Quote:Hi Sylon,
A couple of quick questions,
1) were there any agreements as to what wonders may or not be built?
2) where can I find the information regarding current NAP's?
3) I love the notes you've made on the map! How did you do that?
1) Nope. It is however worth noting that Pegasus is most likely building the Hanging Gardens. He has 2 Hammams, one in his capital, and has Stone hooked up, so that's a no-brainer.
2) I'll organise it by player and add some comments on diplo status as well.
NAP Status:
Diplo Status: Ruff is a staunch ally, as the above agreement reveals. We have worked together quite closely in the past, even going so far as to trade settlers and swap tech info with each other. By the way, Ruff owes us 130 hammers in the form of 2 Buddhist missionaries and 1 catapult.
NAP Status: We have none! Apparently it ran out on Turn 100 and neither of us noticed until now.
Diplo Status: Kodii is our second ally, and we have been working together quite closely as well. Our respective geographical positions make it possible to help each other, while making conquering each other utterly implausible thanks to the high maintenance costs on this map.
NAP Status: We have none. Being on opposite sides of the world, this is not a problem, but leaves us flexible to aid Kodii if necessary.
Diplo Status: We haven't had much contact, but what contact we have had was quite pleasant. Our respective locations mean we have little to do with each other, however. That might change in the future.
NAP Status: Expires on Turn 125
Diplo Status: The ENEMY. His aggressive cultural moves, lack of diplomatic tact, and furthermore his extremely aggressive move of his capital to our common border (!!) means hostilities will commence as soon as our NAP ends. By virtue of the utter lack of balance on this map, he is first in all stats by a huge margin. A coalition has formed against him, consisting of Ruff, Kodii and ourselves. I'll forward the diplo messages to you in a moment.
Note that you'll have to zoom out until you get to globe view first.
P.S. Regarding the battle plans, you might want to scrap the three-way galley flank attack. I'm not quite sure if the Greek empire can produce so many troops+galleys in such a short time. Then again, if you whipped
really hard...
And I would like to apologise for unceremoniously dumping you in the thick of so many events, and thank you sincerely for replacing me. Good luck. I'll still be around should anything pop up, so feel free to ask anytime.