Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

When in doubt, declare war.

Well put smile.

Acres is dead. I should raze three cities the next two turns. Man Dave has a lot of cities, its going to take a while. I get Composites end of next turn, and have asked Nospace to fund a Stealth run. Its amazing what my capital is capable of, considering every other city has paved over its Towns.


[Image: civ4screenshot0016o.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0017y.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0018e.jpg]


Chat with Dave:

Quote:Darrell: dave
David Harris is idle.
Sent at 8:11 PM on Thursday
Dave: hey, sorry was afk
what's up?
Darrell: much more of this do you want to endure?
we can go as long as you want, but if it is no fun for you...
Dave: last turn was pretty miserable gotta admit
Darrell: Let me phrase it this way, when you are ready to cry uncle just let us know :P
Dave: still, we came this far and still have a good turn pace, I would kinda like to see it out
Darrell: fair enough
I'm having fun after all :P
Dave: lol, probably will be sooner rather than later :P
what happens after you guys eviscerate me? if you don't mind my asking?
Darrell: we eviscerate shoot
since he is giving you help
unless he cries uncle before we can get started I guess
Dave: tsk tsk wink
that vengeful for....
3 missile cruisers, 1 battleships, 1 destroyer, 4 infantry, a marine and two bombers?
Darrell: iss that the tally?
Dave: that I paid for with cold hard Dutch cash?
Darrell: really?
probably not then
althoughh if he gets close to launching...
Dave: btw, am still surprised you and NoSpace buried your differences to come after me
That was one outcome I most certainly did not expect
Darrell: did you ever consider culture? I speculated on that in our thread
I played it like with you gusy to get rego out of the way, but then recognize you and shoot were tighter with each other than me
so I needed a partner, and that was nospace
I could have misread the situation but it felt like the best course
Dave: probably was a smart move
I spent a long time trying to convince Shoot to 2v2
not interested enough in the game to do so
Darrell: yeah, it would have changed things quite a bit
just the increase in land to defend would have been problematic
I thought he was going to join for sure
but was waiting due to his NAP with nospace only being 7t
Dave: if only....
but no, vaguely considered culture
Darrell: Sistine was a red flag.
Dave: ruled it out that I couldn't beat you to space with culture
Darrell: I thought the NAP cancel was to make us refocus so you could have the time
Dave: Sistine was me Parkin-ing it up :D
Darrell: lol
Dave: it was available, and shiny, and was GP points for my GP pool city, and I had marble
I'll take a 3t Sistine, thank you very much
Darrell: yeah, for 3t why not
ah well, gtg...ttyl
Dave: night

So we'll keep playing smile. I proposed to nospace he launches a ship with 2 Casings, then I launch one with 4, and if necessary he launches a final complete one. That is pretty close to an in-game coin flip (I have a 48% chance of winning). This is after Shoot and Dave are eliminated so we can play it out in one session.


Razed a city. He has Bombers and Fighters, this annoys me. We get stealth end of next turn.


Space saved my bacon, blocking some transports that could have caused me no end of harm.


Chat with space during the war:

Quote:space: good morning
novice spacemanmf is online.
Darrell: excellent timing
was just opening the save
space: heh
i am curious as to the damage
Darrell: ditto
Sent at 6:42 AM on Saturday
Darrell: he did not attempt a jail break out of const
space: ok, yours for the taking then?
Darrell: let's see smile
space: has he left much in there?
Darrell: err
19 infantry
and several tanks
space: the Battle of Constantinople
Darrell: 21 infantry
7 tanks
2 cannon
space: wow
Darrell: I lack enough units
space: where did they all come from
Darrell: no clue
space: any marines?
Darrell: no, but two transports
space: they've been there for ages
Darrell: shoot has one on the way too
probably empty tbh
space: yeah that was near us recently
i'm curious as to how much shoot is really dialled into this game
Darrell: man even with 8 bombersa nd 3 fighters I can't attack
I will have to move my navy around again
and wait for mroe units I guess
space: how come you can't attack?
Darrell: at least he's tying everything down there
CG2 Pinch Infantry at str 18 have odds on my marines
space: after 11 aerial attacks??
Darrell: he has 6 bombers in jerusalem now
space: christ
any other units in jerusalem?
Darrell: well with that many units the bombers get spread around pretty good
need to build a lot of forts
space: yeah
Darrell: just one infantry
space: you can station some in damietta
without donating
and attack from there
can't you?
Darrell: I am going to stac kmy ships four deep so you can free your navy
yes I will build a fort and put some there
so next turn I can hit with 16 bombers and 3 fighters
space: i could see 8 infantry on his mainland last turn
and a tank
so he's used most of those to reinforce
he had 13 infantry in last turn
sorry 14
so that makes sense
Darrell: yeah
space: you can layer up your boats a bit more now anyway
Darrell: I can tie these forces down at the very least
space: yeah
Darrell: and free us up to do other things
space: he may as well consolidate in one or two cities
as good as anything else
so we should have about 1440 gold that you can request
when do you get stealth?
end of this or next turn?
Darrell: end of next turn
I'll get expenses only this turn
space: ok
we're going to attack at three points soon
Darrell: Kharkov is dead
space: nice
are you going to raze all on that island?
Darrell: stalingrad is dead
you betcha
shoot has workers there building railroads for him
space: any sign of HMS Surprise?
Darrell: nope
space: it was 2SW of stalingrad last time
Sent at 6:55 AM on Saturday
space: we plan to capture leningrad / worldseries and archangel by the way
probably raze hattin
Darrell: that's fine
he's refounding crap cities which is annoying but not unexpecte4d
space: you can have his main island to resettle/capture
Darrell: 9 MA complete over the next two turn
space: yeah he had a spare settler in his capital
Darrell: 10 actually
space: kerching
we should see shoot's research in 2 turns unless he does something about it
Darrell: the graph that makes me most happy is MFG
space: ha
yeah, big golden age factor in there
we plan to capture nazareth from overexposure in maybe 3 turns
with our third assault, we're going to raze pindicator
so we may station bombers in pitcairn island or russia
that'll be in about 3 turns
Darrell: samaria is ungarrisoned
you now
I thnik I;ll capture it
I have 3 mech inf and a marine
he can get to it
space: with what?
Darrell: and there is mr. surprise
space: how many moves do they get on rails?
Darrell: a ton
not sure
more than the continent
mr. surprise is dead
I see another tranpsort
space: woo
wonder if he had any onboard
Darrell: 3W1N of hattin
can't quite reach it
space: perhaps marines there
Darrell: hope so
space: hopefully there were some on HMS surprise
Darrell: shoot stole my fort
space: since there are 6-9 unaccounted for
which one?
Darrell: alexandria
its obvious in hindsight
space: yeah thought you might get swamped there
Darrell: he got your sugar too
I shoul dhave kept the one further down
space: our sugar?
Darrell: yeah I was going to send it to you
space: ah right cheers
for the thought anyway
Darrell: oh well 3 cities razed, total of 8
plus one captured
space: good work soldier
Darrell: ball is in your court smile
space: so samari is gone?
Darrell: yeah
space: i'm not sure we'll raze any this turn
maybe hattin
Darrell: shoot is now in first place
space: but is power is a mere 1.5m
Darrell: oh he got rocketry
shall I initiate my cooldown
I think yes
space: hmmm
which techs does he lack?
Darrell: a lot of them
fusion being the big one
fiber optics and fission as well on the way
I don't like having my hands tied
I will initiate the cooldown
space: ok
that will probably stop him gifting units to dave anyway
Darrell: hope so
space: so yours is 10t?
why couldn't he have teched something you had
we can fund you to rocketry if you like
it's half price effectively
Darrell: Dave has 18 cities
yeah mine is 10t
I have rocketry
space: oh rigth
so we have it now too
Darrell: yeah
not sure if they help
I have not built any
can they fly over ocean?
space: no
pretty sure they can't
nor can they capture cities
Darrell: they can kill units though
it might bnot be a bad idea
space: they can
Darrell: if they could fly over ocean
str 24 and four move
space: can always use airports to rebase
Darrell: that is true too
space: they can go further on rails
i think
and they are best at taking out enemy tanks
Darrell: 18 cities, so if we can get between the two of us 3 cities/turn, he is dead in 6 turns, giving us plenty of time to reposition against shoot
yeah, I will hit my cooldown
space: amibitious i like it
i think...
we've already started reinforcing our coast facing shoot
despite the NAP
Darrell: a good idea
although I think we'll have overwhelming force to jus traze everythign turn 1 of the war
note sent, I bcc'd you
space: hopefully

  • Razed three cities (Dave has 18 left)
  • Have a four ship deep blockade around Constantinople, which has 21 Infantry, five Tanks and two Cannon in it.
  • Have 19 air units in range next turn
  • Have 9 MA coming online over the next two turns
  • Get Stealth end of next turn, with about 2K in cash for upgrades
  • Shoot got Rocketry; I initiated the NAP cooldown


Chat with Shoot:

Quote:Shoot: Hey, you around?
Darell: Yup
What's up?
Shoot: as a random question, have you and nospace discussed what you're going to do once you wipe me off the map (I assume I'll be hearing a cooldown from them in oh 3 turns or so)
Darell: Yeah we wool resume a space race
Shoot: after having destroyed all of your cottages?
Darell: No plans to attack you unless it look s like you well get space
Shoot: ah, just getting the cooldown out of the way ahead of time?
Darell: There are details to be worked our that is for sure
Shoot: also, your 15k+ in beakers ahead of me
Darell: Inn case we need to yeah
Shoot: you really think I stand a chance catching that up?
Darell: Are you building Apollo?
Shoot: no
I was just going toward stealth to be honest
Darell: Dunno, you are in first and have a ton of land
Shoot: didn't feel safe with you having stealth bombers and me not
still, 15k beakers takes a while to catch up
Darell: I guess unless you build Apollo wed leave you alone
Shoot: in all honesty, my chances at winning went out the window with two recent developments
first was losing the internet by a couple turns
Darell: A lot of those beakers are off the space path
Shoot: second was dave falling so quickly (a stalled out war might have let me sneak back)
Darell: Yeah nospace was worried about that
Shoot: if I had gotten the internet, yeah I could have probably won
once you guys are done with dave though just hit the build research option and your ahead of me in gnp as well as mfg though
Darell: If you are teching stealth that seems harmless
Shoot: *you're
Darell: Right I was not sure you're eta and just wanted to have open options
Shoot: fair enough
Darell: Your :-)
Shoot: that correction was to my own
Darell: Then I made the reverse mistake lol
Shoot: what would you say about an NAP that auto-cancels upon me building apollo?
Darell: That seems fine
Shoot: I'm honestly content to just hit enter for the rest of the game and not have to deal with a messy war on this map
Darell: I'd have to discuss with nospace at this point
Shoot: fair enough
Darell: Yeah I figured
Shoot: let me hear back in the next 10 turns wink
Darell: Going last in the turn order is terrible
Shoot: yeah tell me about it
going first in pbem 8 was so much nicer
I mean the only real problem of course is stupid NAPs
being forced to go last when an NAP cools down is more the issue than the game design I'd say
Darell: I wool never sigh es nap with someone before me
Shoot: same
well for that matter not sure I'm going to play an more diplo enabled games
Darell: Unless there is some kind of neutral zone to avoid a first strike decapitation
Yeah ditto
Too much hassle
Shoot: agreed
and at least for me this game has just shown it kinda becomes a "kill the leader" when played with high level people
Darell: That was one fun thing playing in a game where everyone was good
Shoot: yeah
it was interesting to see that dynamic, but it convinced me high level play is probably best done CTON
I'll be interested to see if reading spoiler threads changes my opinion on that though
Shoot: anyway let me know on that apollo-cancellation NAP

Shoot: oh also, just to revise what I said're actually 40k beakers ahead of me
anyway save coming your way

Summary is he wants a NAP extension that goes into effect if he builds Apollo. I am okay with this as long as a) Nospace is, and b) I clarify that the NAP expires when he ends his turn and Apollo completes, retaining our ability for a first strike.



[Image: civ4screenshot0019.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0022t.jpg]

Chat with space:

Quote:Space: heh, stole the internet from him as expected
novice spacemanmf is online.
Sent at 8:43 AM on Sunday
Darrell: I thought you'd like that smile
Space: if he'd got that, we'd have just avoided techs that you have, thoug
since we are trading units it's not so much of an issue
15k beakers seems a lot, though
Darrell: looks like you will be getting stealth and its prereqs from it too :D
Space: woohoo
Darrell: he later said 40K too
I was not so sure about that one
Space: oh yeah - that can't be right
Darrell: he attacked out at const
Space: also as i suspected - he hasn't the heart for more warfare in this game
Darrell: sank 3 destroyers
Space: it wouldn't be warfare it would be an assault
Darrell: boo hoo
Space: he sank yours?
Darrell: still stuck
Space: ah ok
saw that top bit
i thought he may do
Darrell: that was what he must have used those bombesr for
Space: could get good odds with bomber attacks
so he used a transport?
Darrell: twice
no, thrice
its going to suck until I get stealth bombers in the area with modern armor to attack with
I will lose 3-4 boats/turn I reckon
Space: and you haven;'t enough units to attack yet?
Darrell: lets see
with your 1600 and my 2000...that's 3600 gold
no, not yet
at least not with the amount of damage I could do
he has a ton of units in there I need more bombers
upgrad next turn, attack the following turn
by then I will be in great shape
6-8 more boats
cest la vie
Space: you've not got more missile cruisers round there?
Darrell: I might have a few
no more missles though
Maybe I should build a few?
Space: if you can do it quickly, i guess
although i think shoving stealth bombers everywhere will suffice
you just need to get the units all to half strength
or thereabouts
with 0% cultural defence you'll get great odds
Darrell: he sank my transport that dirty dog
the one on rego's old island
Im actually getting a bit thin over there
Space: with that stack i reported?
Darrell: after this round of MA I am going boats
I don't know, I don't think so
Space: was it NE of samaria?
Darrell: hmm
I thought I put a bomber in alexandria
gosh darn it
Space: well i'm sending a decent navy over there this turn to try to deal with the rest of his navy
the one 3S of alexandria?
he's holed up, its going to be tough
Space: he's put it in the fort?
Darrell: yes
the larger boat stack is in the fort and the other stack from the ss is in the city
Space: hmm yeah we need aerial support really
it's just so far away from us
Darrell: Stealth will help
Space: yup
Darrell: I don't think I can escape
Space: well we have time - no need to rush
taking out constantinople then flooding his main island may be the start
Darrell: no I mean the units I razed three cities with last turn are not able to escape frown
I will run north, ditch the transport and see what he does
Space: oh right
Space: i think we're too far away to provide cover
Darrell: my decision to go full MA was a mistake
I did not realize his navy was so strong still
yeah you are too far away, operation turn tail has been executed
Space: ok he's split his stack
i did say he had a decent stack left, but yeah still a surprise
don't forget to exchange maps
so those units are getting uncomfortably close to overexposure
he doesn't appear to have aerial support round there, though
Sent at 9:06 AM on Sunday
save inbound
Space: cheers
woo, stealth bomber
how much does it cost to upgrade?
Darrell: well I had planned on more but some cities were put on emergency naval duty instead frown
I couldn't find out even after ending turn and getting the tech
I would suggest you rebase and gfit any bombers you don't need
I will upgrade as many as I can obviously
I need some turn after next for mr. you shall not pass
what % of yoru current builds are naval?
Space: we have 6 or 7 cities with drydocks which have concentrated on naval builds
but they tend to be the bigger cities
i'd guess about half weighted by hammers
Darrell: okay nifty
I think that'll have to continue for a while unfortunately
he's gotten better frown
Space: why, what else have you seen?
Darrell: I think it was very smart where he's concentrated forces :P
Space: you mean in realising that bombers are good
Darrell: yeah that too
Space: except it took him about 30 lost boats to realise it
Darrell: I think I'll tell shoot we would accept his NAP if he stops gifting dave units
Space: i like that idea
Darrell: I said he's gotten better
got to run, ttyl
Space: bye

Note sent to Shoot:


We are open to both signing a NAP until Apollo. A couple of points:

1. The NAP would expire end of turn you build Apollo, or end of the cycle 9t from now (original expiration), at our discretion. This is to preserve our admittedly not earned first strike capability.

2. Part of the definition of "Aggression" for this NAP include providing material aid to enemies. So, no more providing military to Dave. Frankly we are also pretty tired of this game and its just prolonging things. If you have any deals over the next turn or two you've agreed to its okay to let those execute but after that let's try and speed this up for all our sakes :-).

Darrell & Nospace

Current military:

[Image: civ4screenshot0024.jpg]


[Image: civ4screenshot0025g.jpg]

He can double fort access me right?


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