January 6th, 2011, 14:23
(This post was last modified: May 12th, 2011, 20:10 by Doomk.)
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one suggestion for the AI enhancement - make it configurable, so could enable or disable enhancements in the config file (ini).
I'm professional software developer, so assembler difficulties is no secret for me However, as was stated, IDA Pro (live debugging), ollydbg, dosbox helps a lot. Heh, MoO API would be nice to dream for
It is of course pity, that MoO IDA project can't be shared, lowering entry point for new fans, but that's the right of every developer. So we should gratefully wait for the new patch iterations
February 13th, 2011, 07:43
(This post was last modified: February 13th, 2011, 07:48 by GeorgiaBoy.)
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kyrub Wrote:Too bad. You'll have to find yourself another -bow- target, Moo2 is none of my taste. The game's vast as MoM but it lacks its elegance and the stylistic coherence of MoO 1. On the other hand, that's only my personal view and there is a swarm of win-sharp MoO 2 fans buzzing all around, so it's definitely on the 'possible' side.
Kyrub, I understand you are opposed to modding in its widest sense, but have you thought about adding the content (besides the leaders) from MoO2 into MoO 1?
P.S. Since I am unable to start a new thread, does anyone have a list of the cost of components and facilities in BC's in MoO 1/2? I am working on a mod for Space Empires...
February 17th, 2011, 00:37
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GeorgiaBoy Wrote:Kyrub, I understand you are opposed to modding in its widest sense, but have you thought about adding the content (besides the leaders) from MoO2 into MoO 1?
P.S. Since I am unable to start a new thread, does anyone have a list of the cost of components and facilities in BC's in MoO 1/2? I am working on a mod for Space Empires... Welcome! You should be able to create a new thread now; the forum just prevents you from doing so until you've posted in someone else's thread (as you did here).
To answer your questions as best I can: MoO and MoO2 are not really compatible or comparable. MoO2's economy was more closely tied to the Civilization series and MoM than to the original MoO, and the BC was a unit of money there, used to "rush-buy" production (among other things) at a variable rate. (If memory serves, the cost was 4x the cost in "hammers" to buy something from scratch, scaling down to 2x the remaining cost in "hammers" for a build that was already at least half finished.) In MoO2, infrastructure builds were individual buildings (research lab, automated factory, etc.) while in MoO, infrastructure is generalized to Factories.
In MoO, a Factory initially costs 10 BC, the equivalent of 10 RP, and produces 1 BC per year if you have the population to work it. You are likely to build hundreds of them on each of your primary worlds, and advanced technology changes the cost of factories (they get cheaper with higher Industrial tech, more expensive but more population-efficient with better Robotic Controls). In MoO2, an Automated Factory (the cheapest production booster) cost 60 hammers (or 240 BC ... or 30 hammers + 60 BC ... or...) and provides 5 hammers per turn plus a per-worker production bonus (1 hammer? I think?) but you can only build one of them on any given world. And the number of "workers" is far different as well: MoO averages about 10 times as many people per planet, and production isn't 1:1, nor 1:10 ... and MoO2 introduces "farmers" - a type of worker which produces nothing, but is needed to allow other workers to live. (This is not analogous to "waste cleanup" eco; MoO2 has that feature too, but handles it as production penalties instead of worker assignments.) Automated Factories always cost the same amount throughout the game, and new techs merely allow you to build other buildings - more expensive and generally less cost-efficient.
February 23rd, 2011, 14:41
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Thank you very much, RefSteel!
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Hi everyone,
Thank you for your work on the patches for MoO. I'd like to list some observations/suggestions I've come up with while playing the 1.40m version.
Main Game Screen
1. Right-clicking on the ship image or SHIPS button could cycle through the ships in the opposite direction to when you left click on them.
2. Pixels in the text of the RELOC button are a medium grey color - could be made black like the text on the other buttons.
3. Maybe smoother scrolling of galaxy map could be implemented - it is a bit choppy when you left click to pan the map.
4. Automatic allocations between Eco and Ind sometimes go awry. Upon completion of Atmospheric Enrichment the Eco bar is set to minimal clean and the balance is allocated to Ind. This often results in Eco:Clean Ind:Max. I think the Eco bar should be left alone instead, so that population will be grown. Once population hits max then the Eco bar should be set to minimal clean and the balance put on Ind to build the factories that the newly grown population can now handle.
5. When you click on a planet you own it shows red vector lines for all incoming enemy ships. On occasion I've noticed erroneous red lines appearing.
Ship Design Screen
1. Clicking outside the borders of the component windows could close them (like right clicking or Esc does).
2. Mouse wheel could scroll contents of component windows.
Planet Summary Screen
1. Mouse wheel could scroll contents of planet summary spreadsheet
Technology Overview Screen
1. Mouse wheel could scroll contents of tech history.
Battle Screen
1. AI races should not attempt to use bioweapons on silicoids and should ignore having those weapons in their retreat calculations.
2. When one of your planets is attacked and it doesn't have any missile bases, if you click on your planet it shows the strange message "3 none launchers".
3. When one of your planets is attacked and it has one or two missile bases, if you click on your planet it shows that there are "3" missile bases.
4. I've noticed some graphic glitches when a ship fires its beam weapons when it is against the left side of the combat map. I can't remember what the specific weapon was.
Main Game Menu Screen
1. When setting up a new game, right clicking currently brings you all the way back to the Main Menu. It might take you back one screen instead.
Personal Views
1. I like the idea of the humans using diplomacy as a tool to win the game, but find victory comes too easy when they do. Maybe they could be a smidgen less effective at diplomacy and trading.
2. In my opinion the rate of technological progress is too fast. It would be nice if there was a way to adjust the rate.
March 18th, 2011, 14:30
(This post was last modified: March 18th, 2011, 14:50 by RefSteel.)
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Fornax Wrote:Hi everyone, Welcome, and thanks for posting!
I'm not qualified to answer most of your suggestions, but there are a couple on which I can comment:
Quote:4. Automatic allocations between Eco and Ind sometimes go awry. Upon completion of Atmospheric Enrichment the Eco bar is set to minimal clean and the balance is allocated to Ind. This often results in Eco:Clean Ind:Max. I think the Eco bar should be left alone instead, so that population will be grown.
I much prefer the way the game does it; growing population on a newly-atmo'ed world is not often optimal play, and the game's automatic adjustment to the exact cost for "Clean" is more precise than what the player can do manually: If I want to grow pop instead of building facs (and/or doing research or building ships) I can always just dump everything back into the ECO slider - whereas if it dumped into ECO by default and I wanted to build something else instead, I'd have to carefully micromanage the slider to squeeze as much as I could back out of ECO into what I need.
Quote:1. AI races should not attempt to use bioweapons on silicoids and should ignore having those weapons in their retreat calculations.
I have seen AIs (in the regular game) attack one of my planets with spores (for no damage) when I had Bio Toxin Antidote, which obviously is a mistake. But ... I could swear Silicoids were as vulnerable to bioweapons as any other race if they lacked antidote technology....
Quote:3. When one of your planets is attacked and it has one or two missile bases, if you click on your planet it shows that there are "3" missile bases.
This is on the planet information [EDIT: pop-up when you hit "P" or scan the planet from the combat screen], right? The readout isn't telling you the number of bases you have on the planet (which is displayed in the corner of the planet itself) - it's indicating the stats of the individual bases: Each missile base carries 3 missile launchers - i.e. your planet fires a volley of 3 missiles each round for each base it carries.
I hope this is useful!
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Thank you for clarifying my misunderstanding of the missile base info, and you're right silicoids are susceptible to bioweapons. In light of that I'd like to change my original suggestion concerning that issue:
1. AI races should not attempt to use bioweapons on opponents they know have matching antidote tech and should ignore having those weapons when making their retreat calculations. By "knowing" I mean that the defending race possesses the antidote tech and the aggressor has successfully spied it, or was the one who gave it to them.
I came up with a few more points while playing the game. By the way, MoO seems more difficult now than I remember it being when I last played it around 15 years ago.
1. Slider bars sometimes get a "negative" length. That is, they extend one pixel to the left of their origin. I've noticed this on the 5 planet sliders as well as on others such as the security slider on the races page.
Main Game Screen
1. Automatic reallocation of planetary resources for terraforming, etc. should not change the length of locked (browned) bars.
Technology Overview Screen
1. Pressing "=" should equalize research efforts among unlocked fields only.
2. Stinger missiles should not be described as "slow" as they are faster than any of the missiles that precede them.
Spy Report Page
1. "Controlled X Environment" could be truncated to "Controlled X Environ" so that they wouldn't run off the edge of the page.
I also had an idea for an automated production mode for planets. Here's my idea as to how it might work:
1. Automated production mode (APM) would be activated for a particular planet by clicking on the PRODUCTION text, which would then change to AUTO PROD.
2. APM would decided how best to allocate planetary resources and adjust the sliders accordingly. An algorithm would have to be developed to prioritize the sliders, something like this:
-First set Ship to zero (unless it is locked)
-Then Set Def to zero (unless it is locked)
-Then Set Eco to minimal clean (unless it is locked)
-Then put left over production on Ind as far as it will contribute to factory growth/refit (unless it is locked)
-Then add left over production to Eco as far as it will contribute to pop growth/terraforming (unless it is locked)
-Finally put left over production on Tech
3. If the player changes any of the sliders or clicks on AUTO PROD then the planet reverts to regular PRODUCTION mode.
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I Like your suggestions!
1. Slider bars sometimes get a "negative" length. That is, they extend one pixel to the left of their origin. I've noticed this on the 5 planet sliders as well as on others such as the security slider on the races page.
Wow i thought i was the only one to notice this
Have you noticed that the number of "clicks" on the sliders differs if you are using mouse or keyboard?
If using the Keyboard (Numpad + and -), you have a total of 20 "clicks" on a field
If using Mouse, you have a total of 25 "clicks"
In my humble opinion the patch should make both methods equal, 25 clicks.
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Hi Ingos,
I've never tried using the +/- keys to adjust sliders. I'll be sure to try it the next time I play the game.
Having both methods change the bars by the same amount makes sense to me too.
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Fornax Wrote:1. Slider bars sometimes get a "negative" length. That is, they extend one pixel to the left of their origin. I've noticed this on the 5 planet sliders as well as on others such as the security slider on the races page.
Slider bars have 25 pixels each representing a 4% allocation. You can only create allocation's which already exist or new ones of one click or 4%. However where the games auto-adjusts sliders (eg. for minimum CLEAN) it can adjust to any percentage point eg. 15% or 22% or 29%. How can you tell if a part-click exits? Remove all full clicks from the slider and the last click (the part-click if present) will display as this "negative length" you mention, one pixel to the left. You cannot tell what size the part-click is (1% or 2% or 3%) unless you can guess from the BC or RP generated by it.
Of course if you have a part-click in one field you will have a part-click in other field(s). You can copy this part-click to other fields if desired but this takes care since if you join two part-clicks together you cannot then separate them manually. The same can happen on the tech screen which has 50 x 2% clicks where hitting '=' creates four half-clicks of 1% although there is no visible indication here.