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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

My list:

1) Thessa of Ljosalfar
2) Dain of Amurites
3) Keelyn of Balseraphs
4) Sandalphon of Sidar

I had:
1. Tebryn of the Sheaim
2. Hannah the Irin of the Lanun
3. Capria of the Bannor
4. Thessa of the Ljosalfar

I also specifically asked to lose any ties, since they were all civs I'd be happy playing.

Interesting. 3 of us had Dain as our second pick, but no-one was willing to take him first.

Well, I'll follow suit and give my actual list
1. Tebryn (as I said)
2. Sheelba
3. Rohanna

1 was a real first pick, 2 and 3 I swapped in the spirit of putting the unused civ first.

My human-Basium-cheese list:
1. Cardith Lorda
2. Capria
3. Varn Gosarn

I like the idea of Dain, but every time I've played him ("every time" being once once in single player and once in my self-play game) I've had horrendus barbarian problems. Don't know why I think Tebryn will be any better but there you have it.

Mardoc Wrote:I had:
1. Tebryn of the Sheaim
I also specifically asked to lose any ties, since they were all civs I'd be happy playing.

Thanks Mardoc! smile

My 4 were:

1. Sabathiel/Bannor
2. Falamar/Lanun
3. Tasunke/Hippus
4. Cassiel/Grigori
So we got 4 builders and 2 aggressors. Should be fun.

By the way, if you have Steam, you can catch me on chat there.

Just letting you all know, I have my second baby due on the 31st. Could come any time between now and two weeks after that though of course. It won't significantly impact my ability to play, in fact I'll probably have more time as I'll take two weeks off work. But the birth itself will probably mean I'm out of action for a day or two, and I may or may not have time to post that it's happening smile

So apologies in advance if I just disappear for a little while, but I will be back fairly soon after.

Irgy Wrote:Just letting you all know, I have my second baby due on the 31st.

Well, congratulations in advance as well! I'm sure I'll delay the game a time or two for much lesser reasons, so take the time you need smile.

OK, technical problem folks.

The starting PBEM save has been created, and I mailed it to the tracker Mist set up. However, checking the tracker page shows it as Irgy's turn -- Warrior Knight's turn has apparently been skipped/considered over, which was certainly not the intent. banghead

Irgy, if you got the save from the tracker please do not play your turn yet. Warrior Knight needs to go first so the turn is not lost.

Hopefully we can get this straightened out so the fun can begin.

I can email the starting save (Warrior Knight's turn) directly to him? But I am not sure if the tracker needs to be reset or adjusted. Mist will have to answer on that question.

OK, starting save (and the Elohim's initial password) sent directly to WarriorKnight.

I guess the save can be passed directly from player to player until we hear from Mist and the tracker can be adjusted/reset/magicked/whatever. Sorry once again for the confusion.

I think everything is set up correctly, but please check the settings and your starting units and techs. Let me know if anything is wrong or if something does not work as expected.

Good luck to all the players, and I hope you enjoy the map. Thanks again to everyone who provided suggestions and advice.

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