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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

5 turns is quite good progress! smile. Especially on top of being a turn a day like clockwork. Thanks all.

On a different note - I'm pretty sure I know this is impossible, but I'm going to ask anyway - any chance we can rearrange the turn order to fit Sciz in his preferred slot? As in, is it technically possible?

I'm off to bed too, goodnight everyone!

Well done guys, that's 5 days of less playtime. Hope you made some contact as well.

Just finished my turn 10, and hence my part of this session.

Thanks to everyone for making this work out so nicely!

A fairly minor point, but the tracker spells Nyktorion as 'Nyktarion'.

Quote:On a different note - I'm pretty sure I know this is impossible, but I'm going to ask anyway - any chance we can rearrange the turn order to fit Sciz in his preferred slot? As in, is it technically possible?

I'm fairly certain (which means I have no idea but am guessing) that the only way to do that would be to start over again to switch the player order. Seeing as we're on turn 11, I'm not sure if that's feasible.

No wonder I keep getting confused about how his (or her) name is spelled then!

We could have started over with just one less player when Thoth quit in the first place too, I was going to suggest it if there were no subs available. Better to keep going though I think.

I guess the question is whether Sciz can manage to play in between the available times of the people either side of him or not. If so everything will keep racing along happily, if not we'll probably be moving at 2 days a turn.

Maybe Mardoc and Sciz can come to an agreement regarding time. Unless they already have done so or we don't get in a situation of 2 days a turn.

Well, 2300 GMT is essentially the earliest I can do; I don't get home from work before that, and Nyktorion plays while I'm at work so the morning wouldn't work. Even that's pushing it - I have to go directly home and play immediately. (admittedly, that's what I'm doing currently since it's fun!)

Since Sciz said he's GMT +2, that'd make my earliest time to him 0100 local; unless he's a real night-owl, I don't see a way to make it work any better from my end.

On the other hand, I can guarantee it arrives to Sciz by his local morning - if he plays then, it still would be before WarriorKnight's preferred timeslot. Of course, I have no idea how feasible that is for him. And since I'm pretty sure he's asleep now, we'll have to wait a few hours to know.

Relying on you going home and playing immediately and Sciz staying up late sounds like the sort of plan that will work ok for a while but start to fall apart later on. Sciz playing in the morning on the other hand sounds like it would work perfectly, but it requires Sciz to be something of a morning person.

I personally wouldn't have a problem with playing in the morning, but then for all that I do hate mornings sometimes I am technically a morning person. It's a fairly big ask so it's understandable if he can't - there's a fair difference between playing in the morning every now and then and doing it every single day.

The down side of having set up the play order in such a streamlined time sequence is that if anything does go wrong it will tend towards adding a whole day rather than part of one. But still, if we do end up with it being 2 days per turn it's a shame but not the end of the world - it's still pretty good for a 6 player pbem game anyway really.

i'm usually awake at this time, just got home from a friend and im gonna play it now.

23 GMT is possible for me 99% of the time, i usually go to sleep at like 1:30-2 am my time. Some days I go to sleep earlier, but most of the time i'm up at this time. Maybe i'll miss a turn once a week or so, but other than that it should be fine.

Edit: but yeah i'm NEVER gonna play it in the morning lol Either i'm sleeping or i'm in class. If I have class I get up early but only so I can make it just in time, never have time to do anything before that, and if I don't have class I sleep to like 11 am or so

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