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Holy Warriors - Civilization 5 (BNW) Succession Game

Road based TRs still exist, with the same formula, I think. The caravan TRs can be to:

*City states (we only receive gold, not sure if there's a default influence bonus or just when there's a mission for a TR); gold from TRs is based on quite a lot of things, that I don't know exactly; being on a river and coastal is good, the amount of avaiable resources also makes a difference.

*Other civs (we get gold + science, based on how many techs the receiving Civ has more than we do; the receiving Civ also receives gold and science from our TRs);

*Internal TRs, for food or production. Food routes require a granary in the city that starts the TR; prod routes require a workshop in the city that starts the TR. They give a flat amount of food/prod, based on the era.

TRs can be through water too, which requires Cargo Ships. They have double the yield of land TRs. Unfortunately, I don't think we can have such TRs from the Capital, due to the inland sea. Perhaps moving the red dot city 1W could be a good move, we lose 1 faith, but we can send a 8 food TR there from the Capital. Worth thinking about.

I think a land TR starting in Faith could reach Rome, but I don't think it could go much further (cities have a maximum TR range, that increase with certain buildings). With the yellow dot city, there wouldn't be much risk of barbs pillaging that route, so it could be a very nice gold + science boost.

We receive another TR slot when we tech Sailing, so perhaps that could be a tech goal.

On trade routes:

-The range of land TR is 10 tiles (which gets extended to 15 with caravansary and to 30 tiles with combustion). For coastatl TR you start with 20 tiles you get another 10 tiles with compass, another 10t with refrigeration and 20 tiles more with a harbor.

-TR income is based in 3 things:
Resurce diversity, you get 0.5% income from each unique resource that each city have.
5% of maximun gold output of the city, which means that markets, banks, trading post nad merchant specialist increase the amount of gold you get.
If the start city is next to a river you get a 25% extra income.

-The science bonus that you recieve when trading with another civ is flat and not multiply by any buildings.

-TR can also help you to spread your religion to other cities. Keep in mind that this only works with cities that are over the 10 tiles range from natural spreading of your cities.

P.D: I hope you don't mind me sticking my nose over here guys.


Thanks for the info, retep.

Not much to report from the turn set, not enough changes to warrant a new picture.

On the inherited turn, I start walking the warrior towards yellow dot. No other changes needed. 4 gpt isn't enough for the truffles, will see if he comes up with more.

Cathy completes the Great Library, that was fast. She, Rome, and Iros all went Classical on the turn set.

Set research to Archery - The Wheel since we didn't have any other opinions.

The ruin popped a useless map, and it took a while to get the scout out of that corner past barbs. He took a couple hits and promoted to Survivalist.

We got Landed Elite, right on the same turn just before yellow dot was founded to increase the policy costs.

The game put up a suggested-settlement icon on yellow dot, so guess we did something right. smile

Rome did complain about yellow dot. I promised we wouldn't settle any more near them, which is true.

We met Ahmad of Morocco. He paid us full value of 7 gpt for the truffles (wouldn't offer 8.) Hooked up the 2 horses and Rome paid us 3gpt for them which is full value.

Then one turn later, Ragusa decided to desire Horses, which we will easily complete with the second set at the new city.

I built a caravan in the capital, and set it for the +3 food to the new city. The other options were 5g 2b with Rome, or 4g with Monaco. Small potatoes, those can wait, 3 food is a lot at this stage.

I correctly micromanaged the caravan to complete exactly by hammer count then to grow Faith to 5 by exact food count. Faith started a third worker as we're still behind on improved tiles, especially with the trade route food.

We met Maria of Portugal. She paid us 1gpt for an embassy.

Devotion (the new city) will acquire a new tile this turn, either the horses or cotton. The worker SW of the city will go to improve whichever tile it is. Devotion did pick up our pantheon so it should be exerting pressure on Rome's cities.

I didn't sell marble because nobody ever had money. But we actually need it for our own happiness at the moment.

The scout is trying to go west of Sweden, he kept getting blocked by barbs in that ice corner trying to go east. I sent the warrior south because of the known barb camp there, and he got in a bit of a skirmish, but shouldn't be in any danger of dying.

I think it's correct to work hammers over production at the capital, since growth does nothing in just growing onto 2-food tiles.

The Wheel is due this turn, not sure where to go next. I might actually say Calendar and Stonehenge, or else Bronze Working to find iron. BTW, we can't build a Stoneworks at Faith - "city must not be in plains."

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.zip   Boudicca_0050 (Size: 572.72 KB / Downloads: 2)

That restriction to build stoneworks is one of the most smoke design choices I've ever seen. What's the purpose or flavour behind that?

Regarding techs, we need Calendar for Cotton, right? So it's probably our best choice. After that, sailing might be interesting, to get another TR for the third city. The free food is pretty nice, after all. Not sure how the timings will work, but we can even do it with a Cargo Ship, like I've suggested. It'd be worth +6 food right now, +8 after classical era.

Yuris is up.

Did you feel that 10 turns is too short for a turnset, T-Hawk? We can keep 15 turns, since Civ 5 (especially with our variant) has less things to do each turn than Civ 4.

good set. In retrospect I'm glad the team outvoted me on pink dot if Rome kvetched about yellow.

Yes calendar next for cotton.
I agree on moving red dot so we can do the sea trade route; think Faith builds the settler for here after its worker is done? But maybe not do the new route from sailing right away. Think a 2nd trade route to Monaco worth doing - in most situations food to your own cities is way better, but the trade route would instantly give us about 600 gold worth of influence. Could see pitching some gold in too to get Monaco Allied, that would move up the key policies (finish tradition, 1st two in Piety) a decent amount, earn some gold too (sell another lux if we get their fur) etc.

That's a little further out though. Should we do a gold gift to Ragusa timed when we hook up the new horses? That could give us several turns of Allied as well.

unsure about stonehenge.

Small note: I think you can sell 1 horse for 2gpt if you do them all separately. Sort of joyless and silly but yet usefulmischief

Got it (well, saw it at least smile ). Will play tonight
Question, do I need to turn off the DLCs or was it only necessary for the map roll and the first save?

(June 12th, 2015, 04:41)yuris125 Wrote: Got it (well, saw it at least smile ). Will play tonight
Question, do I need to turn off the DLCs or was it only necessary for the map roll and the first save?

Just open the save, the game does the rest.

(June 11th, 2015, 21:59)Ichabod Wrote: Did you feel that 10 turns is too short for a turnset, T-Hawk? We can keep 15 turns, since Civ 5 (especially with our variant) has less things to do each turn than Civ 4.

10 turns is fine. I like shorter turnsets for more frequent touches by each player, makes it more of a team experience.

Calendar for cotton, duh, of course. Hopefully Devotion's tile picker is smart enough to realize that and take the horses first. smile

We can do a second trade route now, with Devotion as the source city. We can build a caravan in the capital and rehome it to the new city. If we want Monaco soon, that's the way to do it. I don't agree on also buying Monaco to accelerate culture policies - that never really seems to work, the escalating policy costs always win - but it is true that the Tradition finisher is the one biggest policy to accelerate.

(June 12th, 2015, 00:46)timmy827 Wrote: Small note: I think you can sell 1 horse for 2gpt if you do them all separately. Sort of joyless and silly but yet usefulmischief

I think I tried this and I don't think it works. The standard lump sum price for a strategic resource is 45 gold. 2gpt would be 60 and the AIs wouldn't pay that.

(June 12th, 2015, 09:17)T-hawk Wrote:
(June 11th, 2015, 21:59)Ichabod Wrote: Did you feel that 10 turns is too short for a turnset, T-Hawk? We can keep 15 turns, since Civ 5 (especially with our variant) has less things to do each turn than Civ 4.

10 turns is fine. I like shorter turnsets for more frequent touches by each player, makes it more of a team experience.

Ok. 10t it is.

(June 12th, 2015, 09:17)T-hawk Wrote: Calendar for cotton, duh, of course. Hopefully Devotion's tile picker is smart enough to realize that and take the horses first. smile

I wouldn't put my hopes up. lol

(June 12th, 2015, 09:17)T-hawk Wrote: We can do a second trade route now, with Devotion as the source city. We can build a caravan in the capital and rehome it to the new city. If we want Monaco soon, that's the way to do it. I don't agree on also buying Monaco to accelerate culture policies - that never really seems to work, the escalating policy costs always win - but it is true that the Tradition finisher is the one biggest policy to accelerate.

I'm not sure if I missing something, but Caravan TRs are Civ wide, not specific to each city. We need to reach certain techs to get more TR slots (or wonders, namely Petra and Colossus), we don't get a free one per city. The first one usually comes from AH (which also opens caravans), and the second one from sailing (which opens cargo ships). After that... Is it Guilds? Let's see...

Animal Husbandry (Ancient Era)
Sailing (Ancient Era)
Engineering (Classical Era)
Compass (Medieval Era)
Banking (Renaissance Era)
Biology (Industrial Era)
Railroad (Modern Era)
Penicillin (Atomic Era)

These are the techs that give a new TR slot. We can actually send all TRs from the same city, but we can't send them from and to the same cities (I think we can send more than one TR to a city, if the "from" cities are different).

Does the domestic route count against the total? I was under the impression it didn't, and saw in Beyond Earth that it doesn't there. Found this, which isn't exactly clear on it:

It does say that you can't build more trade units when the route cap is reached, but I though I saw Caravan still available in the list of builds at Faith.

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