[SIZE="4"]Strategy Discussion - Monk rushing[/SIZE]
Alright so let's have a look at monks in more detail:
At strength 6 with 2 moves, monks are quite strong and fast. They start with the Medic promotion too for somewhat faster healing (Demon slaying isn't important until mid/late game). The other thing to note is that they are Disciple units, which means their counter promotion is not available until Way of the Wicked, (which is not a tech that most civs get early) and they benefit from Altar experience.
Also with the 3rd layer of the Altar, any unit standing on the city tile gets the Bless promotion for free, which gives an additional strength but wears off after combat has taken place. Kinda neat for 7 strength monks for the toughest battle but it isn't a necessity.
[SIZE="3"]Starting Experience[/SIZE]
The Altar is one of the unique victory conditions in FFH. There are seven layers to and the majority of them are built by sacrificing Great Prophets. Each layer provides 2xp to starting disciple units, so building just a few layers can often be worth it. Keep in mind that there is no barracks building early on, so starting experience is hard to come by. Other ways to get starting experience:
Apprenticeship - This is a given, a civic available at Education (pre-req to Priesthood) which gives +2xp to all units. Seeing as it's the standard civic of its time, I would be foolish not to use it.
Conquest & Form of the Titan - These are a civic and wonder that both give 2xp available at warfare, needing BW and Education. The downsides are switching to Conquest requires going out of Agrarianism, which is both painful and obvious to everyone else, and building the Titan requires hammers that could be going to monks. Also Warfare is fairly out of the way of my tech path, so unless I'm delaying for a long time I'll probably skip it.
Military Strategy - This is a tech which requires Warfare and Philosophy. The main thing it gives is a free G.Commander to the first one to discover it, who could potentially either build a command post for another 2xp or join one of my monks for a 7 strength unit. Nice, but again I think it's too much out of the way.
Ideally, my monks would start with 10xp (3 promotions off the bat) but that would be a really late rush which requires several late Prophets. 5xp is a good alternative, but that requires 2 layers (apprenticeship is going to be happening in every scenario). Of course the other thing I can hope for is the Amathon event (give up 50 gold for a free Prophet). If I'm lucky enough to get that then that would be awesome.
[SIZE="3"]Appears early[/SIZE]
Priesthood is a early-mid game tech, requiring Education and Philosophy, which for allowing a Tier 3 unit is quite early. Priesthood can be bulbed with a Prophet (it is 2nd on the priority list, the AV founding tech is 1st) but then that's one less prophet building a layer on the altar.
At 120 hammers each (standard for a Tier 3 unit) Monks aren't cheap, especially given how early they come. This is the main obstacle to monk rushing. I'll probably have to use God King to get them out in any reasonable timeframe.
I can think of 2 rushes that might work
Plan A: The super speedy rush - Focus on getting monks out quickly.
Work priests ASAP, get the basic worker techs then beeline philosophy. There should be enough time to get 2 Great Prophets (maybe 3 if 2nd city works some quickly or the Amathon event appears). Use one to bulb Priesthood and the other 2 for Altar layers. After Priesthood is researched capital switches to production and builds monks ASAP (other cities might help too). After a suitable number have been built, (5-6?) send them towards target and hope for the best.
Advantages are obvious, has highest chance of success because it's the fastest rush. Downside is that I'll probably in a shockingly bad position afterwords since I'll have focused so much on military early.
Plan B: The not-quite-as-fast-as-the-super-speedy-rush-but-packs-more-of-a-punch rush
Basically same as above, instead delay to get Rosier or Valin. Maybe even get some Ritualists or Confessors with mobility as well (Ritualists are better though, collateral damage FTW). Delaying also gives more time to get prophets which means more likely to get 10xp monks (and Priests, although they get experience automatically so not as important).
Downsides are obvious, need a ton more techs/buildings/units which means target has more time to build defenses. Also I haven't tried this strategy out yet, so it could turn out to be a total waste of time.
Alternatively, I could wait until Corlindale, but by then the Bannor would have Crusade, Lanun would certainly be way ahead in tech, Malakim would have Sand Lions, Ljo's have a respectable number of ancient forests for treants to spawn and Sheaim have several Death Mages.