If you think I'm trying to act blameless, Luddite, you don't know me at all. If anything, I'm the most responsible - would you not agree? It was my weight behind my long posts that led others to vote for him, yes? It was a group decision, vetted through all of us, and I stuck by it to the end, did I not? There is no revisionist here. There is simple explanation.
I take as much responsibility for Meiz as any of you - how I felt afterward should be a clear example of that. What I took issue with was others (certainly not you nor Lewwyn) portrayal of me with regard to Meiz (among other things). The problem, Luddite, with being the frontman for our group was that I was also the fall guy - I was the one everyone blamed as the mastermind behind every decision we ever made, and the one called a blind fool but everyone who disagreed with us.
As for your question on whether we should have switched off Meiz at the end? I didn't switch, did I? You're absolutely right that it was too late to back off. Why do you think I left? I expressly stated that we ALL had doubts about it in the end - you and Lewwyn included! And don't talk to me about my motives for shifting my votes. You don't know, so don't attempt to explain it - I'm sick of that, quite frankly, and you perpetuate the same misconceptions everyone else has. If you truly buy into that, you're as wrong as the rest. I switched off MJW because I was blinded by my anger of him, along with everyone else saying I was making a wrong decision. Yes, I panicked about Sandover. I also was furious with MJW at that point. It wasn't as simple as you nor anyone else makes it out to be, and no one bothers to listen to my explanations for any of my actions. I never panicked over Selrahc - I pulled my vote off for a few minutes to shut people up about me being blind. You weren't even involved in that lynching, so don't speak to me about it, least of all the reasoning behind my actions. As for Uberfish, I would have simply ignored his PM if I wasn't already eying Sareln after we hung Selrahc - again something you knew nothing about. You assume like every other idiot out there and attribute reason to my actions that are flat-out wrong. As for Serdoa, Kyan and I both shifted away from Serdoa and onto Ug for the same reasons - yet another decision you had NO PART in. I don't believe, even now, in Serdoa's guilt, and I had little reason to go believing Ug was much more innocent. As for scooter, Lewwyn left me no choice in the matter. There was no getting out of that - no way to explain anything. Besides, as you have so eloquently proven, no one listens to anything I say unless it's pinning someone to the gallows.
I don't blame you nor Lewwyn for Meiz any more than I blame myself, and if it did not come across that way I sincerely apologize. It was not my intent. I'm just tired of people bashing my skull against the ground for my supposed failures when they never take the time to listen to me as to why I did any of the things I did - let alone what we decided as a group. I'm not nearly as blind as people make me out to be, and that is all I was trying to get across - nothing more, nothing less. Don't shove words down my throat, and don't pretend to know my actions. Ok?
I should probably put here that I don't hold anything against you, both in-game and out, lest you get the wrong idea. Disagreements or no, it was great fun discussing the game with you, and strategizing our moves. Your company was sorely missed after you were picked off, and things never went quite as right after that. Friends still, I hope.
I take as much responsibility for Meiz as any of you - how I felt afterward should be a clear example of that. What I took issue with was others (certainly not you nor Lewwyn) portrayal of me with regard to Meiz (among other things). The problem, Luddite, with being the frontman for our group was that I was also the fall guy - I was the one everyone blamed as the mastermind behind every decision we ever made, and the one called a blind fool but everyone who disagreed with us.
As for your question on whether we should have switched off Meiz at the end? I didn't switch, did I? You're absolutely right that it was too late to back off. Why do you think I left? I expressly stated that we ALL had doubts about it in the end - you and Lewwyn included! And don't talk to me about my motives for shifting my votes. You don't know, so don't attempt to explain it - I'm sick of that, quite frankly, and you perpetuate the same misconceptions everyone else has. If you truly buy into that, you're as wrong as the rest. I switched off MJW because I was blinded by my anger of him, along with everyone else saying I was making a wrong decision. Yes, I panicked about Sandover. I also was furious with MJW at that point. It wasn't as simple as you nor anyone else makes it out to be, and no one bothers to listen to my explanations for any of my actions. I never panicked over Selrahc - I pulled my vote off for a few minutes to shut people up about me being blind. You weren't even involved in that lynching, so don't speak to me about it, least of all the reasoning behind my actions. As for Uberfish, I would have simply ignored his PM if I wasn't already eying Sareln after we hung Selrahc - again something you knew nothing about. You assume like every other idiot out there and attribute reason to my actions that are flat-out wrong. As for Serdoa, Kyan and I both shifted away from Serdoa and onto Ug for the same reasons - yet another decision you had NO PART in. I don't believe, even now, in Serdoa's guilt, and I had little reason to go believing Ug was much more innocent. As for scooter, Lewwyn left me no choice in the matter. There was no getting out of that - no way to explain anything. Besides, as you have so eloquently proven, no one listens to anything I say unless it's pinning someone to the gallows.
I don't blame you nor Lewwyn for Meiz any more than I blame myself, and if it did not come across that way I sincerely apologize. It was not my intent. I'm just tired of people bashing my skull against the ground for my supposed failures when they never take the time to listen to me as to why I did any of the things I did - let alone what we decided as a group. I'm not nearly as blind as people make me out to be, and that is all I was trying to get across - nothing more, nothing less. Don't shove words down my throat, and don't pretend to know my actions. Ok?
I should probably put here that I don't hold anything against you, both in-game and out, lest you get the wrong idea. Disagreements or no, it was great fun discussing the game with you, and strategizing our moves. Your company was sorely missed after you were picked off, and things never went quite as right after that. Friends still, I hope.