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What's your larger plan considering neighbors? I would break the deal with Superdeath and take the sheep if you feel content with your other border being safe. I would always preemptively tell your other neighbor (the turn you plant, so he doesn't tip off Superdeath) and give/make up a reason as to why you're breaking your original settling deal with Superdeath so SD doesn't get a version out first where you're being accused of breaking deals. That last part is optional and depends on how you read your neighbors, but I'm trying to avoid a situation where he turns people against you for being "untrustworthy".

Basically grab the sheep if you can but only piss off one neighbor at a time
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Lurker question. I don't think I've ever kept building a wonder after its been completed, but I've never wanted fail gold this bad either. Even though I can see built I still show as a valid build this turn. Do I get more fail gold if I keep building?

[Image: 0ZOUTDE.png]

Next question  for Pin. Instead I could go into a 5 turn stonehenge but more likely I think I would do an 8 turn great wall (probably chop forest into). Thoughts.

Pretty sure that the check for obsolete wonders happens before production in turn processing, but I'm not certain. Best way I can think of to check it is to start a local hotseat game, that should work close to sequential PB.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

(April 17th, 2023, 01:25)Tarkeel Wrote: Pretty sure that the check for obsolete wonders happens before production in turn processing, but I'm not certain. Best way I can think of to check it is to start a local hotseat game, that should work close to sequential PB.

for sure you dont get more gold.

Mjmd, are you looking for a wonder for fail gold or do you want to actually build the wonder? I don't hold a lot of stock in Great Wall here due to how narrow borders are - though if you have plans for a Great Spy then I could see it being worthwhile. Though remembering we are CRE I suppose I can make the same argument for Stonehenge.

So unless you want the Great Person for some use, or want to mostly complete and then sit on it for the fail gold, I'm a little skeptical about building a wonder instead of another worker or settler here.

Edit: I also try to always have some other build queued in after a wonder so that I don't lose a turn of production. If the game had resolved the Great Lighthouse being built ahead of your turn then you would have gotten the fail gold but you would have also lost a turn of production in WhereToGoJohnny unless there was something in queue for it to fall back to.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I wouldn't mind either wonder for the rare GP type actually. But mind I also wouldn't mind the fail gold. I was heavily thinking of going for Great Wall as I was more sure of getting, but actually thinking it through Stonehenge is probably more what I want. I'm happy if I win it and I'm happy if I lose it.


I'M BEHIND IN CITIES!!!!! and reporting, but listen PB66 is a beast.

This little island chain is super good. I actually should have moved spear this way, but I'm going to rely on Bing getting pressured from north and south to not wanting to contest. Therefore axe is going to go lookout for any galleys coming my way as I figure the best defense is probably negotiation.

[Image: Kyokwq6.png]

I know I have a sign up north about before HG, but YAAAA that isn't happening. That being said, starting some settlers now. I need about 550g for math + currency, but that isn't THAT long (I got 97 fail gold on turn roll from mids). I'll probably research math next turn. But in 15ish turns need 4-5 settlers, 1 galley, & 2-3 work boats. Should be fun.

Did I exactly finish Stonehenge by working an unimproved plains hill. You bet I did! Again, I'm going for rare GP types to help pair with MoM. I'm debating on great wall either there or SE in Liverpool. SD would not be happy with that culture though...... Because of my deal for gold from GLH I kind of care. It will probably be in Where to go Johnny though just because its a more established city with production tiles to work while liverpool wants to develop.

Oh btw Charriu already has currency T76........... Mind you 6 cities. You may see signs about re-negotiating our northern deal when current NAP runs out. I have some good persuasions ready. IE if you settle the 1 city there I can slow you down when you try taking on Bing. If you don't you have 3 cities either over rivers on hills across vast amounts of culture and I can do very little.

Ok Pin. I have 4 HG / currency sites listed above.

Let me know how these additional sites sounds and no I'm not doing a "negotiate" spot as I probably* won't have negotiated those yet and unlikely to have troops to defend. Plus they pretty much require IW and calendar.

I think in order its
1) 2nd island spot on Bing chain as it grabs new food.

2) Steal capital dry corn / steal plains cow filler SW of capital to help grow cottages and because has multiple good tiles. Note corn steal would likely only be until it granary and got its own grassland farms going.

3) filler NE of capital permanently stealing clam.

Now I could go settle the SD dry wheat city instead of #3. I would let him know ahead of time if this was the case. Lord knows Roots doesn't need all its food and it will be overwhipped so even giving up both cow and deer (short term) should be fine. I did tell him this was a later city, but kind of thinking food wise it makes sense to do it earlier.

This has nothing at all to do with wanting to two pop whip library WhereToGoJohnny but then changing the turn of the whip from T79 to T80 without checking production math and realizing I accidentally exactly hit 30/90 so I won't be whipping it anymore. This gives me less chance of Great Wall. I instead will be whipping a settler next turn! Which being very loosie goosy with vague in head micro math means I think* I'll be at 7 settlers (2 from Johnny, 2 from Mandalay, 1 from Lost Coastlines, 1 from Storm along, and 1 from HeaveAway Johnny).

BTW stonehenge monument will mean I get to start improving pig for Braw Sailing next turn and will be ready by time it grows to size 2.

T81 & T82

OR OR hear me out I also produce a settler out of EarlyInTheMorning and do all of them. With a lighthouse that city has a nice food surplus.

There is lots of little micro things I like going on here after my prior mistake. Basically I whipped the settlers but then switched off to grow back to 4 in both cases. HeaveAwayJohnny doesn't have a 4th improved tile to work so its the perfect turn to put 10 production in the settler there.

[Image: F4GehGC.png]

T82 the math on currency LOOKS like hopefully 5 turns. Its 6 plus a little but between library finishing, couple of cottages growing, and sid beakers should be 5. That is about 300 gold, so start teching T85 and fin about T90. Somewhere in that range. I'm mainly writing this down for my planning purposes.

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