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Jkaen Wrote:As for making you less suspicious to me, lets start of with you posting your 4 werewolf suspects and the reasons for all 4 as I would like to see what theories you can have without being able to possibly piggyback on others
My last post Wrote:This strategy he's using is a tired werewolf strategy. While Rowain, Zak, and others are suspicious, JKaen is playing the game with the paws of a wolf. He is the one we should be lynching today.
I've previously explained why I feel Rowain to be suspicious. But the tl:dr version: Rowain = too much like how he played in WW2. Zak = too little like how he played in WW2. And Jkaen = too much like too many wolves.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.
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Lewwyn Wrote:Is there a lot of spoiler info in the spoiler thread? Otherwise you could recall the latest confirmed villager kill. Uberfish could just take your spot if the lurker threads doesn't have loads of info. Since he was a villager he wouldn't know any other roles and could easily fill Culls role no matter what it is.
Uberfish died before his time, so I think it's a great idea.
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Sandover Wrote:I'm not pegging novice as innocent, but for so long as Rowain's identity remain unkown I believe he deserve some credit for making the "right" call day 2. A wolf voting to kill other wolves isn't much of a liability, and I do like novice's forceful last minute switches. Bottom line, anyone trying to lynch him today will have to deal with me. Capice?
I'd like to suggest having a closer look at Zakalwe.
I am taking you on [strike] Sandover[/strike]. You and novice are both wolves, and I just ate down some of JKaen's magic herb, so I am super strong to take on this fight. Where better to hide than as the mayor who took down a wolf.
I know you are not masons, but neither am I, don't take me for a fool, for it is time to take down the void-wolf himself, novice.
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Bruindane Wrote:it is time to take down the void-wolf himself, novice.
Well, that's a surprise. It seems we're still far from finding a consensus for today.
Does anybody feel like doing a tally?
I have to run.
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Sandover Wrote:I wonder, should I read that as an outburst of irony or as a very first indirect and extremelly minimal show of appreciation for something I've done these games?
Sandover Wrote:I'm dead the moment Roland decides I'm a wolf, though. He did it once and I'm convinced he can get that spin going again if he want to. He's actually hinted at going after me already, so I'm kind of excitet to see whether he goes for it at some point or chickens out with fear of showing everbody how much luck was really involved in catching me last game.
Oh, you know I could. What gets me is that you can't simply accept the fact that I saw through your bullshit, just like I did with Selrahc, and made the right choice. Too much for your ego, perhaps? That's what I think. Anyway, I don't recall hinting at going after you, but even if I did it was probably more a friendly jab in reference to WW2. I wouldn't be too worried (or excited) over it.
pocketbeetle Wrote:Very tempting.
I think at the moment, the assumption is that he's playing so bad that he simply can't be a wolf. Unfortunately that's backed up by his behaviour in WW2.
Is he smart enough to realise that and build upon it as a werewolf?
I'd be willing to lynch Lewwyn after we got done lynching you. Cull... Meh. Maybe. Toss a coin?
Lewwyn Wrote:You guys make me laugh.
You forgot Serdoa in that list, I think.  Or was he only attacking me? I can't remember now.
Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:This strategy he's using is a tired werewolf strategy. While Rowain, Zak, and others are suspicious, JKaen is playing the game with the paws of a wolf. He is the one we should be lynching today.
I honestly couldn't disagree more. My read on Jkaen is the same as it ever was: inexperienced Villager trying to get a handle on the game. He got called out for his old style, so now he's redoubling his efforts to be contributory - and you say it's worthless? Just a rehash of everyone else's posts? The guy's digging through every single post written by every single player in this game, analyzing it, and posting his thoughts - and your reaction is to lynch him, because that's Wolfish? Seriously, how is he doing anything differently than what we ALL do in this game? We all take other people's posts, analyze them, and post our thoughts - he's just taking it to a bigger extreme. You should be applauding his efforts, at the least, regardless of whether you agree with his viewpoints, or even what he's doing. He's trying to make a difference, and you're spitting in his face for it. That's not right.
Jkaen, suspicions of you aside, what you're doing is commendable. It can be very difficult finding the "right" path in this game, and just keeping up with everything is daunting on its own. You're likely to get lots of suspicion thrown at you, regardless of whether it's earned or not, accurate or not. Don't take it to heart. You'd laugh if you knew how many people suspect me in this game, I guarantee you. You probably didn't read WW2, but in that game my most trusted partner in the game (or so I thought :neenernee) turned on me. Sometimes people are just misguided, and sometimes we do things to invite their suspicious, even if they're wrong. Take a step back, breathe a little, and come back with a clearer head and heart. The name of the game is fun, no matter anything else - don't forget that.
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novice Wrote:Well, that's a surprise. It seems we're still far from finding a consensus for today.
Does anybody feel like doing a tally?
Tally coming up right now.
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3v: Rowain ( novice, pocketbeetle, scooter )
3v: pocketbeetle ( Rowain, Roland, Meiz )
2v: Jkaen ( fire&ice, Mr. Nice Guy )
2v: Mr. Nice Guy ( Jkaen, Sandover )
1v: zakalwe ( Lewwyn )
1v: Meiz ( Irgy )
1v: novice ( Bruindane )
1v: Lewwyn ( Gold Ergo Sum )
Not Voting:
Cull, Ichabod, Mardoc, Serdoa, zakalwe
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I won't name more wolves, but the novice is the only wolf they won't use for cover.
Sandover Wrote:I still want novice dead. Just saying.
This is your chance.
Sandover Wrote:Okay, day 2. Lets see. Gonna need to start with some background information.
There was something fishy about the communication between Pocketbeetle and novice day 1. A comment by Uberfish late in the day made me realise this (I do not remember exactly what he said and I'm not about to go looking for it) as he was pointing suspicion toward novice. It was too late to do something about novice, so I settled for simply moving my mayor vote off him with the intent of having a closer look at him the next day.
The night comes, and novice is seemingly trying to flush out the baner. At that point I decided to try and lynch him the following day, but that never really gained much traction.
Late in the day I have the option to switch to either Rowain or Selrahc, as PB had seemingly avoided death yet again. I was short on time that day. Had I been up to speed at the time of the Rowain bandwagon (i.e. when people started leaving novice in the dust) I would've jumped to PB and tried to push him closer to the others. As it was, though, best I could do was get my vote into action on one of the top two rather than let it die as an effective non-vote. But I couldn't make my mind up.
Out of the two, I felt Selrahc was a slightly better bet for a wolf. However, I also felt that lynching Selrahc would do nothing for my case against novice/Pocketbeetle as a possible wolf pair. Thus, I was indifferent, and decided to continue doing what I had as my main goal that day; putting pressure on novice - this time by giving him an extra vote and thus placing a high level of attention on his choice of target. The fact that it was Rowain at first and later changed to Selrahc didn't matter to me.
I could even try to make a case for novice's late switch being a reaction to said attention; that he felt forced to gain cover by bringing down Selrahc, knowing full well that Selrahc could get lynched even without such a switch, leaving novice somewhat exposed still voting for Rowain. I'm not going to do that, however, because I'm no where near convinced that's what really happened. Plus I find that lynching PB is a much more prefered option this time around, since I'm not buying his act even in the slightest anymore and because killing him will give us a lot more information considering what transpired day 2.
Oh, and I do find some amusement in the way PB followed up novice's latest post. Question is: is PB a wolf trying to tie himself to an innocent so that novice will get lynched after he does, or is that what he wants us to believe hoping such thinking will spare his packmate?
You are a wolf giving novice cover. I'll give your hide to Irgy, unless you lynch novice for I agree with you.
I hope to expose novice as the true fool, but my case is not done.
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Regarding Cull:
If he's a 'Wolf, the fairest thing Sareln can do is pick someone at random from the Village and make him the new 'Wolf. If he's a Villager, the fairest thing would be for the 'Wolves to kill him off tonight. Otherwise, one team takes a penalty because of Cull's absence, which I don't think either team wants.
Of course, if he is a 'Wolf then it complicates things slightly, as everyone's going to be looking for who makes the switch in their accusations and posting style. Still, I can't see a better option. I thought about the Village simply agreeing to lynch Cull, but that changes the timeline of things a bit.
This is all assuming we can't find a suitable volunteer to fill in, obviously. That would be the cleanest thing we can do, but probably the toughest - although I can think of one person who may be up for it.
Anyway, it's up to Sareln to decide what should occur in the end. Just throwing out my thoughts on the matter, which I suppose is a moot exercise.