The Illian History[/SIZE]
The World of Fall From Heaven has been through many ages...
First there was the Age of Dragons. Where the gods fashioned these beasts as tools to make war on each other. Man was a passing concern in these days. Hiding in fear as colossus beasts clashed in the sky. Eventually one of the Gods Said "ENOUGH". Thus a compact was signed. Limiting the Gods actions upon the world of Fall From Heaven. Erebus. To secure this all the Gods put a little of their power in a weapon that could slay one of them. This Godslayer was then scattered.
Second was the Age of Magic. Humans quickly rose in power. The Empire of Patria expanded across the land. It was a veritable Golden Age. One can thus understand wy it came to an end. When the gods are engaged in a eternal cold war a empire at peace would only end badly. So it came that a horrible ritual was made... one to call a God back to Erebus. As it would be cast by mortals it would not break the Compact. Allowing one God to rule alone. This Ritual ended up in the hands... of the Illians.
Third was thus the Age of Ice. Before this age Mulcarns Priests of Winter had been welcomed in most lands. They were coldly logical. But no-one would instantly assume they were 'evil'. That was then. Turning the whole world into Ice tends to annoy people. Eventually however. The old Immortal leader of the Patrian Empire united the scattered tribes of man. Reforged the Godslayer! And Slew the God of Ice and Stasis.
Now is the 4th Age. Auric Ulvin has set of to reforge the power of his slain God. Varn Gosan has felt the tough of Lugus the Sun God. Together, could they be unstoppable?
[SIZE="5"]The Illian Nation[/SIZE]
The Illians have a lot of special things going for them.
For a start they get +2 food to Ice terrain. Also all their units starts as winterborn and get a bonus on ice.
This is the worldspell of the Illians and is instantly available... it is broken. It stops all enemy production, research and commerce. Everything. It's overpowered normally but on a rampaging barbarian world map it is even more broken then usual. It I was harsh i could pop this of at the very start of the game and probably win. Thankfully someone chose Jonas who is friendly with barbarians and would be immune to this act of utter evil. So now i don't have to contemplate using it in that manner. Instead another way it to stop a "victim" being able to build protection once i have an attacking force ready.
This Ritual is available from the start of the game. It summons a random amount of Frostlings. Ice favoured goblin creatures. It also summons a barbarian hero called Mokka.
This can make a early Stasis pop even more powerful. Combine a large increase in barbarian activity with the inability to create a defensive force? Sick.
The Temple of the Hand
This replaces the Pagan temple of most other nations. It covers a cities BFC with Ice. This is usefull as a grassland facimile, the bad news is that it removes the commerce bonus from river tiles. It also means all mines will be equivalent to grassland mines. The benifit of this land is that Ice is impervious to the spread of Hell terrain. It also makes the idea of conquest a bad one for other players as ice is useless to everyone but myself.
The Priests of Winter
These three priests are given power via a ritual which can start production with the Philosophy tech. For how soon you get them, they are insanely powerful. If you ever get to upgrade them they are even more powerful. This is just with Auric leading the illians... with Varn with the spiritual trait the Priests will start with Mobility for an extra movement. Varn will also get more out of going down the tech path to upgrade the priests as he can worship other religions.
The Deepening
This Ritual makes the world COLDER. It decreases most of the terrain. Grassland>Plains>Tundra>Ice
It also summons some Blizzards to the map. This can decrease the production and food of all my enemies.
This Frost Giant is a heroic Champion that can't pass onto deserts. It isn't too amazing but it is useful if you are heading up the metal line anyway.
Stir From Slumber
A Ritual that wakes the Ice Dragon. You must have completely destroyed and eliminated another human player to summon this beast. It is insanely powerful. Even if it starts with 0exp it can kill armies alone. As their is a barbarian Fire Dragon on the map... well... it would be nice to see a face of between these two.
The Draw/Ascension
These two rituals are linked. The Draw needs to be completed to Ascend Auric to God-hood. The Draw will cause all other players to declare war on you and FOREVER stay at war. But it allows to to start on the Ascension. Which gives you a God. A strength flying death machine. It's spells can kill whole armies of units. The bad news? The Strongest rival gains the Godslayer... which you have to keep an eye on as it can one-hit-kill your god. So hopefully it ends up in the hands of the slow moving dwarfs and not the speedy elves.
[SIZE="5"]The Illian Leader[/SIZE]
Varn Gosan
This is the chosen leader of the Illians. He starts Spi/Cre and on turn 70 i will change him to Spi/Fin for the rest of the game. The important bit is his Spiritual nature. The illians can now worship other religions making the possibilities for them blossom. It also has the fun fact of giving all priests mobility. Increasing the speed that they gain EXP and also stopping Anarchy...
His aims? Get the Priests of Winter and get an early Religion!
The Creative trait will help with initial expansion. The game only gives us two settlers to start with and disallows us to build more... interesting. But also meaning those settlers are precious. With Creative i COULD technically risk founded both cities at the start. I would have to spam warriors and not get any workers for awhile though. Which is good as i wouldn't be going for any worker techs initially.
When we hit financial i will be able to get a real economy up and going. I think for this game i will be pushing Agristocracy. The Combination of Agriculture and Aristocracy. This gives all farms +2 Commerce -1 Production. Financial boosts that to 3 Commerce. If i build a temple of the hand all tiles become +2 Food. Meaning my Farm Economy could have 3 food, 3 commerce and 0 Production. If i get Sanitation that boosts farms an extra food. Meaning if timed right you will have a much stronger middle game then town economies.
Game Plan
The first part is to rush for the priests. The Religion i'd LIKE to get as mine would be the Runes of Kilmorph. this religion gives MONEY and would support my expansion with the priests. Stasis should probably be popped at some point here... perfectly timed it would stop the others from fielding their own expansion force. Obviously then i would need to keep an eye on scores and do some C&D... which i'm not to sure how to do.
The Middle plan is to get the Economy up and running. That will support my expanded empire and also let me grab techs for powerful units. I think i'd also like to pick up another religion from the better ones. With only 4 religious players in the game we have our pick really.
The End game is to get theology. Upgrade those bad boy Winter Priests. Upgrade the other priests i have then Kill everybody.
Intelligence to Come
I will have to look into both the map details (DRAGON!). The Rivals (The Necromatic Dwarf, The Barbarian Orc, The Arcane Atheist, The Dark Elvish Fallen Angel)
There is also the actually players leading these nations and how they think and act.