Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Fall From Heaven IV planning thread


Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers.

Kandros Fir


Dain the Caswallan

Which reminds me, mechanics question, your alignment is based upon your leader right, not the civ?

Amelia Wrote:Which reminds me, mechanics question, your alignment is based upon your leader right, not the civ?


that's right

sorry no pick in this post, I have to update my thread! lol
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

I'm taking the Svartalfar then
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Huh so we have

Dantski = Cassiel of the Svartalfar
Sciz = Dain of the Grigori
Ichabod = Jonas of the Clan
Selrahc = Kandros Fir of the Sheaim

hmmmm so now i have to pick someone for the Illians. Aparantly Adaptive and Insane Leaders will loose the Agression from Letum Frigate but then i wasn't even sure it was going to be on the map... Plus i'm sure someone might sneakily enter it before me.

hmmm I'll go Varn Gosan So i can be the Good Illians.

He starts Spi/Cre and i will switch him on turn 70 to, Spi/Fin

Quote:Aparantly Adaptive and Insane Leaders will loose the Agression from Letum Frigate

To clarify this; when an Illian leader with mutable traits gains the aggressive trait from Letum Frigus they will only keep the trait until the next time their traits change or are selected. That could be up to 75 turns of having the aggressive trait(or longer on higher game speeds), so it isn't worthless. But it is worse than what the Illians would normally get, so I thought I'd let Ravus in on it lest he get a nasty shock.

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