Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Ceterum Peter censet Carthaginem fore triumphatrix - Adrien + Miguelito

No tech bonus is about the prerequisites for a tech, meaning the number of arrows going from techs you have to the tech you're researching. So researching BW gets one prereq from mining while the first row techs give none. And pottery if you already have fishing and agri gives you a double bonus

Wait, you get prereq bonus if you know just one prereq? That's new for me. I Thought it's just to encourage players to get all the prereqs, if there are more than one. So every tech beyond the first row gets the bonus in effect? Yeah, I'm looking forward to that pottery with double bonus. Sort of my desperate justification for Carthage rolleye

Urgent questions:
- Are you okay with scouting the eastern peninsula for 4 turns?
- green things?

Sorry for the late answer to the urgent question. If you want to go east please do so I don't think it's a big peninsula.
While I don't drink it, there's always Absinthe. Peas. Skype.

(January 24th, 2015, 13:56)Miguelito Wrote: Lurker question: Is it legal to post the save here / forward it to Adrien for him to have a look?

of course? You can even ask the guy before you in the turn order to always mail the save to both of you (as long as you agree that only one of you will play / send the save to the next guy)

Played turn 1:

Being Cre, we could set up a beautiful 4-food GP farm on the red dot, capable of growing two riverside cottages (we are cottaging that capital, aren't we?) and making use of an early work boat. But we aren't.
Options I see:
- red dot: Doesn't shine before a border pop. So probably no good 2nd city, but could be 3rd or 4th
- blue dot: Has the deer in first ring and grows 3 cottages, but we would have to research hunting. Don't really want to do that before writing. Leaves 1 crab to a city we'll have to found across the channel.
- green dot: can use the crab immediately, but doesn't help the capital with cottages.
I hope we get a better second city site scouting around that sheep.

I also really like that flood plains across the channel. A settlement on that plains hill has potential. Hope we get over there fast enough.

Next turn, I want to scout green dot -> blue dot, for not missing a potential seafood NE of the tundra hill. Then on the deer hill and scout the northern area. I don't expect us to settle on the tundra hill any time soon, so not going to scout that right now.

Somehow best rival GNP is 21 now. Did Zara already get a border pop? That would also explain 5 crop yield.

Quote:While I don't drink it, there's always Absinthe. Peas. Skype.

It wasn't actually my intention to make this an alcoholics theme mischief. Peas are good. Skype is green? Mine is more blue/turquoise.

Quote:of course? You can even ask the guy before you in the turn order to always mail the save to both of you (as long as you agree that only one of you will play / send the save to the next guy)

Thanks. Want to throw in something green for our 3rd city name?

The skype icon is blue but the sign that says you're connected is green. It was the only green thing on my screen so I figured why not. Grass is a backup name in case we can't find many names.

Zara got a pop at the end of his turn, he gets +4cul each turn and the threshold is 6cul.

As you said red dot is awesome with a border pop and weak without. Green dot is weak as second cities go even if there was a fish in its second ring, so I don't really care about the fog over there, I'd double back on the grass hill W of blue dot and then NW NE.
3S of red dot is a great city once we get to that continent. Actually I was pondering sailing after BW to make a galley and colonize the continent before everyone else. First settle the very good sites on our island then those on the other side. Then the filler cities come in. It also gives us 2c TRs sooner.

Yeah, I am also really in favor of early sailing. However, we have to weigh against delaying pottery and writing. We already get relatively late cottages. Probably depends on how many very good sites we scout on the main island.

Oh, and I agree with your point on scouting. We'll do it that way.

Cool !

One more turn came in!
I moved the scout to the riverside grass, doesn't change anything but we can still move to the hill NW NW. Eot we got a border pop, so we actually got worthwile info:

I fear we need hunting soon :/. Maybe even before BW (don't wanna start simming again before we've got the island scouted)?

Next turn I think the scout goes onto the tundra hill.

The good news is that the land across the channel looks more and more tasty nod ! (mapmaker intentionrolleye?)

Demos didn't change, so no post here.

Edit: Also a little problem: We'll probably need a unit to fogbust that plains tile on the eastern peninsula (a work boat could do it, but that idea is a bit pointless :D)

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