Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Bearing the flag proudly, Sabathiel of the Bannors [SPOILERS]

Goblin suicided and John picked a experience point. Nothing else to say of this other than Carlos has started to make the road.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-01-2915-48-19-40.jpg]

No point gains this turn.

Final turn of the blitz and more pain to come.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-01-2916-18-43-05.jpg]

Else nothing much. Road is done though.
So...i think i'll switch to Calendar soonish and not finish Mysticism. God King has little gain to me right now and i don't need elder councils for the moment. It would be better to revolt to both Agrianism and God King at the same time.

Anyway, diplomacy with the nomads are up later today.

In addition, both Mardoc and Nyktorion gained a tech this turn.

So, Sciz.
I guessed that he was situated in south and todays meeting confirmed that. He’s either positioned directly south or more possibly southwest. Anyway here’s the exchange.

Sciz Wrote:[COLOR="Yellow"]Greetings, venerable leader of the Bannor!

A diciple-scout of ours has come across your fair borders, and we feel
that it is our duty as a peaceful, good-natured and spiritual
civilization to send you a warm greeting and hope for good relations
in the future.


Sciz, God-King of the Malakim[/COLOR]

Mr. Yellow Wrote:[COLOR="Cyan"]The people and the shadow dictator of the Bannor greets the fair people of the Malakim and sure hope for good relations in these promising times.
As an act of goodwill, i can tell you that we have established connections with the elves to the east and know that the Elohim are located somewhere there as well.
We would certainly like to know of your positions and if you have seen any other signs of civilization in the wilderness.


Sir Yellow, Chief advisor of the Bannor[/COLOR]
Sciz Wrote:[COLOR="Yellow"]You are actually have the honor of being the first civilization we meet!

It sounds like there's a lot of people in the east, so I am already
sending orders to our scout to turn and explore west instead, to see
if there's some reclusive civ over there. If we find any, I'll be sure
to let you know.

Until the next time we meet,

Sciz, Holy Chancellor of the Malakim[/COLOR]

Switching title from God-King to Holy Chancellor hmm? lol

So unless he has lied, he hasn’t met anyone and believes that there are possibly more civilizations to the west. If that’s the case then I’m in the middle of it all, which could give me a diplomatic edge.

Now I checked his stats afterwards and I’m a bit worried to what I see. He’s the one in prime position in both GNP and hammers. He had a huge jump earlier so he must have had an event there. He also maxed out to 12 on hammers turns earlier, so his capital should be nicely tucked between flood plains and (forested) hills.
My guess is that the early turns were done working flood plains and most likely oasis/fresh water lakes. Afterwards he switched to God King and started to work the hammer rich tiles nearby. He also had some sudden rises in power, no way all of that was produced from the capital. And he was stuck on size 4 for quite a while and so must have a worker now.

Gonna be watching this civ tightly. Land is gonna be contested and he could either be a nice trading partner or a rival. We shall see how it goes, though I’d certainly like to get my hands on his Mind and Sun mana later on.

I need to get Dirk to the southwest next time.

Anyway, just 2 civs to go really (WK’s position is more or less confirmed). The Sheaim and Lanun. I wonder if one of them is nicely tucked between Sciz and WK, if they are in the places I think they are. Space between them is too big to be void of other civs I believe.

Of those 2 civs the Sheaim are of higher priority. Undoubtedly the most distant of the 6 in the game and the first target to pile on. Irgy knows this and I’m curious to how he will try to get through it.

Also pyre zombies.

Well here i thought i could escape with having one warrior keeping watch of the worker while roading, but noooooo. No such luck for me. The next 2 turns THIS happens!

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-01-3022-00-49-34.jpg]

The goblin brought a friend and the 2nd lizardmen raid commences.

So i have to stop all work for now and wait till everyone suicides. Hopefully before the settler comes out, but judging the AI movements and it's erratic...ness, it might possibly take longer than that.
I know this is far from the worst that can be tossed at you this early, but god i hate this mod sometimes.

So anyway, last turn i moved everyone to the capital.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-01-3108-21-21-83.jpg]
That lizard better not move to the corn next turn!

And nothing more can be done for now.

I've also switched from Mysticism to Calendar on turn 30. As i've said earlier i have no need for God King at the moment.

Small notes:
Sciz score jumped up with 27 points. Ummmmm, yeah. Not sure about that one. Land points mixed with tech? Will have to see later.
Nyktorions GNP jumped with 4. Think he has made a plantation and dyes gives 4+ commerce when improved.

All barbarians have gathered up right of the capital. Will most certainly attack all at once.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-02-0110-50-06-62.jpg]

Hopefully both warriors survive. I don't want to escort the settler with just one.

Yep, well i suppose this is more backing for your theory of being in the centre of the map. All the barbarians converging towards you.

Are you happy staying on the defensive? Or are they reaching the point of annoyance where you want some bigger units to go smite them... :-p

A thing to worry about is this... if you are in the centre, surrounded by barbarian spawning desert then you might be from increased risk from Orthus. So planning for an increase in military around turn 50 would be good.

- Ravus

I pretty much have to stay on the defensive for now. Remember the goblin fort earlier? It had 3 archers on it at start. I'm in no shape to get a large military of just warriors to get rid of it, nor do i have time for that.

Anyway, all 3 barbarians lost combat and the other warrior (John) got a combat I promotion. Both units are above 2 in health and shouldn't need that many turn to get fine, even if poisoned. Sent my worker ahead to see if i can get one more tile roaded before the settler is done. It's rather risky, but i should be fine unless there are griffins hiding behind the peaks. Also i've decided to take the orange path i described earlier.

I will send every unit to the east, start building a new military in the capital and soon another worker once i'm done with this. I've pretty much covered the important tiles in Torrolerial for now.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-02-0317-22-11-39.jpg]

Nyktorions Crop yield jumped by 4 and GNP by 1. Not to mention a few hammers as well. Tiles switch to forested hills and farmed river rice?

Hi Mr Yellow! Showing up to dedlurk as promised. I promise to encourage you to make rash and entertaining decisions whenever possible. lol

Hi Icewolf, thanks for that.

Anyway, worker moved to the plains square south-east of the borders to start roading. Only way for him to be killed are by griffons hiding in 2 fogged spots close by. But i consider the chance for that to happen to be low enough to take the risk.

Also moved both warriors to the hill east. Haven't fully healed yet (2.6 and 2.8- and poisoned), but i wanted them to cover the worker...or i thought they would.
Now I didn't really think this through and this was largely unnecessary. It would be better if both warriors stayed in the capital to be fully healed. So smoke move by me.

Settler done in 2 turns though!

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2011-02-0411-02-32-68.jpg]

Small notes:
Nyktorion got 6 points 2 turns ago. I wasn't exactly sure why cause the demographs didn't show that they had gained a pop. This turn however it did show.
WK gained another tech.

What is your planned tech path? And are you going to try to grab a quick third city?

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