Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Werewolf 2 Lurker Thread: Spoilers!

If you think I'm trying to act blameless, Luddite, you don't know me at all. If anything, I'm the most responsible - would you not agree? It was my weight behind my long posts that led others to vote for him, yes? It was a group decision, vetted through all of us, and I stuck by it to the end, did I not? There is no revisionist here. There is simple explanation.

I take as much responsibility for Meiz as any of you - how I felt afterward should be a clear example of that. What I took issue with was others (certainly not you nor Lewwyn) portrayal of me with regard to Meiz (among other things). The problem, Luddite, with being the frontman for our group was that I was also the fall guy - I was the one everyone blamed as the mastermind behind every decision we ever made, and the one called a blind fool but everyone who disagreed with us.

As for your question on whether we should have switched off Meiz at the end? I didn't switch, did I? You're absolutely right that it was too late to back off. Why do you think I left? I expressly stated that we ALL had doubts about it in the end - you and Lewwyn included! And don't talk to me about my motives for shifting my votes. You don't know, so don't attempt to explain it - I'm sick of that, quite frankly, and you perpetuate the same misconceptions everyone else has. If you truly buy into that, you're as wrong as the rest. I switched off MJW because I was blinded by my anger of him, along with everyone else saying I was making a wrong decision. Yes, I panicked about Sandover. I also was furious with MJW at that point. It wasn't as simple as you nor anyone else makes it out to be, and no one bothers to listen to my explanations for any of my actions. I never panicked over Selrahc - I pulled my vote off for a few minutes to shut people up about me being blind. You weren't even involved in that lynching, so don't speak to me about it, least of all the reasoning behind my actions. As for Uberfish, I would have simply ignored his PM if I wasn't already eying Sareln after we hung Selrahc - again something you knew nothing about. You assume like every other idiot out there and attribute reason to my actions that are flat-out wrong. As for Serdoa, Kyan and I both shifted away from Serdoa and onto Ug for the same reasons - yet another decision you had NO PART in. I don't believe, even now, in Serdoa's guilt, and I had little reason to go believing Ug was much more innocent. As for scooter, Lewwyn left me no choice in the matter. There was no getting out of that - no way to explain anything. Besides, as you have so eloquently proven, no one listens to anything I say unless it's pinning someone to the gallows.

I don't blame you nor Lewwyn for Meiz any more than I blame myself, and if it did not come across that way I sincerely apologize. It was not my intent. I'm just tired of people bashing my skull against the ground for my supposed failures when they never take the time to listen to me as to why I did any of the things I did - let alone what we decided as a group. I'm not nearly as blind as people make me out to be, and that is all I was trying to get across - nothing more, nothing less. Don't shove words down my throat, and don't pretend to know my actions. Ok?

I should probably put here that I don't hold anything against you, both in-game and out, lest you get the wrong idea. Disagreements or no, it was great fun discussing the game with you, and strategizing our moves. Your company was sorely missed after you were picked off, and things never went quite as right after that. Friends still, I hope.

Ok fair enough. Let's just drop it then.

BTW - who do you think are the current 'Wolves? I didn't have any discussion with Lewwyn after Ug got lynched (actually, not sure I had any after Uberfish got lynched), so I never got his thoughts. Gaspar and I were leaning towards Mr. Nice Guy (possessed, eh? Oh irony), haphazard1, Rowain, and scooter (no particular order). I don't recall what Kyan was thinking, only that he and I came to the conclusion (seperately) that Serdoa was innocent. If we're wrong about that one, I'm going to feel like a complete ass - considering how he was to me as Meiz was to Lewwyn, it will be painfully ironic if I let him off and he turns out to be a 'Wolf!

I'm still convinced scooter is a 'Wolf. Rowain's been moving up that list steadily, although I never had enough to nail him down on, and haphazard1 I can't decide. Some people have been eying Irgy, but I think he was cleared by Kyan before the Owl was changed? Not totally sure, but either way I haven't really been convinced of him being guilty.

Actually, reviewing who's left there really only is MNG, hap, Rowain and scooter - unless Gaspar turns out to be a 'Wolf, which would be a total shock to me. I'd be surprised if Irgy ends up being a 'Wolf, too, although not nearly as much as Gaspar.

Doesn't Mr. Nice Guy (if he's the possessed) only win if the Werewolves win? Isn't it then more proper for him to keep his head down, rather than start a charge against the 'Wolves? Or am I completely mistaken in who the possessed is?

possessed is an extra wolf but ...
1. scrys as good. never leaves house.
2. Does not know who the wolfs are and the wolfs does not know who he is.
3. He does not count as a wolf for victory because he might mis-vote. He does not know who the wolfs are at the game start. But I think it is unlikely. The wolfs would have night-killed him if they did not trust him.

Edit: Our lists are almost the same. Expect I put Gasper over haparazard due to post 973 where he said things that a villager would not be able to say. Assuming he could explain it haparazard would be on my list and our lists would be perfectly the same. lol

Edit2: There is a very high chance of scooter getting lyched today. So he might just be attacking him to score browie points.

Kyan Wrote:Delayed but GG everyone. Thanks for the experience.

F&I has since made me aware that the owl role only detected the individual werewolf that PM'd him the kill each night. Anyone else would receive the result 'xxx did not leave their home'.

Thanks and good luck.
Isn't this a bit inappropriate, Kyan? You've been dead for some time now. If the owl's function needed further clarification then the GM should be the one to provide it, IMHO. Or did you post this with fire&ice's consent?

If I were playing I would read this as a strong hint to go back and suspect some of the people who had been "cleared" by the owl. Don't know if that was your intention or not, but your post seems quite likely to influence the game either way.

Roland Wrote:BTW - who do you think are the current 'Wolves? I didn't have any discussion with Lewwyn after Ug got lynched (actually, not sure I had any after Uberfish got lynched), so I never got his thoughts. Gaspar and I were leaning towards Mr. Nice Guy (possessed, eh? Oh irony), haphazard1, Rowain, and scooter (no particular order). I don't recall what Kyan was thinking, only that he and I came to the conclusion (seperately) that Serdoa was innocent. If we're wrong about that one, I'm going to feel like a complete ass - considering how he was to me as Meiz was to Lewwyn, it will be painfully ironic if I let him off and he turns out to be a 'Wolf!

I'm still convinced scooter is a 'Wolf. Rowain's been moving up that list steadily, although I never had enough to nail him down on, and haphazard1 I can't decide. Some people have been eying Irgy, but I think he was cleared by Kyan before the Owl was changed? Not totally sure, but either way I haven't really been convinced of him being guilty.

Actually, reviewing who's left there really only is MNG, hap, Rowain and scooter - unless Gaspar turns out to be a 'Wolf, which would be a total shock to me. I'd be surprised if Irgy ends up being a 'Wolf, too, although not nearly as much as Gaspar.

Doesn't Mr. Nice Guy (if he's the possessed) only win if the Werewolves win? Isn't it then more proper for him to keep his head down, rather than start a charge against the 'Wolves? Or am I completely mistaken in who the possessed is?

Hmm I still think that Serdoa and Scooter are both wolves. I could be wrong of course, but that's still my suspician. For the third wolf I really don't know... maybe Rowain if I had to pick someone.

Apparently the possessed does only win if the werewolves win. However, if he's lynched, his death could CAUSE the werewolves to win, because he counts as a villager!

I know someone mentioned this a earlier but it seems like the villagers are really screwed to have a possessed player who counts as a villager. If they lynch the possessed player, they get rid of a wolf like vote, but still reduce the number of villagers. It's lose-lose for them!

Well in this case it is leting them survive for another round seeing as the game would be over now *i think* if possesed counted as werewolf.

It's.. fairly ridiculous.

Imagine the villagers get today's lynch incorrect. The only way the villagers can win the game from there is if the Wolves night kill the possessed. Because from there if the wolves kill a villager every night and a wolf is lynched every day, then the game ends with the possessed and a villager left.

There are 9 players left. 3 wolves. 5 villagers. 1 possessed. If a villager is lynched today, then the numbers tomorrow will be 3 wolves, 3 villagers, 1 possessed.
If a wolf is killed every day from that point, and a villager with every night kill then after three days there will be a single possessed and a single villager left. Assuming that there will be no night kill after the wolves are destroyed. The game will be decided by whoever is mayor.

Irgy is a ww. He said at most one lych-- a villager would not suspect a 7th ww. He knocked Gasper off my list.

Possed would just role-claim and vote for himself. The wolfs would vote for him at the last minute. Also if there is no mafia the villagers win the game at once and possed does not count as mafia.

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