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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

As for the second seer claim: Could very well be that he has made it and it was just not enough time to tell us. I mean, it is not like sunrise is posting constantly here wink

As for your question scooter. Lets just assume for a moment that we would have the information that there is another Seer. And lets also assume for now that our seers say that both Sareln and uberfish are wolves. Obviously one of the seers is a fool (because otherwise this game would be so unbalanced that we wouldn't have need to play at all), so whom would we vote for in this case? I am thinking currently about exactly that.

Dantski Wrote:Irgy recently voted for Lewwyn as mayor. I consider Lewwyn to be a poor choice as mayor so I'm wondering why Irgy would choose him.

Because he wasn't Roland, and someone else had voted for him so he was the other contender. Plus he seems like a villager to me, though it's always hard to tell. Not the most spectacular reasons I agree, but as I said I'm a swinging voter, willing to be convinced elsewhere.

sunrise089 Wrote:Re: my results from last night - I did find a villager. I wouldn't mind some advice on what to do. I can say the name and if my seer-ness is proven then you'll know it's a villager, but it also tips off the wolves.

Tips them off what? That they'r on the village team? That's all you know about them, and the wolves know that already. Not really sure what you're hiding here?

Re Kyan's rants about the MJW kill:
Can you give it a rest please? I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but:
* If you're right, it does the game no good (and a lot of harm) to whine about it in the thread. The moderator's made a decision, it's too late to change it, if you're not happy talk about it after the game. Meanwhile let's just play on.
* On the other hand, it's possible there's something you don't know. I don't know anything else myself, but the point is, if there is more to the story, it can't be revealed in-thread. In which case it's absolutely ridiculous for you to carry on arguing about it when the other side is completely hamstrung by not being able to respond.

Serdoa Wrote:As for your question scooter. Lets just assume for a moment that we would have the information that there is another Seer. And lets also assume for now that our seers say that both Sareln and uberfish are wolves. Obviously one of the seers is a fool (because otherwise this game would be so unbalanced that we wouldn't have need to play at all), so whom would we vote for in this case? I am thinking currently about exactly that.

I've been going back over Day 1 ever since we nailed Selrahc, and I have to say it's been making me question Sareln ever since then. Hell, ever since Luddite died it's made me question a few things - Selrahc just happened to be first. Before I got a chance to look at anything, the Owl came to me with the info about Selrahc, and the rest is history. I never got to go back to my thoughts until last night... and even then I've spent half my time trying to buy some time to think, before an all-out bandwagon formed.

For me, personally, I'm leaning towards Sareln in that scenario. I watched Uberfish throughout WW1, and unless he's learned how to pull his game face on hugely since then, he's acting pretty transparent in my eyes. Moreover, I have no sense that he's a 'Wolf here - yet I had been eying him for about 2 days before they killed him in the first game. Besides, I think previous roles are a foolish argument for guilt here.

All this speculation certainly is interesting. I know you've had your doubts about Sareln, Serdoa, and now you as well Scooter. It's comforting to see I'm not alone - after all, we three have spent so many days being at opposite ends of one another that it certainly can't be argued we're in collusion. (Oh Scooter, if only you knew how much I wanted to rail against you last night - I'll have to send it to you. It's rather epic.)

Perhaps there's more to this than mere speculation?

Or perhaps you're panicking about your vote at the end of the day again? nono

It's great that you aren't just 100% fixing an unsure target in your head but at some point you have to think to yourself "Is there a better option?". Sandover made himself the obvious candidate day 1, Selrahc being the likely devil day 3 dictated the voting. Both those days were successful I'd say, day 4 seems at least as clear cut if not more so than day 1 and far far simpler than day 2 ever was.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

scooter Wrote:Me and my assumptions might just get me killed lol. But I stand by this one actually. Barring something crazy happening, uberfish WILL be lynched today. The majority is just overwhelming. Also, if sunrise is the seer, the WW's know it, so starting tomorrow, there will be no baner or no seer, which means the clock is ticking for the villagers to figure out who the other 3 (if I'm remembering correctly) WW's are. Meanwhile, WW's can sit there and chip away at any trusted villagers night after night. If only two werewolves are able to establish "deep cover" - meaning they are generally trusted by all villagers, the WW's will win this game. Actually with no baner or seer, even ONE WW with deep cover can win this game, which is why I'm really suspicious of Sareln now as looking back on it, it's very plausible that he could be a WW with a brilliant cover.

My issue with the above analysis is that we have (apparently, supposedly) this Owl person. So there is still someone who could detect wolf actions in the night, at least potentially depending on guesswork. And as the remaining population gets smaller, the chances of catching a wolf in action become greater. So sacrificing a fellow wolf for "deep cover" has a much smaller potential payoff for the wolves, as they can still be detected by the Owl.

Roland, Serdoa, Scooter; you're starting to sound like that if I don't say anything by the time I come back again in another hour you'll have all convinced yourselves that I definitely grow fur and fangs each night lol.

I've been quiet in this thread, but that doesn't make me a wolf ipso facto. Selrahc (the Devil) saving me over Sandover is suspicious, but at the same time, I think was more the result of not wanting to attract attention to himself on the tiebreak vote, certainly not for a wolf who had gotten himself pegged through word slip. Day 1 I definitely stuck my neck out there, but knowledge of your own innocence can do crazy things to your confidence levels jive
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I don't have a whole lot to add tonight but I want to thank Scooter for his enlightening responses to my fishing expedition last night. It will serve to make my next vote pretty easy yikes. I have to go back to my tactic from day one. I was convinced that MJW was the baner (disappointed but convinced), so I stuck with my guns and didn't move my vote away from Sandover. Now I'm convinced sunrise must be the seer, so I'm keeping my vote on Uberfish without moving it. Yes I'm part of a bloc that probably includes a wolf or two, just as I was in a bloc that included the devil on day one. Does that bother me? Not if the results are the same as day one.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:I don't have a whole lot to add tonight but I want to thank Scooter for his enlightening responses to my fishing expedition last night. It will serve to make my next vote pretty easy yikes. I have to go back to my tactic from day one. I was convinced that MJW was the baner (disappointed but convinced), so I stuck with my guns and didn't move my vote away from Sandover. Now I'm convinced sunrise must be the seer, so I'm keeping my vote on Uberfish without moving it. Yes I'm part of a bloc that probably includes a wolf or two, just as I was in a bloc that included the devil on day one. Does that bother me? Not if the results are the same as day one.

If Uberfish is a 'Wolf, why would he focus on Selrahc a full day before we outed him as the Devil? Moreover, why would he have continued that position well into Day 3 (again, before we outed Selrahc as the Devil)? I can think of no justifiable reason he would sell out his own brethren - especially the Devil - even if by the second night Selrahc had performed his duty and found the "Seer".

When you can answer that question with evidence instead of blind conviction, then I'll buy your vote for Uberfish. Until then, you're simply following the word of another as though it's gospel - even if there's been no argument (yet) to the contrary.

You started this game a thinking man Mr. Nice Guy. It's far from over - don't quit yet.

Just some warning for RL things coming up for me:
I'm at a music festival (Soundwave) all day tomorrow (which basically corresponds to the next night period) and not sure what state I'll be in by the end of it. I'll then be around for all of Monday, but on Tuesday I'm going to get my tonsils out so I'll be out of action for some period of time then too.

Not so much because you all need to know particularly, but just so I don't get voted out for being "too quiet" while I'm gone wink

I don't really understand why Roland and Scooter and whoever else are suddenly so cautious about uberfish, although I do see the argument that the wolves will likely kill the seer soon (and if they don't that's good too) and we'll know for sure then rather than guessing. However, there's still no really inspiring other candidates, so I don't really see the point of shifting my vote. Plus, no-one else has claimed seer - or even claimed fool for that matter, so I don't really see what alternatives there are to sunrise being the seer and therefore uberfish a wolf that we need to particularly worry about?

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