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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

FWIW I think the only reason I ever even looked at Scooter as a wolf in the first place was because of Roland. Day Scooter was 3rd on his suspects list. I think his opposition to the Meiz lynching helped to shape that view as well, as an enemy. And I think that's where I have had the most trouble in this game. Opposition to my goal has been tainted.

Here's the thing, Roland is probably the one who is the least in opposition to me. So for me to question and examine him comes from a more objective standpoint. So far I think any stubbornness on my part has only been a factor in the Meiz lynching, beyond that I've pretty much come out on a more objective side.

With Roland analyzing Roland I believe I actually been the calmest. Following the evidence that leads to Roland being a WW was very difficult because it's a matter of pride. I was wrong in the first place (hell I still might be wrong), but I think I've shown that I look at things from all angles and I'm actually very willing to change my mind.

I may be getting paranoid, but I thought I got some real Roland-esqu thoughts and speech from Gaspar (not the longer one you claimed was becoming Roland-esqu, but the one before). So, yeah, I think Gaspar and Roland are still communicating in PMs and I think Roland had Gaspar sort of lead out with the defense. I'm not saying Gaspar's a WW (though it does sort of fit if Roland turns out to be a WW).

I spoke with Gaspar after my post on Roland and we talked about keeping an open mind so I blame him not for his defense of Roland or his suspicions of Scooter. But when I went back to when I first suspected Scooter, lol, it was first planted by Roland. So yeah. Let's reevaluate that shall we. Who's to say I haven't contaminated the pool against Scooter?

BTW I still suspect Serdoa. Really wish we'd lynched him. I suspect Serdoa will keep his head down (though his RL busyness is an understandable excuse).

A lot going on and I couldn't reach RB until 1hour ago. Didn't even get any New-message mail.

About the trusted network: This game has been an example how badly they work. bda work you say? But we killed 3 wolves alredy! so the network has been brilliant! This is wrong.
2 of this 3 wolfkills happened after scries (1 owl 1 seer). The 3 days were had to do our own work show a disastrous result:
3 day: 1 dead wolf -2 dead villagers. Continuing that trend without the scans and we lose.
And it was this trusted network which brought us to this results. Thanks to that network, people stopped to think for themself and accepted others as guilty or innocent just cause xy says so so it must be so and that is nonsense. We don't have any good hints on 3 suspects because this network had stopped too many discussions, bulldozering their lynches through

So whom do I trust
Lewwyn 2nd mason and absolutly a villager
haphazard1 alll his posts are to the point & logical
else none. Not even Dantski because as MJW pointed out very early: There might be a Godfather role which would scan innocent to the seer. Ans as we have a seer an owl and no know fool I strongly suspect the wolves have an ace up their [strike]sleeves[/strike] paws.

My top-suspects: Roland/Gaspar*, scooter, X.
for me one of those has to be the wolf inside. Someone had to make all those failed plans (day3 disaster revealing the existence of the owl which in my eyes was the biggest mistake we made). The more I think aboout it the more I think Gaspar beeing the wolf. At least I would really prefer it that way.

But be it as it may for now my vote goes for Roland

Tally post:

Lewwyn (5) : Roland, Rowain, Sareln, Dantski,scooter
Dantski (4) : Irgy, Mr. Nice Guy, haphazard1, Serdoa
Sareln (1) : Gaspar

Not yet voting (1) : Lewwyn

Roland (6) : Roland, Irgy, Mr. Nice Guy, scooter, Lewwyn, Rowain
scooter (2): Gaspar, Sareln

Not yet voting (3) : haphazard1, Serdoa, Dantski

Sequence of Actions:
  1. Roland votes Roland
  2. Gaspar votes scooter
  3. Irgy votes Roland
  4. Mr. Nice Guy votes Roland
  5. scooter votes Roland
  6. Sareln votes scooter
  7. Lewwyn votes Roland
  8. Rowain votes Roland

You guys are really jumping at shadows.

Lewwyn: Roland and I have absolutely not been coordinating any defense. I told you when we chatted I'd let you know if we had. What possible reason would I have to lie to you about that?

Rowain: Lewwyn can vouch that I had absolutely no say in the "trusted network," just check out his pictures. If my leading the charge against the uberfish/Sareln switch that so many of you fell for it like lemmings didn't convince you of my villager-dom, nothing will, so you're just noise to me at this point. I don't know why I'm arguing with you though, since there's at least two things in your post that point very strongly to you being a wolf. Sadly, I have to sit and watch this Roland thing fail today before I can get any other momentum going. But nice job planting the seed for me for after Roland turns out to be a villager.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

If you were sure I'm a wolf you would post those things already and try to get me lynched.
But I'm sure you know quite well that I'm not howling at night like you do.

Unless by some miracle haphazard1, Serdoa, and Dantski all believe scooter is a 'Wolf and vote for him, I'm as good as dead today. I know haphazard1 is going to lynch me, and I don't think Serdoa has anywhere near enough suspicion to lynch scooter - regardless of his feelings for me. As for Dantski, if he even makes it back in time to vote, he'll probably agree with Lewwyn's "logic" and vote me off. So, again - unless some miracle occurs, I'm a dead man. You'd all be better off figuring out who you're going to lynch next - you're going to need all the extra time you can get after today.

Personally, aside from scooter being on my radar, everyone else I might suspect have all been on my "probable Villager" list for so long I wouldn't be able to make a case against them - not with so little time. Even so, I am starting to pull back from ALL my assumptions about people - both good and bad - and think about things objectively, as Lewwyn is trying. That leads me to Mr. Nice Guy, Rowain, and haphazard1 as potential suspects, with scooter hanging around for posterity's sake (among other things). Of course, none of this matters - I'm a 'Wolf, according to everyone, and even though I'm not, I'm such a liar and a bastard that nothing I say is worth the time it takes to read it. So it's useless for me to point fingers on death row.

I'm sticking to my vote for myself, on principle if nothing else. I did it to call Lewwyn's bluff: that I wouldn't ever vote for myself unless forced to, that I'm a sure 'Wolf, and I'm just trying to pull a Sandover / Selrahc / Uberfish defense. You all can believe what you like - after all, you've never listened to my reasoning for my actions through much of this campaign, so why start now - but I know why I've done what I've done. I know what's true, and what isn't. I know who the liars are, even if I don't know why they've chosen to do so. When I go to the gallows, I'll stand tall and proud, knowing I'm innocent, and knowing that no matter what anyone says, I know who and what I am - as a person, a player, and a role.

It's been one hell of a ride. Good luck to you all.

I will join the lynch mob against Roland. My confidence level on this choice is not high, but that is true of just about any possible target at this point. The case against Roland is at least plausible, and there were so many changing stories, contradictory claims, and other strangeness about his behavior throughout the game. I think it is a risk worth taking.

"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Lewwyn (5) : Roland, Rowain, Sareln, Dantski,scooter
Dantski (4) : Irgy, Mr. Nice Guy, haphazard1, Serdoa
Sareln (1) : Gaspar

Not yet voting (1) : Lewwyn

Roland (7) : Roland, Irgy, Mr. Nice Guy, scooter, Lewwyn, Rowain; haphazard1
scooter (3): Gaspar, Sareln; Dantski

Not yet voting (1) : Serdoa

Sequence of Actions:
  1. Roland votes Roland
  2. Gaspar votes scooter
  3. Irgy votes Roland
  4. Mr. Nice Guy votes Roland
  5. scooter votes Roland
  6. Sareln votes scooter
  7. Lewwyn votes Roland
  8. Rowain votes Roland
  9. haphazard1 votes Roland
  10. Dantski votes scooter

Rowain Wrote:If you were sure I'm a wolf you would post those things already and try to get me lynched.
But I'm sure you know quite well that I'm not howling at night like you do.

Well, I never said I was sure, I said your post pointed very strongly. But no, I wouldn't bother even if I was sure. I've assailed the village with logic and reason all day and still we have our pointless vote pointed at Roland. I personally don't care about the fact that its Roland, his vote for himself stunt is completely counterproductive, and he basically has half-checked out of the game already. I care that its going to waste yet another lynch and we don't have time for that.

I probably won't be around when the results get posted. Hope you're all happy.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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