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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

Ug Wrote:And how you can talk about 'not being a terrible loss' with your lack of input ???

I have had input, read my longer posts and stop trying to discredit someone who's a guaranteed villager, it makes you look bad. Really dude if you don't want people to question you give us something to discuss rather than just pointing fingers at 3 people all the time and leavin it at that. Also I'm not 100% convinced about Serdoa's guilt so I don't want the village to get all fixated on one person today when there's several people who need to be considered
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Rowain Wrote:Mr. Nice Guy who claimed to have a secret role too

Just a small point of clarification: I have never claimed a secret role. In fact, I've tried to be pretty clear that I am a non-unique villager. I would have liked a secret role (and loved an evil role) but the dice didn't roll that way. I am really enjoying the non-unique innocent role now, though.

In thinking it over, I suppose there was a post where I used myself as a "suppose I were the seer" type post. I tried to be clear that I was not claiming a secret role and I was only using myself because I am the only person I can be 100% confident has no secret role.

As for my Serdoa vote, it seems that everyone has him on their list somewhere, and for good reasons. I won't clutter the thread by echoing well thought out arguments, but the last page is a good place to start before reading the other 90 some pages.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

I guess you should be a little bit more specific - looking at that last page it just shows some overviews of who could be a wolf. And you are included in all of those.

And really: Please do echoing really well thought out arguments because I haven't seen them. I would love to explain whatever you think needs explanation - as I did since Day 1. Of course, you can also revert back on empty phrases like you did with your last post, but that does neither let me defend myself nor gives you a chance to really evaluate the position of all possible candidates. As for who those could be, that is really something to look back one page.

Anyway, I am a villager, it can be proven by a scry from the Owl as I also don't have any night-role. I have never lied, I was openly explaining why I did vote as I did. It might not have been the smartest votes - but then we would have to lynch Roland as well. And some others. Yes, I have never voted for the later lynched person. And as 3 out of 4 times it was a wolf this does look bad. But then, I always tried to get discussion rolling and explained my thoughts as good as possible. I understand that those were not shared (and except for Day 2 luckily for us) and I understand that I rubbed several people the wrong way. I view things from a different angle. I am not trusting anyone. Is that a bad way to play? No clue, it is my first time. Is it a way to set myself up for a lynch. Sure as hell it is. Would I do it again? Yes I would. Thats me. I didn't joke when I meant to Roland on Day 2 or 3 that he is not the first one to tell me that he doesn't like me after some long fought argument. But: Does that make me a wolf? No, it doesn't. I just makes me someone who might be hard to get along with (well, it is easy to be honest, you just have to be ok to discuss stuff sometimes a little bit longer) - but I also might be someone who would be good to have around when we cannot simply act according to scries, like today it seems.

Okay.. a little bit more content. Not too much content today though, as it's my daughter's 2nd birthday and so I have other commitments. But I can sneak in quick comments. Ironically, I like Gaspar's list of potentials best (and his reasoning is sound). I'll include my comments:

Mr. Nice Guy - non-unique villager, so I obviously don't belong
haphazard1 - Cyneheard was sold on him, and that made me comfortable talking to him. He's sold me as innocent villager.

That leaves 5 names. 3 wolves in a group of 5 are pretty good odds:
Ug the Barbarian

Out of that list, Serdoa has voted for known werewolves the least: only once in total - day 4, changed from Sareln to Uberfish. Then he changed back when it looked like there was the possibility for a villager kill.

So if I'm going to take a stab at a 60% shot, I may as well stab at Serdoa, who looks like a wolf -- and if he's just a wolf-like villager his votes aren't worth the paper they're written on.

Time for more birthday fun, but I hope that clears up a bit as far as why I hope Serdoa sees the noose today.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Mr Nice Guy : It seems I misunderstood something my apologies.

I think your list of potential wolfes is missing some names smile. But i agree on haphazard1 I have him very high on the villagerlist too.

On the case of Serdoa: Yes there is alot of reasons to suspect him but you see in my eyes it are nearly too many of them. I think he is so much wolfish that he can't be a real wolf.

Thanks for that Rowain... I guess lol

As for Day 4 and my switch to Sareln. I had voted for uberfish when Roland and I started to talk with each other. Also at that time scooter wrote his thoughts. I could agree with them and I agreed with Roland. But I didn't want to switch back yet. Then on the next morning (my time) Roland sent me a PM telling me that it would be time to switch back and after reading the thread I couldn't find an argument why not. So I did - and that is why I switched late.

And as I won't neither make a no vote nor a vote for myself (which is I think obvious) and Ug is the only one on the chopping block AND one of my suspects: Ug

Prof. didn't show up to class today, so have a quick vote count:

(3) Serdoa: Mr. Nice Guy, Ug the Barbarian, Irgy
(2) Ug the Barbarian: Dantski, Serdoa

  1. Mr. Nice Guy votes for Serdoa
  2. Ug the Barbarian votes for Serdoa
  3. Irgy votes for Serdoa
  4. Dantski votes for Ug the Barbarian
  5. Serdoa votes for Ug the Barbarian
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

I'm stuck at work for now, so i'll copy and paste my 'will' which i sent out last night in case i got eaten. Yes, im the owl and i can explain everything to you honestly and bluntly when i get home.

Please post this and others verify it to be legit, if i get eaten tonight:

Last Will and Testament:

I refuse to die and have my information die with me. I, along with others, have spent countless hours compiling the following information.

A couple of key points to start with:

1. The wolves will try to discredit this. Expect it and have this in your mind. Look at how close we were yesterday to lynching Sareln.

2. The wolves WILL and have sold each other out to try and 'prove' their innocence.

I would urge you to compare my observations with information in this thread. Check out the posts of the suspects and draw your conclusions from that. I am confident on the accuracy of this list.

Alive people: Gaspar, Irgy, Dantski, Ug, Kyan, Sareln, Rowain, Lewwyn, Mr Nice Guy, scooter, Roland, Serdoa, haphazard1, sunrise = 14 people.

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Definite Villagers


I am 100% convinced of the innocent of the above. I would strongly urge you to look elsewhere.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Probable Villagers:

Mr Nice Guy[/COLOR]

Gaspar i am pretty sure of the innocence of. He had ample opportunity yesterday to save uber and didn't go for it. Considering he's been mentioned in nearly every round, i am yet to see him do anything particularly wolfish.

Haphazard and Mr Nice Guy are good chums who communicate a lot. Neither of them think im any good or trust me in the slightest. However, despite that, i'm fairly comfortable that both are villagers. I would add a caveat that if one of these two is a wolf- i would suspect the other one also.
Unknown Quantities:


Ug wrote on my wall as a visitor message (you can all view it) trying to help out on the villager side. Rowain has been practical and helpful throughout. However, i am not convinced either way on these two.

If i had to pin one of them as a wolf, i'd be inclined towards Rowain.

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Probable Wolves


These two should be fairly obvious. I'd mainly point to their staunch defence of both Sandover and Uberfish.

I have requested that these two be scried/watched tonight. One each by the seer and Owl. One of these two will die though so at best- we get one scry.

If that scry confirms a wolf, i heavily urge you to follow this. Both of our special powers have made a correct call each so far. Be wary though, once called out, i expect the rest of the wolf candidates to throw this guy under the bus. They're getting desperate now.

This has been an incredibly frustrating yet incredibly effective village thus far. Please, let's finish this.

Also, one last key piece of information.

Contrary to my initial PM- which i clarified and have PM's to prove- fire&ice has changed how my role works mid-game.

The big change is that now only 1 wolf leaves the house per night to make a kill. If i 'watch' any wolf other than this 1 (the person that PMs f&i), then they will turn out as 'xxx did nothing'.

All this information means to us is that Irgy is still in doubt. I watched Serdoa last night but he didn't leave his house- unfortunately this means nothing now.

It seems my suspects list is very similar to others. Serdoa- you can explain it however you want, but your list of people you voted for isn't pretty. Neither is Rolands but i believe him more than yourself.


Also, i really hope i'm not alone in saying that the power roles in this game have totally removed the element of fun. The best way to win involved ridiculous PM circles and leaves the true villagers to either be simple sheep or be shown as wolves. Furthremore, this is the second totally bullshit call from f&i. Seriously dude, choose a set of rules- make everyone aware of them- and then stick by them. I requested crystal cut clarification on my role and asked you:

-if i watch a wolf at night, what result do i get?

you told me that i will see them visiting somebody. that person then presumably gets eaten so i can work out a wolf from there. Maybe that role would be too powerful along with a seer, but that's not the point. You told me that's how it worked and yet again, plans have been made according to this.

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