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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Woah we have to roleplay? Sweet.

Will edit this post with relevant info in a bit. smile

Well, we seem to have a likely candidate for the first lynching, that being MJW.

It's a little early to say it, especially since a lot of the players probably haven't looked at the thread yet. But, since the start of the game, the first day, is the day with the least amount of info, I won't be surprised if these votes last until the end.

MJW bandwagon, assuming his not a werewolf (higher chances to be true, due to less wolves in the game than villagers), is very good for the wolves, since now they can be quiet, not say anything until the next day. So, we won't be getting any info today and day 2 will be like day 1, except for the fool and seer scries, which is not a lot, due to no PM's settings.

So, what I'm asking is: let's not jump into MJW so fast. We won't be getting anything out of it, in my opinion.

I know that I already quoted Uberfish's post, which said that defending MJW was a wolfish move (when he was referring to novice). I quoted it saying that it was the best post in the thread.

Let me explain myself , since I don't want to give any contraditory information(since I'm now doing the exact same thing that Uberfish said was wolfish, defending MJW, even though I'm not saying he's probably a villager, I'm just saying that there is nothing to gain bandwagoning him): Uberfish's post was good because it was the first one based on reason. He's trying to start a discussion, which is good. That's what we should be doing, anyway.

That being said, let's analyse some of MJW posts:

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:Even though my attack did not stick I'm think you're a werewolf Irgy. However, unless something happens, I think the first lych will be a race with me, F&I or Meiz. I know I am on team good; and I think the last two will not have Meiz in it. All that Meiz did was attack me after Sandover did and got linked by that. So I'll vote Fire&Ice.

Voting for someone who haven't said anything just to save yoursef is not a good thing to do. Of course, it's not nice to have half the city attacking you in the furst 5 pages. But MJW should have tried to defend himself or throw in some thinking for discussion, not just say: well, fire&ice will probably be the one with more votes besides me, so let's try to kill him.

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:In other news I think I found a cheap trick. Only wolfs PM (and masons) and if you check a poster's profile you see if they are PMing. I won't do this because I think it would be banned if our mod thought of it. smoke I like being on team village is fun because you don't have all the information. I really like commoning up with tricks to find out information. It is what Inquistor does.

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:dance
I think Lewwyn is a werewolf. Sarlen never said in public to use e-mail. He must have PM'ed the wolves and Lewwyn got confused. Just like he confused t-hawk and Selrec. Maybe he also tried to get me lyched in the first post because F&I may be a werewolf. I will keep my vote one F&I for now because I still might have overlooked something.

Everyone who can PM should use e-mail to stop this. This is silly. smoke

This kind of metagaming posts are the reason (or better yet, one of the reasons) why people want to lynch you, MJW. Even if you are a villager, your posts tend to make, let's say, the game less fun. And they don't contribute nothing to the village's quest. Heck, you were the baner last game and I bet there were villagers who knew it and still wanted to see you being lynched.

So far, I don't see anythin that points to MJW being a wolf. The reasons for lynching him, albeit I tend to agree with them :neenernee, are all based on how much annoying his posts are...

OKay I am awake now I think.

Fire&Ice Will be changed if rules get changed so that you can't vote for your self at mayor. :neenernee

Fire&Ice we need somone to fill in for sareln's job since he is hosting this one lol

You can click on spoiler it just has nothing to do with conversations and stuff in game.

Meiz Wrote:Bah, you can play this game as much as you like, but truth is that I am not interested in your little game. Bark all you want!

*woof woof woof*

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:In other news I think I found a cheap trick. Only wolfs PM (and masons) and if you check a poster's profile you see if they are PMing. I won't do this because I think it would be banned if our mod thought of it. smoke I like being on team village is fun because you don't have all the information. I really like commoning up with tricks to find out information. It is what Inquistor does.

Please stop this stupidity we don't want to cheat for the win.

MJW (ya that one) Wrote::I think Lewwyn is a werewolf. Sarlen never said in public to use e-mail. He must have PM'ed the wolves and Lewwyn got confused.

Everyone who can PM should use e-mail to stop this. This is silly. smoke

He posted it in the WW2 lurker thread

I agree you are silly

Lewwyn Wrote:MJW just because my memory is better than yours doesn't mean I'm a werewolf. Granted I mixed the WW2 Lurker thread up with WW3 sign up, but that was only because I file information away by what that information pertains to and WW3 sign-up is the likely place for such a post as this one:

Note the line where Sareln specifically says, in public, exactly what I said he said.

Thx Lewwyn thumbsup

scooter Wrote:Just a quick placeholder note to say that I'm checking in. I'm going to be gone until this afternoon so I don't want people already throwing around accusations of people avoiding the thread. wink

Ya mean consorting with your werewolf budies

If this makes sense to no body keep in mind I am the village idiot.

Sorry for the lack of roleplay, but writing stories in english is though for me... I'd have to write them in portuguese and translate, which takes too much time, unfortunately.

My creativity seems to vanish when I try to write in other languages...

Ichabod Wrote:Voting for someone who haven't said anything just to save yoursef is not a good thing to do. Of course, it's not nice to have half the city attacking you in the first 5 pages. But MJW should have tried to defend himself or throw in some thinking for discussion, not just say: well, fire&ice will probably be the one with more votes besides me, so let's try to kill him.

Well I don't want to be losing as sleep over this game *Looks at Roland* and the tread started while I was asleep.

Well he was trying to metagame and cheat the system.

Well I was expecting to die day 1 so no skin off my bones.

Wow this game got started quickly! 9 hours in and already 50+ posts to read. Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday party so I will be pretty quiet today but I just wanted to chime in quickly. I have had my assistant briefly read me the voting tally while I finish altering my daughter's dress for the party, so these votes are as close to uninformed as they can be. Heck, I don't even have a complete list of who is playing in our village!

How about MJW for a lynch vote and Uberfish for a mayor.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Can everybody put their role (or at least their roleplay role) in their tagline or in their signature?
I have to run.

novice Wrote:Can everybody put their role (or at least their roleplay role) in their tagline or in their signature?

I put it in my signature.

Nice post Ichabod. I will consider your proposal and perhaps change my vote. Perhaps. Perhaps not though. After all there's no real way to prove he's not a WW. I'll keep an open mind though.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Nice post Ichabod. I will consider your proposal and perhaps change my vote. Perhaps. Perhaps not though. After all there's no real way to prove he's not a WW. I'll keep an open mind though.

A wolf trying to get a villager killed? Yes, that makes sense. Anyone should be able to realise that piling on someone this early isn't good for the village. Lewwyn.



What a way to start. It is 0930 my time, so the day will role in 47.5 hours from now.

Carry on.
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