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Epic X - The Dance of Diplomacy
Duration - Unknown
Map Script - CivForums
Difficulty - Deity
Civilization - Firaxis
Leader - Mr. Public Relations
World Size - Galactic
Opponents - Barbarians, too many to count
Sea Level - Random
Flame Level - Extreme
Climate - Hell
Rules - no mid game patching
Always War
Victory - Diplomatic
Various mercenaries within the community have risen up to beat you over the head with a stick, with the odds stacked against you, can you salvage a seemingly hopeless situation and win using a hearts and minds campaign.
Variant rules
You must always accept tribute demands.
You may never be the aggressor in the fighting, a noble defence is what you must depend on.
You must build the Manhattan Project, if the game cannot be won before 2050 by diplomacy, your entire nuclear arsenal (a minimum of 20 ICBMS) must by launched.
Ok so I was bored, sue me