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Meeting time for GvG

My best guess is that no one other than myself, Fox, and Hawk knows what's going on in or pays attention to the GvG topic anymore. Anyone who's looked at the in-game guild status page knows we haven't had a GvG for a while now, and one semi-big thought is that Wednesday night just isn't a good night for people. The other big one is that people don't seem to feel they have the skills/ability to contribute, which is something I'll deal with on an individual level and possibly make a new topic about at some later point in time. Right now I'm more concerned with getting people together and participating.

As you've no doubt guessed by the title, this topic is to figure out what time works best for people. I'm not as interested in which day of the week we meet right now (baby steps), but do say so if there's a particular day that doesn't work. When you list your available times, please include your relation to GMT time (i.e. my time zone is EST, which is GMT -5). Also, bear in mind that this is a GvG meeting time, if you already have a meeting time you use for something PvE, say Tuesday nights at 8:30 EST (1:30 AM GMT), it might be a good idea to list that as a time you're unable to meet.

And yes, I will be adding this to the announcement.

Anyways, to kick it off:
My best meeting times would be weekdays from 3 - 5 PM EST (8 - 10 PM GMT) and/or 9PM - 1AM (2 - 6 AM GMT). I will not be able to make Tuesdays in the evening since that's when the variant team meets. Thursday nights also might not work out for me, depending on the meeting time.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I just got a new time schedule for my school and it looks like i have quite a lot of free days.

If i would have to give a time schedule then it would be every day from 11am till 1am except for wednesday and thursday. On friday and saturday this can become a bit later even if that works out better.

Times are in GMT.

Late Wed are theoretically do-able but it's really the worst time for me in the week. Thursday after 12 GMT is fairly ideal. If on Mon-Wed, starting earlier is more desirable so we can end earlier (ending 3 AM GMT instead of 4-5) , although those days aren't my first choice.

While I don't know how much we can get this info, it may also help considering what times likely guests can come on over. I don't know how many I can pull from the Basin yet, but scheduling our GvG night at the same time as theirs (Wed 9 PM EST) probably isn't the way to do it.

If people need help with unlocks, I have perfected a pretty solid way to farm the zaishen elite quickly, and can pull people along for the ride, or teach them how to manage themselves with heroes. So don't be afraid to ask!

FoxBat Wrote:Thursday after 12 GMT is fairly ideal.
Just a quick question on that one, do you mean 12 noon or midnight?

Quote:While I don't know how much we can get this info, it may also help considering what times likely guests can come on over.
Depends on who we want to guest. Most GvG guilds run their meetings from 9 EST-whenever, which means guesting TNE people during then will be random at best. If we want to guest alliance people, then we should isntead try to meet around the times when the people we want to guest with us will be around.

Quote:If people need help with unlocks, I have perfected a pretty solid way to farm the zaishen elite quickly, and can pull people along for the ride, or teach them how to manage themselves with heroes. So don't be afraid to ask!
I know I should start doing that, especially since the PvP preview for the next chapter has to be getting close (if you compare the timeline with when the Factions one was). Being a lazy procrastinator sure does have its downsides sometimes.

DamadmOO Wrote:If i would have to give a time schedule then it would be every day from 11am till 1am except for wednesday and thursday. On friday and saturday this can become a bit later even if that works out better.
I'm getting the impression that Weds. is winding up as the bad day to avoid and Thurs. or Fri. late afternoon (EST, evening/nightime for GMT) is looking to be the day/time worth considering. Of course, if more people would SAY SOMETHING then I'd have a better idea, but hey, whatever.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I can make it any night of the week except for Tuesday, due to the LoL team playing then. I can't really be online before ~8:30 pm Eastern, as that's when I can get my boys to bed. Thursday or Friday would be fine with me; Friday might even be a bit better, as I can stay up later! thumbsup

FoxBat Wrote:If people need help with unlocks, I have perfected a pretty solid way to farm the zaishen elite quickly, and can pull people along for the ride, or teach them how to manage themselves with heroes. So don't be afraid to ask!
I have started doing the 2K faction per day thing pretty regularly. Every time I go into the Zaishen Elite, I mow through some teams, but my progress comes to a rapid halt when facing some of the others (like those dratted trappers), so I've never managed to actually get above 2K per day. Fox, if you've time to show me your build with heroes, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I am using a build made by Fox Bat as well. I am not sure or he is still using that build but i can write it down here.

Human and 1 hero: SF build
Searing Flames, Glowing Gaze, Liquid Flame, Glyph of lesser energy, Meteor shower, Fire Attunement, Glyph of sacrifice, Ressurection Signet.
Disable MS for the hero since he won't use it in combination with Glyph of Sacrifice and the casting time is too long otherwise.
Attribute Points
Fire magic 12+1+3
Energy storage 12 + 1
Survivor insignias and vitae runes

Hero monk
Spell Breaker, Shield of Absorption, Dwayna's Kiss, Protective Spirit, Healing Touch, Flame Trap, Quickening Zephyr, Frozen Soil.
Disable Frozen Soil. Cast it manually just before the enemies arrive.
Attribute Points
Divine favor 12+1+1
Healing prayers 9+1
Protection prayers 5+1
Wilderniss survival 8
Survivor insignias and vitae runes

Hero trapper
Energizing winds, Serpent's Quickness, Viper's Nest, Dust Trap, Barbed Trap, Spike Trap, Flame Trap, Edge of Extinction
Disable Edge of Extinction. Cast it manually just before the enemies arrive.
Attribute Points
Beast mastery 11+1+2
Expertise 10+1
Wilderness Survival 10+2

Usage of the build
The heroes will automatically cast all spirits without the ones being disabled. While they are doing this just walk towards the gate and go stand a bit on the right side so your ranger hero ends up in the middle of the gate. Cast Serpent's Quickness and keep casting as many traps. Put down Flame Trap on your monk as often as possible as well. When the enemy is getting close go stand behind the traps and put down the 2 disabled spirits (Frozen Soil, Edge of Extinction). Just wait and see and get ready for the next team.

However there are 2 teams you have to handle differently. The degen team and the elementalist spikers.

Against the degen team you have to make sure that tahlkora casts Spell Breaker before the enemy arrives. Otherwise she will never get another skill of the ground. Personally i cast spell breaker just before the frozen soil spirit. In the beginning you don't need the healing protection against that team anyway.

When you see that the elementalists team is your opponent walk back as far as possible and cast the 2 spirits there. Wait till the elementalists hit the traps and throw on your nuke immediatly on the few elementalists that keeps standing just behind the traps (cast glyph of sacrifice first). Kill of the elementalists. If they make a heal-ball then use the nuke of your hero to interrupt it and they will fall down shortly after (and not only from the knockdowns :D).

This is the build Fox gave me and still works fine for me. I dunno or he already made a better build but if he did i wouldn't mind him to post it here smile If anything is unclear or it is too much information for now and you want to see it in-game just ask me when i am on and i will take you with.

As I said last night, my schedule is a bit up in the air. Tuesdays are the only nights I know I can do something. Usually I play in a bball league on Tuesdays, but I've injured my left calf and was told not to play on it for 4-5 weeks, that opens up time for GW. All other days I reserve for studying or working or catching up on sleep and play when I can. Give me 3-4 weeks once winter intersession is over and spring semester begins and I'll see what my regular schedule looks like.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

So I tried Fox's hero build, as reported by Sir Damadm00, for Zaishen Elite.

13 consecutive wins, and 6K faction later, I am a BELIEVER! thumbsup

Thanks to you both!

Now I just have to figure out which skills to unlock first... wink

Water Attunement [Image: tongue.gif]

/end LoL injoke

Thanks for the detailed post Moo, you seem to have pretty much covered it, and in a more organized way than my post here. [Image: wink.gif]

Sometimes I like to add shelter as a safety on say a fire ele when facing 8 obs eles, but it's usually not needed.

FoxBat Wrote:Water Attunement [Image: tongue.gif]

/end LoL injoke
lol lol lol
Eh, I can get that from the hero skill trainer in the Command Post. (which I will do!)

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