December 23rd, 2010, 03:00
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Well ,well , well seems someone is speding alot of espionage agains us.Ye that one is Sylon , can he alredy see my research i have 61 points and he has 114 against me.PLease tell me if is not spoilerish else i will have to check in worldbuider and i am too lasy to do that.
I sent this email to Sylon
When i played the save i cheked espionage,and i had a big surprize , practicaly you are spending 3 points of your espionage on me.Wich is reason behind that, are we enemies and you must see my research, or are you checkin for someone else?. If you check you'll see i did spend only 61 points on you but from now one may all espionage will be against you(ye i see this espionaje stuff like an agresiv move on your side), and after CoL i will assign some spyes(ye for me are wort like 4 science 4 espionage), so what i ask from you is to be in good faith and remove espionage from me and i wil set on you until i get 114(that i think you have against me).
Hope is not to agressive and if it is i dont care.
In the research departament i just finished my second library , hired 2 scientist, and i have 30 beakers/turn at 100% gold, making 25 gold.
Thats good because in demografics i am still second in gnp just 1 point less tha Kodii(and he has GL), i will stay on 0 research for i think 3 more rounds to finish another library and after that in 3 turn i will finish curency.
And now a question for my many lurkers(Novice he he), i read somewhere about dropbox or something like that,can i have a link or somethink, so next time you get nice shany pictures.
Have a good day
December 23rd, 2010, 05:42
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mackoti Wrote:And now a question for my many lurkers(Novice he he), i read somewhere about dropbox or something like that,can i have a link or somethink, so next time you get nice shany pictures.
December 25th, 2010, 03:46
(This post was last modified: December 26th, 2010, 10:49 by mackoti.)
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First of all Merry Christmas .
Because is Chritmas and i have somee free time in the morning i will do a large(for me large ) update. But first a litle rant, i keep my thread regulary updated, and i see that for example kodii who didn't do an update from 2 dec has more visitators(that i supose mean to be a known RB member), and perhaps my updates are not so hot.
Firs lets see the state of economy
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0007.JPG]](
As you ca see I am first in gold, food and prod demos right now, 3 in solditiers wich is allright because i have naps until turns 100, hope i will manage to keep my self on top for a long period.
On research front i have 2 more turns until i finish curency,and this tech will net me 14 gold(ye comerce i know, if Thawk its fallowing my thread),you probably will ask why did you go calendar first,that was hard choise to make but i needed my workers to have something to do, and i had few cities back then,and i had routes just with Sylon(i wish i could replay and see wich one was beter, i usualy do that in single player and is a good way to learn, but not an optin here).
In this moment i have 7 cities(Sylon has same number,i dont want to know how much is costing him the one from wonderland, just a gues lets say 10 gold,Kodii and Ruff 6, and Pegasus 5 i think).I will present you few of them and some toughts about:
This is my great and important project in the game,my front city in the wonderland, as you can see in the picture is producing already 14 culture/turn, because i alredy ahve in it terace , lybrary, and if you didn't find yet MoM.It has very good tiles,flod plains incense,dye, grasland gem, gold.What are the plans with this city: moving my capitol here(will be my single city wich has cottages), building an academy with my first great scientist for more science and more culture.the others will have to build strong culture to keep even them first ring(ye i like that), and i feel good about that because near this city i have just more or less enemies( kodii and Sylon which spended 3 points of espionage on me, realy friendly).
This city is paired with my other one I WILL FIGHT(my last city in place), i dont have a picture with that ,what king a fight you may ask, its a culture one(in this one i want to build ToA),but i am feeling not so good because of that because pegasus has a city nearby and his city will be crush by my culture.What i want to win is that tile wich made it in red
Why, because that way I will hve free path for my mounted units, and KOdii cant fork me enymore.
Next city my capitol
Already in place a librarry, granary, Mids, and you can see i let 3 more forest for speeding up the great library when i'll have literature wich is ot that far away.
The military center of the empire
Here i have another forrest unchoped(ye its not in bfc),and i will put here my heroic epic i think will take like 5 turns to build with marble, and yes i can build Heroic epic, ye i took a 25% batle with my quechea because was the only chance to get 10 experience,map almost full barbarians are scarce.
This citi can get 20 base production, with forge and HC will be 45,good for now and this map to get units out fast.
And in last a mixed city:
Will finish building a library aftre that i will hire 2 scientist and i will buil a setler or some units.I realy like this city strong for science, good for military,
building setlers.
About other cities no much to tell , just evryone has a granary(terace),I am realy courios to know how many from my rivals have a granary in every city, and already 3 libraries(you dont have to answer).
2 pictures with general empire
on diplomacy front:
Pegasus pleased
+1 open borders
+2 you share information
+4 you answered to my mails and wish to cooperate with me
+3 you razed on of kodii's cities
-1 our borders spark tension
Sylon Cautios
+1 open borders
+1 nice wrote mails
+2 alredy signed 2 Nap
-2 you planted 2 agresiv cities
-1 you dont comit to nothing
-1 you spy on as
Ruff cautios
+1 open border
+1 agreeing one of our demands
-1 fishing for information to much
-1 spending espionage on us
And last you know i am an Ai i must have an enemy:
Kodii annoyed
- 2 you build Great lighouse
-1 you dont talk with us
-2 you took that barbarian citi from my nose
-2 i supose you ploting agains us
+1 we have a Nap
This ideea i copied from someone i dont remeber who i hope i will not get in a law court for that.
More thoughts about the game in next report.
December 25th, 2010, 06:08
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Thanks very much for the updates Mackoti. I think they're brilliant. I actually love reading your posts and someday i hope to play a game alongside you.
My only thought though is your city in which you built MoM and are going to build cottages. Is that not unwise for a front-line city? The cottages/towns will be easily pillagable and if you put an academy here and it gets razed. The phrase 'dont put all your eggs in one basket' springs to mind.
Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2010, 07:38
(This post was last modified: December 25th, 2010, 07:39 by mackoti.)
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TY for reading, i am glad you liked,about the front city is not realy all my eggs just 70% percent in that basket, and because is that valuable, i will have there walls and castle be sure about that and proper defence, I trust sylon will not break the nap but i still have a unit there to check for a massiv build up, and i have a good visibility in Kodii's city near me.Seems He trust me too he had for like 5 turns just a warior in the central city wich i could easyle rase, but i will never do that, i respect my Nap's hope the other guys think same, if not first wich will break that will be my enemy for entire game, and i will distoy his game, and i will have fun doing that.
Its there a way to use dropbox and show picture's and not links? TY
December 25th, 2010, 08:46
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Like this, but replace < > with [ ] :
Code: <img>insert www address of the image here</img>
So for example
Code: <img></img>
Gives you this
December 26th, 2010, 10:42
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Nothing realy important happened , I will fight finished a terace and started on Temple of Artemis.
More important next turn i will finish curency, wich is very important, after that i will start on Aestetics, which will be done in 4 turns i think after that LIterature , 2 turns more and start on the big projects : Great library and HE.
And after that HBR, archery and construction i think, because kodii started to bring some axes and spears in Grandview.
On the diplomacy front i got this very nice email from Ruff wich is fishing again for information Quote:Hi Macedonus,
Just touching base to see how things are going? I saw your new city name and had to laugh - seems like you are being very clear with your diplo. How are things working out with Peg, Sylon and Kodii?
I sent this email to Pegasus(wich in my opinion is my ally , hope he is in same goodwill like me) Quote:...
A litle diplomacy. Something crossed my mind, i was thinking if its ok to simulate some tension between us?, so like our miltary build up to have a cover.Ruff sent me a mail fishing about information you think its allright or its against the spirit of RB?
Let me know what you think about this.
And some heads up for you i will build alot of culture buildings in I WILL FIGHT , because i want to take so tile from Kodi for incoming "trouble''.
Still waiting for an answer but what you think you lurkers about that?
December 26th, 2010, 11:32
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Misdirection in diplomacy is definitely allowed.
I have to run.
December 26th, 2010, 11:54
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My wife is not home and no good games on Gspy lobby and i was checking the map(what i got until now),just to see why i was so fast in the midle (actualy if think beter i was second after kodii who planted city of first, so not that fast), i can count from my capitol to my first city 9 tiles same distance is for Pegasus( just counted),I dont know to much about kodii(ye our borders are closed because we dont like eachother), but he got lucky anyway and he took a barb city(ye i am very unpleased about that), wich was size 3, so he got like 60 gold too(wich was alot at that stage of the game, its alot even now).
Ruff is a good player but he is so far away from center , but he has alot of space to expand, and he is not forced to set 2 cities on military like i will do from now one.
And Sylon wich i think is perhaps same distance like ruff or a litle bit closer, i will find that after my quechea wich has 10 experinece now,will be fully fit again(he's done with healing), he has already a city in center wich is defended by a warior, i could escape from that menace just building a road and hiting the city with 2 chars, but i wont do that because i like to keep my word even is in a game, and i want to play more game along the players from RB(wich is a great comunity) and i want like they to trust me. I have a NAp with him until turn 125(by then i will have knigs) and perhaps if Pegasus doesnt want to fight against kodii i will change my target.You may ask why?
Because his city is on flat and because he's thread seems very active so he spending alot of time thinking in this game not like KOdii wich looks like "far away''.
There is another option a peacefull one: i can build 2 more cities on my main land, and 2 more on some tiny islands, and go full research ad just keeping my power between first 2. I crunched( hope is right spelling) some numbers and will have OU build by 600 ad.So in this variant i will have 11 cities a very good science, but this a no no thing, why?
1. This looks to much like a single player game.
2. This will gave to much time to other to actualy see that the Piramyds is actualy the strongest wonder in the game(if you know to use it at full potential),I am not worried about them to see that, but more because will give them alot of time to plot my distruction(ye forming a big alliance against me).
3.If i look to much like a runaway i will lose probably even pegasus suport(dont know for sure if i have it), but i figure out a way to be sure when i will go to war I will request from be to ask me 10 gold(any lurkers can tell me if its working so i dont have to test it) wich i will grant so we will have 10 turns of peace, and after that so one, perhaps i sound like paranoia but i read alot of bad things wich happened here at RB.You think this shows to litle faith or mistrust from me?
4. I love medieval combat Knigs, trebuchete, LOngbows,macemans ,pikes and with War elfants banned is realy nice to have one of that.
5. Iwant more lurkers to falow my thread and i know that a war is like honey for bee's
December 28th, 2010, 08:10
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I think i will became a Civ V AI, i got no answer from Pegasus i supose he is not please with me anymore(for better demografics), or i did understand wrong our relation or perhaps he was busy with CHristmas(dont think so, he actualy updated he's thread). I sent an email to Kodii asking for new NAP no answer from there too  . So the tension is very high on my end.
Political situation : i will post here becase i have to read again again the mails to know wich is it so:
Sylon Nap until turn 125 with 10 turns cooldown;
Pegasus Nap until turn 118( if i understanted corectly).
Kodii Nap until turn 100.
Ruff Nap until 100( I dont see why we can't sign another one).
I see that in this forums if you plan to invade someone you just dont answer to mails, that makes me a litle worry.I could take 1-1 anyone with no problems, even 2-1 but more than that is not posible in this map.
Other info's:
Ruff got himsel a city in the central island( must cost him alot),i would like a city ther but i will have to many fronts, have to build to many galeys and triremes so for now no way.
From power graph i know that kodii got a military tech researched wich can be: Iron working,HBR or metal casting so Pegasus hrry with your Colossus.Hope is not HBR this will show that Kodii is preparing for some fight.