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Hawkmoon Wrote:I would be happy to try something different. I keep showing up with Axe because I've been under the impression that I'm supposed to get as much experience calling as possible. But I'd be perfectly happy learning some other role as well.
Right now the guild is lacking in mesmers and PvP ready monks. If you really want to work at being a PvP monk then I'll do everything I can to help you out with the limited experience I have.

Quote:For instance, in the realm of superior runes, I think I've got a total of 6 unlocked: Warrior Axe, Warrior Absorption, Monk Divine Favor, Ele Energy Storage, Mes Fast Casting, and Rit Spawning Power.
Hey, I think I handed over all but one of those to you. Well anyways, I've got another superior monk and ele you can id (I might want both back, monk superiors are always good to have and I'm going to make an ele once Nightfall comes out so I'm starting to stock up on stuff for that).

Quote:Re: the HA build you posted earlier, Wyrm - I can easily do either the Spellbreaker monk (capped that elite a few days ago!), or the hammer warrior (I capped Devastating; though I'm lacking the superior hammer rune, alas).
All right, just rembember that the build requires some twitch reflexes for Infuse since it's there to stop a spike when possible (pretty easy to stop ele spike since you've got a .75s window to get infuse off, r-spike is a bit harder since the window is usually only about .5s). I can go through some of the finer points of running it later, when I remember what they are.

Quote:I hope that doesn't mean that we can't try HA! cry I'm looking forward to that!
Well, Wednesday is primarily for GvG, so if we can do that then that's what I want to do. HA is something we can do when we don't have the numbers for GvG or when we have an excess of people on Monday (like we did a couple days ago, it's a lot easier to find one more person for HA than it is to fine 7 more for a mass AB).

Quote:In the interests of building ourselves up for HA and GvG, maybe at off-times, or if we don't get enough folks to show up, we could spend time capping elites that those of us who aren't UAS need
I have no problem with that. Just don't say you need Feast of Corruption anytime soon.

Quote:If y'all agree this would be useful, I'll post a list of what I need to cap - if we can coordinate to go after bosses that are in the same area, so much the better.
It would also be useful for you to go through your weapons and figure out what you'll need to get your PvE chars PvP ready. A well equipped PvE char has a lot more options to work with than your standard PvP character (multiple rune sets, more than 2 weapon sets, etc.). And also, with the upcoming weekend featuring triple drop rates on Canthan greens, now is the time to stock up. A lot of them can be solo farmed, but if we're working towards getting people specific greens, we can team up and make it go a lot faster.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

cry Man o man, I just got to saying Hi to you all when Lightning Storm from the bowels of Earth shook the house. Yeesh! Anyway, I hope you all had a good time last night. I'll try again next week . cry

Well, as it turned out Xyn wasn't able to be around either, so we grabbed 2 people from the alliance and went to HA. That didn't go so well. I'll ask around and try to find a basic build that we can use to get started; the rules for what goes in there are different from GvG so I'm completely clueless atm. If we want to try something that's a fotm build just to get started I suppose running dual smite or blood spike is a possibility. If we want to start running HA more often we're going to need to come up with something or we're never going to get out of the UW maps (which reminds me: Guild Wiki HA guide).

One of our attempts did yield something pretty interesting though. On our last try we decided to do something stupid and all use Me/Es fast casting Meteor Shower and other fun fire spells. Well, we didn't even make it past the Zaishen so that idea was bumpkiss for HA, but it worked amazingly well in AB. Seijin, Jude, and myself went to AB and were cleaning house easily. Seijin and I were both the Me/Es and Jude was our monk. Seriously, we were slaughtering people. Often the tank we took along (was an HRK person one time, PuG the other) didn't even make it to the shrine before we had the defenders killed; I usually only had enough time to cast MS and Rod's before they were down. Considering what we were doing I wouldn't mind trying this out the next time we go deep into Kurzick territory (the Ancestral Lands map) and attacking the Kurzick inner defenses. As long as we remember to take out the NPCs along the wall first we should be golden.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Quote: And maybe it really is time to have KoP or Gris make a PvP sub-forum under the main GW forum?

Anyone want to second/third that, are we there yet? [Image: wink.gif]


I don't really think we need a subforum for PvP, this forum doesn't see that much traffic. wink

In any case, I have most of the warrior and monk skills unlocked now, as well as the ranger and ele ones. There remain a couple on each character that I haven't bothered to get yet, mainly because I don't see ever using them in PvE, but they should be easily acquired should the need arise. Guess I will start to work on the Rit and Asn skills you outlined next.

Zed-F Wrote:I don't really think we need a subforum for PvP, this forum doesn't see that much traffic.
I have to agree. Right now we barely can get people to come to the regular forum and I don't think enough people would use any sub-forum enough to warrant adding it. I think if we create another topic on this forum for match reports and discussion and possibly another topic for HA then that will be enough for now. Not there yet, but at least PvP is no longer taboo. Next step is gonna be getting people to realize you don't play PvP the same way you play PvE.

That gives me a good segue into something else. I'd like to avoid us using any fotm or spike builds for now. There's a very good discussion over at the team-iq forums (this thread) about spikes and all that stuff in GvG. The basic consensus among people is that while they're effective at getting winds, you're not really developing your skill level all that much. If you're already a good team and just want something to help you get into a rythm or to try something new/different then it's ok, but if you're just starting out then you'll be getting faux progress. Your team will get wins, yes, but you won't be getting anywhere near as much experience as you would without running the spike. Anyways, I figure we're all here to learn and have fun.

P.S. From what I've read on forums and seen during the weekend preview events, Nightfall is probably going to negate every build that's currently out there.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:P.S. From what I've read on forums and seen during the weekend preview events, Nightfall is probably going to negate every build that's currently out there.

Nightfall is going to offer adjustments to improve most individual character builds in existence. It is definitely going to radically alter the landscape of team builds.

And that's only commenting with respect to content that the public has seen at this point! eek

I've got the majority of the specified assassin and ritualist skills unlocked now as well. So as far as skills go, I should be more-or-less good for:


I'll have to see whether I want a necro/mesmer hero in Nightfall and how much unlocking I want to do there. I have partial sets of the skills mentioned in the original post for both. I don't really plan to play a ton of either in PvP, but I coud almost certainly put something together for either class if I had to.

This is a general request to everyone: We need more people who can play Mesmers! Mesmers are one of the most crucial classes in the game and when played well can be the difference between a win and a loss (and I'm not exaggerating with that).

Zed-F Wrote:Ranger
If you want to continue using that cripshot build that would be great. It didn't work so well in HA because the quarters there are generally cramped and you're not moving around as much as you can and do in GvG, which is where it can really make a difference. I speak from experience when I say cripshots are pretty fun to play in GvG.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I've got a pretty bad head cold and feel pretty miserable right now. I'll still be there tonight, but they won't be my finest hours.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

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