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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Thanks for your toughts Sandover. On quick look they make sense. I don't have time right now to draw any conspiracy theory out of that, so I'll quickly change my vote, before people start to compare _us_ as old married couple... yikes


Hey Meiz, mind picking up some milk on your way home tomorrow? I'll make it worth your while (if you know what I mean).

My Current hit list
8/10 - Fire and Ice, MNG
7/10 - Cull, PB
6/10 - Sandover
5/10 - Serdoa
4/10 - Ichabod
3/10 - Mardoc
2/10 - GES

He is dead, but did he know too much?

Again I think I will just go for a summary overview

Suspicious of the Lewwyn shift on day 1, seemed to suspect novice. Switched to cull for inactivity. Day 2 suspected Selrahc and MNG. said the Cull votes are not that suspicious. Based on the day 2 results he thought myself, zak and Pb the most suspicious of the rowain voters. He was keen to point out that we shouldn't assume with rowain/pb we had 1 wolf 1 villager.

Based on that it should increase suspicion on me, Pb and zak

Speak of the devil!

As an upfront I should add I get the impression there is alot of questioning and accusation in the ryhmes, but they are going past me I am afriad, so I may miss contribution here

Post 1,4,8,10-13,15-17,19-21,24,30-32,35-39 - no content

Post 2 - Sandover lynch, novice mayor for RP reasons

Post 3 - dislikes MJW bandwagon as too easy to hide in

Post 5-7 - Switch to Lewwyn to maintain options

Post 9 - suggests not fully stating theories so wolves cant adapt

Post 14 - Lynch PB for silence

Post 18 - Support on roland, scooter and ichabod general approach theories

Post 22(#460) (day 2) - Mardoc lynch, I think for a wordplay slip?

Post 33-34 - much happier with Rowain option and switches

Post 23 - suggests support of Roland, suspicion of Scooter

Post 25 - Disagrees with Igrys 'middle post count' approach

Post 26 (#528) - I am convinced there is a theory in the RP of this one, but cant dig it out

Post 27-28 - switch to F&I to drum up new options

Post 29 - not keen on Selrahc, PB, novice options, would lean to PB. tries to drum up uberfish interst with lynch due to novice/selrahc suspicion

Post 40 - general comment on late swings, slight defense against suspicion (lewwyn mainly)

As the man said himself, there is a lot more non-RP comments and discussion in there than I recalled (I guess the RP sticks in your head). Generally seems to have tried drumming up interest in people he found suspicious (unfortunately he didnt think selrahc was which gains him a point) and was happy once Rowain was offered up as an option.

Feel I am missing points in the RP (so maybe you can follow up with key suspicions in non-rp too zak for us hard of understanding?)

Generally happy to mark him down as a helpful contributing villager (3/10)

My Current hit list
8/10 - Fire and Ice, MNG
7/10 - Cull, PB
6/10 - Sandover
5/10 - Serdoa
4/10 - Ichabod
3/10 - Mardoc, Zakalwe, Irgy
2/10 - GES


Post 1 - Meiz Lynch, MNG mayor for no reasons

Post 2-4,6,8-10,12-14,16-17,21-22,24,26,28,30-31,34,38-39,41,43-44 - no content

Post 5 - Doesnt think MJW is wolf as he would have been leashed

Post 7 - Lynch F&I to give options

Post 11 - Suspicious of Lewwyn but also the bandwagon against him

Post 15 - discusses MJW theories

Post 18 - respond to zak theory of MJW and him being linked

Post 19-20 - switches to MJW for liability reasons

Post 23 - states villagers need bandwagons

Post 25 (day 2) - Post his MJW wagon middle post theory and votes me

Post 27 - defends his 'we' slip up, suspects MNG, Selrahc

Post 29 - general discussion of theories

Post 32 - drums for more voting action

Post 33,35 - responds to my defense, not completely convinced partially due to lack of other comments on me. laeter defends choice

Post 36-37 - decides I am just a new player, and switches to Selrahc to get more feedback, suspicious of novice mayor vote

Post 40 - no strong feelings on Pb or novice

Post 42 (#880) - general 2 day sum up post. suspicious of PB, votes Meiz for vote links to Selrahc and for vote stirring

His only real theory was wrong (because it pointed to me!) generally appears right now to want to spread votes around and see how people react, posting loose connections and seing what feedback they give.

Got the Selrahc vote right, the rest of his voting doesn't really stand out, seems to be pretty logical. Seen nothing that makes me suspect a wolf, so going with another 3/10

Jkaen Wrote:Zakalwe
Speak of the devil!

If you don't mind I won't speak of the devil least he arrives and kills all of us.

Hey thanks for somone recognizing that I have little to contribute its just that I don't realy have the time right now to reread and scan the tread hundreds of times to find slips and patterns. School papers are piling up on my front door.

Urgh, still got 7 of these to go, not sure this was such a great idea anymore! I won't reivew myself btw, for obvious reasons

My Current hit list
8/10 - Fire and Ice, MNG
7/10 - Cull, PB
6/10 - Sandover
5/10 - Serdoa, Sccoter
4/10 - Ichabod
3/10 - Mardoc, Zakalwe, Irgy
2/10 - GES
0/10 - Jkaen


Post 1,4,7-10,13,17-21,27,30,42-44 - no content

Post 2 - Bruindane Lynch, Ichabod mayor for RP

Post 3 - Rowain mayor for openmindedness!

Post 5 - Lynch Lewwyn for out of game reasons

Post 6 - Lynch PB for no reason

Post 11 - Lynch Cull for low posting (following uberfish)

Post 12 - wanted mayor to make call

Post 14-16 - defends cull bandwagon

Post 22 (day 2), 24, 28-29 - Lynch irgy for 'we' slip and defend idea

Post 23 - discuss mardoc theory

Post 25-26 - Keeps theory, current list is Irgy, Selrahc, Pb, Lewwyn due to slip, anger, posting times and posting times

Post 31 - 39 - Should the fool declare debate (mainly with me)

Post 40 - Decides vote should count, chooses Pb off his suspect list

Post 41 - Switches to Selrahc after PBs defense

Post 45 - votes Rowain due to the Pb crusade

Post 46 - suspects me due to low content posting

Day 1 was quite floaty which is fair enough, locked onto the Irgy slip, but had to give it up due to lack of support. suspected and voted for Selrahc and was early in suspecting. Not sure why he has not gone back to his list now, as seems distracted by Rowain.

So helped catch Selrahc, try to throw his own candiate forward, but didnt get traction, then switched to more obvious fare. Going to say villager, but something is not quite sitting right with me to place him in the better spots, but cant put my finger on it (5/10)

Regarding scooter - It's not that he's suspicious per se, but it almost feels like he isn't trying his hardest for a village win.
I have to run.

My Current hit list
8/10 - Fire and Ice, MNG
7/10 - Cull, PB
6/10 - Sandover
5/10 - Serdoa, Scooter
4/10 - Ichabod
3/10 - Mardoc, Zakalwe, Irgy
2/10 - GES
1/10 - Bruidane
0/10 - Jkaen


Post 1 - Zak Lynch, Meiz Mayor for RP

Post 2,5-13,16-17,20,24-27,38-47 - no content

Post 3 - Lynch irgy for low risk bandwagon

Post 4 - Rowain for mayor, PB lynch to balance options

Post 14-15 (day 2) - vote MNG, due to MJW vote even though didnt think was a WW

Post 18-19 - states suspect list of Irgy, Mr Nice Guy, Selrahc, Gold Ergo Sum, and Sandover. For pressuring F&I vote, low post MJW block, risked bob voted MJW, safe voting, safe voting

Post 21-22 - Supports Rowains request for votes and switches to PB

Post 23 - suspects MNG, selrahc, me, irgy. comment of them agaisnt us to uberfish perhaps a WW or mason slip if we didnt know uberfish was a villager, maybe the reason he got ate?

Post 28-35 - switch from PB to Selrahc and defends

Post 36-37 - states support of rowain as villager

Post 48-50 - Lynch Zakalwe due to what he is saying in the RP (that I dont understand) and because he wants to pin sandover and rowains votes he feels are suspicious

Post 51 - decides to go for sandover himself instead


Got Selrahc on his list pretty early, and seems to be putting forward logical connections, but the theory I have grabbed hold of tightly is I think the wolves thought he and uberfish were masons and tried to take them out, luckily they got this one wrong.

Based on that I think he is about as safe as you can get right now (1/10)

novice Wrote:Regarding scooter - It's not that he's suspicious per se, but it almost feels like he isn't trying his hardest for a village win.

Yes, maybe its this that feels off?

My Current hit list
8/10 - Fire and Ice, MNG
7/10 - Cull, PB
6/10 - Sandover, Meiz
5/10 - Serdoa, Scooter
4/10 - Ichabod
3/10 - Mardoc, Zakalwe, Irgy
2/10 - GES
1/10 - Bruidane
0/10 - Jkaen


Post 1 - Scooter mayor, F&I lynch due to RP

Post 2,5,7-10,13-16,21,23,25,33,35-40,48 - no content

Post 3 - self vote on mayor

Post 4 - Irgy for mayor for good posts, Lewwyn lynch as not interested in MJW or F&I

Post 6 - Cull lynch for low posts

Post 11 - Doesnt like us voting on top posters, suggests GES cull and Me as options

Post 12 - Rowain mayor vote

Post 17,19 (day 2) - Mardoc as no content poster, changed mind and decided was inexperienced villager

Post 18 - suggests day 1 switch means if Cull = WW, novice = villager

Post 20 - "At the end of the day, my possible wolf list included GES, Cull, Mr. Nice Guy, Jkaen and pocketbeetle." voted on Selrahc

Post 22 - no interset in cull vote as it was just inactivity based

Post 24,26-31 - switches to novice due to be followed and defends including thoguhts on wolf mayor. still not convinced on Selrahc

Post 32,34 - jumps with the PB wagon against Rowain and defends

Post 41 (#828), 42-45 - posts his list of thought, ranks PB, Rowain and Sandover as suspicions and then supports this

Post 46 - Says he is happy to lynch me

Post 47 - votes PB due to the crusade and suggests one of them must be guilty

Post 49 (#942) - posts general defense of himself

Post 50-51,53 - Visits suspects as PB, me, Sandover, Zak. due to low posting, tricky to read and changes style, difficult to read and running low, defense of Selrahc

Post 52 - votes Sandover to hurry response

Post 54 switches back to Pb

Not got a good read on him, seems to flip around alot, and vote on fairly safe options. Even his suspect list seems very fluid too. No strong suspicion of him, but he does seem to be careful not to rock any boats. Going to say (6/10) but was tempted to place him higher

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