Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Pbem 9 Peter of Inca

I don't have anything interesting to say, just wanted to say a well played game so far and your thread is quite entertaining. Keep up the good work!

Usual stuff
- 16 more turns until great library will be finished(actualy more less because i have 3 forest to chop).
- 3 turns until i finish heroic epic in Oradea and after that a stable,then just horsearchers.
-10 turns to finish Temple of artemis
- 1 setler and 1 worker on their way to the galley and after that to the sugar fish ,island to found my moai statui city.
I was thinking to do a sumary of everyone starting pozition and compare to mine, its that ok or will be just without a point?
In turn 100 i will do a big update(hope i have time).

The summary would be much appreciated.

As i promissed i will to big update now , for begining lest how the special Romania emipre looks :

[Image: overview.JPG]

There are 7 nice cities , lets take them One by one:

Glorious capitol( for like more 10 tunrnslol)

[Image: Capitol%20arad.JPG]

Here we have the Pyramids, and in 4 turns will have Great library too(if anyone else dont beat us to it).

My best city( Next capitol ):

[Image: Future%20capitol.JPG]

There is a special Mausoleum in it, and next turn will get an academy.This a real strong city wich will get me more than 50% of my research.

Empire Military center

[Image: oradea.JPG]

Will finish heroic epic in 2 turns and after that will build a stable and after that HA.

The next cities are mixt ones wich help with research, worker,setlers, and military:

[Image: timisoara.JPG]
[Image: resita.JPG]
[Image: new%20york.JPG]
[Image: i%20will%20fight.JPG]

And this one will be setled in turn 101

[Image: Constanta.JPG]

About the empire demografics:

[Image: demografics.JPG]

First in GNP, FOOD, and above average for others not to bad.

And now about the comparation and sumary in regards of other civs, i will star with my friend im game Pegasus because i know his map very good and is realy updated, first lets see a general view of his empire and after that some toughts about his general development:

[Image: pegasus%20overview.JPG]

From my information till now( i dont have Kodii's map),Me and Pegasus are at same distance from the center(Wonder land ), so he had same chances like me to get there first.He has stone to his second city(very convenient, he could build mids way before me).The down side was that he very close to kodii.
A litle bit about the starting pozition : I believe he's beter than mine short term(until biology or powerfull workshops), he has 4 hils, graslad iron(ye i know because i see a mine there) me just 2 hils(i would like 4 my self for building wonders faster), beter food for him ye he got corn i got rice,he got more land or lakes tiles(14 to ten).
Second cities are egual i got corn, cooper, horses and he got cooper, fish, rice and stone.
So ye over all i think he had very nice to work with and i wouldn't mind to be in his place.
What i think made the difference: TERACE , i builded in every city as first buiding, and of course the MIDS.
Whats the situation now : I think pegasus will land colosus which for a financial civ is very powerfull(you dont have to build cottage, just build lighouse and work the shore).Production wise has same capacity like but he is lagging very bad in food and he's Gnp is low(but this think will change after he gets colosus and monarhy calendar combo).From my perspective i think Pegasus has very good chances to develop and if he will be ready to war when the time will be rightshhh, he can be a major player.
Diplomacy with him is very good and i fell i can trust him.
About others in future updates after i discover more of their maps.

Nice update. Where is your settler being built in New York going to go?

Just finished great library, and doing 170 beakers turn at 300 bc(not bad i think).
My 9 city will be 5 N of Timisoara and will have in range 1 fish and 2 spices, workers already improving spices and the other is choping a forest for a fast terace so i can work fish righ away.
Research wise Col next turn and after that 4 more turns in Civil service.

Well , i didn't updated for 13 turns , sorry for that, but i had RL problems and my pc was destroyed because 'suprapower' but now i am back.

Alot of things happened, one of those is that Sylon gave up on game(to bad he was like a soul for thsi game, writing to everyone, keeping up the interest for the game, well what i can do..)

Well i realy dont know if he realy dropede because i sent this to his replacement
Quote:Hi nate,
Tank you for taking over Sylon.I just want to know which is your feeling about the game.Perhaps you know that me and Sylon had a NAP unyil turn 125, do you want like us to get another one lets say until turn 150?

I f you feel different just make me a counter offer.

and i got this answer

Quote:Greetings Mackoti,

Have no fear; the treaties that my father, Sylon the Elder have made will not be broken. Our treaty of mutual non-aggression will indeed stand until the World Turn 125, as promised.

As for an extension, please allow me to consult my learned advisers. I am young and inexperienced, and these matters require much careful consideration.

-Seven Macaw, newly crowned Lord of Koinon Hellenon

did or not Sylon droped?

The interisting part is that i proposed a NAP to Ruff until turn 140 and he said he want just to turn 125 so they are preparing a dogpile against me.

At least Pegasus is on my side and to keep him friendly i gifted to him gold, incense.

Here are some pictures with my cities

[Image: aacapitala.JPG]
[Image: aanational%20epic.JPG]
[Image: aa%20maoi.JPG]

And my quick respond forces

[Image: aa%20litle%20stack.JPG]

And some demografics for my lurkers
[Image: aademografics.JPG]
[Image: aapower.JPG]
I am in golden age(long one because of MoM), and i am preparing for turn 125 when for sure the war will start.
Any question ,please feel free to ask.

Got an update?

I will do a full update next time when save cames to me.
Short update for now i declarated war on ruff, becasue i knew is the new"Sylon'and because his islands were light defendendet and because i get my ass kiked in pitbos 4banghead.

Haha, that's a monster GNP. Don't feel bad about PB4, you can't win everything, feel free to take out your aggression in another game.

Also, is that a floodplains-wheat in Curtici? Holey moley, I don't think I've ever seen one of those spawn before. +3F from floodplains, +4 for irrigated wheat, that's a ridiculous tile to control!

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