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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread


uberfish Wrote:Even in the unlikely case that Selrahc turns out to be innocent, losing an innocent to identify a Fool is worth it. We can just vote in another mayor after all. I won't be voting for Sunrise this time.

If this turns out to be the case, I'll hang myself tomorrow. You have my word.

Selrahc Wrote:There is absolutely no way that anybody could know if someone is the devil. That doesn't get revealed to villagers. It is a lie. And a fairly transparent one at that.

Yeah well... no one was supposed to know the devil existed until the moderator leaked it. So how would you know exactly what information the seer gets?

So we have Roland claiming to be the Seer, and Kyan claiming to be the other Mason. And somehow they knew each others' roles and have been working together since Day 1.

How did that happen, exactly? Just send a PM to someone at random, saying "Hi I am the Seer, I bet you're a Mason. Let's work together!" smoke And why reveal that you are the Seer -- what benefit does that possibly have that is worth the reveal, when you could work together with your trusted network (in place -- somehow -- since Day 1) to the same end while remaining hidden?

This whole thing stinks like week-old fish.

It sure has the band wagon piling on to Selrahc, though, doesn't it? Votes from:

Roland - not a good track record to date, and now the bizarro Seer claim
Uberfish - who I do not entirely trust even if he is not at the top of my fur-n-fangs list
MJW - bizarro Day 1 Baner reveal, switching all over the place, not a good track record
Kyan - claiming to be the other Mason, something which can not be confirmed
Sareln - still likely to be a villager
Gaspar - my top suspect to be a wolf

Not the most convincing group of people, to my mind.

I will stick with my vote for now, and wait to see how others respond to all the claims being made for power roles.

uberfish Wrote:Yeah well... no one was supposed to know the devil existed until the moderator leaked it. So how would you know exactly what information the seer gets?

The seer scans werewolf or villager. No special roles, except the Fool and the Seer scry each other as Fool.
It's the standard way the seer works and there are reasons behind it. If Fire and Ice has changed that, he should have said. The only bit I didn't mention in game 1 was the thing about the fool (for fairly obvious reasons).

SO did you tell that to F&I ahead of this game?

Selrahc Wrote:There is absolutely no way that anybody could know if someone is the devil. That doesn't get revealed to villagers.

Fire&ice, please clarify. This is a pretty significant issue, and we need a rules clarification here. Selrahc's explanation is how I understood it from WW1, so I need this explained before I know who to believe.

Selrahc... it's obvious you are going to claim seer, just get it over with.

scooter Wrote:Fire&ice, please clarify. This is a pretty significant issue, and we need a rules clarification here. Selrahc's explanation is how I understood it from WW1, so I need this explained before I know who to believe.

Do we have to keep changing rules during the game?

Selrahc. I'm not, at all, convinced of Roland's innocence. You however have acted suspiciously since day 1 and continue to do so now. I'll be first in the mob to try and lynch Roland tomorrow if you're a villager, but for now I vote Selrahc.

sunrise089 Wrote:Do we have to keep changing rules during the game?

What? I just want to know what the rules are for this game, because if the rules are as Selrahc says they are, then Roland is probably lying, which is a big deal.

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