oh and how do you counter the humans and their make nice policies? well start a few wars lolololol.
How about a medium map anyrace, no BC trades, no non aggression, impossible difficulty, no diplo win. No sort of always war though, no point ... yet.
My thinking is that by removing the easy diplo from BC trades, things will be tougher than og8.
Any race in this setup should be hard enough that we need not handicap ourselves with weaker races like the cats.
I'm a big fan of klacks and but I insulted the meklars...
How about the meklars then so zed can show me how it's done. Fits their xenophobic sensibilities to a T as well.
How about a medium map anyrace, no BC trades, no non aggression, impossible difficulty, no diplo win. No sort of always war though, no point ... yet.
My thinking is that by removing the easy diplo from BC trades, things will be tougher than og8.
Any race in this setup should be hard enough that we need not handicap ourselves with weaker races like the cats.
I'm a big fan of klacks and but I insulted the meklars...
How about the meklars then so zed can show me how it's done. Fits their xenophobic sensibilities to a T as well.