Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 25

manHOLE and SNOWman, presumably.
According to OH's rules, the third word should be PORT (interesting enough, one of my US senators is Rob Portman).

HOLE and SNOW. And then PORT. I still believe HOLE was the intended Oil word but this works. How'd you clue SNOW and PORT anyway? Icebreaker 2?

SNOWman obviously
ManHOLE also obvious
PIANOman somewhat more tenuous - there was a UK dance act by this name which Superdeath may not have heard of
Natalie PORTman is getting a bit more silly

Looking at spoilers I agree with SNOW, HOLE & PORT.

Prior to looking at spoilers:

Given OH's guidance prior to passing last turn, our missing Gas word would seem to be Port.

We can ignore Hole, so we need two other Man words:

Snow is obvious.

I kind of like Piano for the last, as in "Billy Joel, the Piano Man". Could be Saturn though.

Having read spoilers... why are you all presuming Hole is one of ours? Wouldn't he have just done Man (2) if it was Snow and Hole and then a missing, unrelated Gas word? I read the "unlimited" as meaning "there are two Man words, but neither is Hole".

As Aurorarcher said, a (2) clue would have had to cover SNOW and PORT, which is a pretty tough pair of words to tie together. Even if Superdeath originally intended HOLE as the third drill word, OH's rules give him the opportunity to clue SNOW and HOLE while picking up PORT for the +1.

Port and Snow aren't too difficult to clue together. "Icebreaker" for instance is one word. Or Iceberg. Or Floe.

More importantly, OH wrote this:

(January 18th, 2020, 03:02)Old Harry Wrote: I'm happy to pass on the understanding that HOLE will be our next guess. So if SD clues us a 2 we know it's HOLE while if he gives us a 3 it isn't and we try to figure all three words from the clue.

(And an unlimited means it isn't HOLE and isn't clued by the clue, so it's PORT.  mischief )

Am I missing something here? Should we not assume that our unlimited clues means we should avoid Hole?

Well, here's the perfect example how giving some help to our spymaster might hit us back. lol

The thing is we don't know for sure if SD followed the logic OH gave him. I mean, did he follow both of those "rules" we have him. So what does that yellowed line mean? I read it this way:

- The remaining OIL word is PORT.
- The remaining OIL word is not HOLE.

But I think you (Bob) read it this way:
- The remaining OIL word is PORT.
- The last word is not HOLE and we can ignore it.

So did SD use it this way:
- I'll say unlimited so that they'll pick PORT as the last OIL word.
- After that "reset" and think again, all words available for the last clue.
- Use Man as a clue to strongly connect both SNOW and HOLE.

Or did he use it this way:
- I'll say unlimited so that they'll pick PORT as the last OIL word.
- NEVER pick HOLE (ignore it as last word).
- Use Man as a clue to connect SNOW and PIANO (impossible to connect with a two clue if HOLE is not ignored).

Had SD said Man (2), we would have faced similar issue. Okay, so we pick HOLE (last OIL word) but does that mean we need to ignore PORT? Anyway, Bob is right that SD might mean we should ignore HOLE. Or was he just unable to come with a clue for SNOW + PORT? 

So let's assume for a second that the remaining words are indeed PIANO and SNOW (PORT for OIL). How'd you clue them? I don't see any other chance than MAN (with ignoring HOLE). But then, why did JR4 use unlimited earlier? He must've seen that there's a chance for us to win quite easily if we get to last clue? But if he saw us having PIANO and SNOW with HOLE on board he shouldn't panic, right?

So let's assume the words were PORT and SNOW (HOLE for OIL). SD didn't find a clue for them? Icebreaker or similar should've been a perfect clue.

Anyway... after wall of text I don't know if I said anything to help us decide. I guess we all agree PORT is one and SNOW is the other. I think while writing this I'm leaning slightly towards PIANO after those... but only because I'm a bit confused why he didn't clue for PORT and SNOW in the first place with 2 if they were the intended words.

JR4 had to give an unlimited clue; no reasonable Codemaster would risk the game on the opposing team missing either a three word or two word +1 clue, where one word had already been given. The only circumstance he'd have been better off ensuring our team got another round would be if Blue was clearly about to stumble into the Assassin, which we can safely assume is not the case.

As for our team, I would not discount Jupiter as a possible Man word either, the God Jupiter being male. Snow + Jupiter would also be difficult to clue if you're trying to avoid Vacuum. Maybe Ice (2) would have worked.

We're going to have to gamble here, but I think Hole is too likely to be the missing Kevlar word.

Let's at least get the obvious one out of the way:

Point to Snow

Also, if I'm reading Auro's reasoning correctly, your interpretation for why SD gave us an unlimited clue is that Hole is one of our words, but SD somehow didn't consider it a possible Oil word? I can't believe that could be the case.

I still don't understand why SD wouldn't just give us "Man (2)" or even "Man (3)" if we were to consider Hole. I think he's banking on us realizing it's blue.

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