January 13th, 2011, 15:46
Posts: 1,165
Threads: 6
Joined: Nov 2010
Huh so we have
Dantski = Cassiel of the Svartalfar
Sciz = Dain of the Grigori
Ichabod = Jonas of the Clan
Selrahc = Kandros Fir of the Sheaim
hmmmm so now i have to pick someone for the Illians. Aparantly Adaptive and Insane Leaders will loose the Agression from Letum Frigate but then i wasn't even sure it was going to be on the map... Plus i'm sure someone might sneakily enter it before me.
hmmm I'll go Varn Gosan So i can be the Good Illians.
He starts Spi/Cre and i will switch him on turn 70 to, Spi/Fin