Wrote:Another main suspect of mine at the moment is Sandover. Just based on his strange voting behavior on day 2:

Selrahc and Rowain are dead even on the lynch tallies (7v7), but Sandovers vote puts Rowain on the top. His reason for the vote doesn't make any sence, just following novice for whatever reason huh

Then novice flips against Selrahc out of the blue (excellent play btw.), and situation changes quickly other way around (Selrahc 8, Rowain 7). I bet sandover did not see that coming lol. Things look now really bad against Selrahc, so Sandover is left with no other choise than to follow novice again and vote against Sehlrac (again no reason given. Just trying to gain as little as he can from the surprise?).

I agree! Let's lynch the destroyer of Loon Lake!

Lewwyn Wrote:Compare Day 1 and Day : PB is up on the block both days. Both days he ahs a reasonable amount of votes that if enough people swung could get killed. On both days there was some competition. Day 1, MJW and myself, Day 2 Novice and Selrahc. The patterns mirror themselves as the votes against me dissipated in Day 1 and turned into a huge swing towards cull. The same thing happened here on Day 2. The novice votes dissipated and a huge swing began on Rowain. What was the single constant in these two days? pocketbeetle was on the block and in danger.

Thats just the facts people the same scenario worked out on both days and PB was the constant. He was also the constant beneficiary. Can you dispute this?

This is the only real compelling factual argument I've seen against PB. Didn't he initially become a suspect only because he was quiet? Or was it because he was quiet when he is usually talkative? I cannot remember exactly. Either way, the quiet thing seems weak to me. Of course, that is obviously self-serving. lol

Irgy Wrote:Lynch votes though, Meiz is the wagon-driver. Never the first vote, but always the vote to turn it into something. Both Lewwyn and Cull on day 1. Day 2 Mardoc, which failed to get off the ground, then Selrahc for a while, but switching to novice when Selrahc started to look dangerous. Then onto Rowain when the chance arose. Despite this being a shorter paragraph than the last, this is the core of my case.

I didn't check to see if his voting pattern matches your claims, but if it does, that is definitely an interesting observation, and since being a little late to the party is less obvious than starting the bandwagon, probably a good wolf play.

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:I kind of wanted to lynch Roland just so I wouldn't fall behind and have so much stuff to read when I need to catch back up, but that is a pretty convincing argument to me that he is actually a villager.

He was talking about Rowain, and me (in the brackets you put). I was asking Lewwyn why he trusted Rowain, and he replied with his meta-gaming reasons. Lewwyn, last I checked, thinks I'm a 'Wolf, although I'm pretty sure I blew his theory out of the water. wink

Anyway, just wanted to clarify. You know, it still amazes me how many people want to lynch me just because of my posting. Seriously!

Reading over these, there doesn't seem to be much unifying them in terms of time (which I suppose could be the point). Most the votes seem to be made without expressing much evidence, but again, it was Day 1, so no one had much evidence.

I don't know. Seems more like a coincidence that the votes came one after another to me.

Post 10, March 13, 00:10:

Serdoa Wrote:Oh god... I had forgotten the first days of WW2. Probability is high I erased them for a reason... MJW

Post 56, March 13, 07:09:

Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:Wow this game got started quickly! 9 hours in and already 50+ posts to read. Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday party so I will be pretty quiet today but I just wanted to chime in quickly. I have had my assistant briefly read me the voting tally while I finish altering my daughter's dress for the party, so these votes are as close to uninformed as they can be. Heck, I don't even have a complete list of who is playing in our village!

How about MJW for a lynch vote and Uberfish for a mayor.

F&I votes for MJW. F&I changes to self-vote.

Post 142, March 14, 03:38:

Cull Wrote:Because I was literally away almost all day yesterday, and was posting from my phone. duh And what pressure? 2 votes. D:


His posts are very hard to understand, but tbh come off to me as a wolf whos trying to defend himself especially in post #108.

No opinion on mayor.

Post 185, March 14, 12:00:

Cull Wrote:novice

Novice seems like majority, and tbh I really can't think of anybody else I would really prefer over him so far, or why he shouldn't be.

Lynching me is fine(because as people have pointed out, a certain number of village lynchs is ok with the #s of team wolf and team villager, but if you're lynching me based on the idea that I'm silent or because I spoke up and my ideas are bad, the former doesn't really work without lyching quite a bit of other people, and the later is sort of hits the same problem as the former. Sticking my vote on mjw for now.

Post 230, March 14, 18:37:

Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:Well I've read as much as I can for Day 1. This is always the toughest day in the game, such a crap shoot.

I trust novice generally enough to like him for mayor. And for a lynch? Jkaen seems as good a choice as any other.

My methodology, since I haven't enough time to make a strongly informed decision (not that any decision will be well informed without a role-claim) was to pick a generally quiet villager who is not voting with any particular bloc for either mayor or lynch target. That leads me to Jkaen.

Oh, and I haven't role-claimed yet today. I should let you all know that, as with WW2, I am a humble non-unique villager. Maybe next time I'll get to play wolf alright lol

Post 231, March 14, 18:39:

Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:smokeyikeshuh


Post 242, March 14, 22:16:

Jkaen Wrote:The herbalist ran round trying to convince everybody that [strike]Meiz[/strike] looked suspicious and wolf like, but nobody seemed to listen, and alot started to make gestures of smoking as he ran around, some even turned and accused him of being a wolf!

Glancing over at Meiz he noticed the man wink briefly towards a group, and shortly after he was sure he saw MJW nod and look in his direction. It was clear the two of them were working together and were going to eat the herbalist!

Deciding one wolf was as good as the other, he joined in with the others chanting for the Inquisitor to hang, after all they had no trouble with werewolves until he came

Post 286, March 15, 07:30:

Serdoa Wrote:I was thinking about switching to Cull as well (simply for him not posting) but you guys know what? I want to see what our mayor is doing now.

Post 287, March 15, 07:31:

Serdoa Wrote:That said Novice

And I'm spent.

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