OK, so first of all, an introduction and some very general thoughts.
So I'm v8mark, which is a very old username that I'd probably change if given the chance - some of you may know me better as Terror Incognita from the RB LoL scene. Although LoL was the game that got me active within the community, I've been a Civ player for a lot longer, and have lurked variously at Apolyton, CFC and RB for the last several years. I've been playing Civ4 on and off since shortly after it came out, and have reached Immortal level on SP - this is my first meaningful MP experience.
Kyan is someone who's a lot more experienced than me MP-wise, and I'll be taking plenty of advice from him throughout the game.
So an indication of why I picked Darius would seem to be in order:
Settings were: snake pick, only one of Fin/Exp/Cre/Phi per leader, unrestricted, no Inca/India.
Fortunately, I got the fifth pick in the snake, which allowed me to maximise synergy between leader and civ. Either first of fifth is best, IMO - first allows you free rein in terms of leader, fifth allows you to take the best combination, rather than simply the best leader and civ, of whatever's left. So the combination of Darius and HRE was born.
So why Darius?
Financial is both the best trait in the game bar none, and the one with which I'm most experienced bar none. Three Fin leaders are banned; I think Mansa would have been my first pick in terms of absolute leader, as Spiritual is also an excellent trait - that went very quickly, however. Hannibal was also another very good shout - Financial paired with what is considered a middling trait in Charismatic, although I like it a lot. That also went straight away, though, which left very few other choices if I wanted to go Financial:
- Fin/Exp (Pacal), Fin/Cre (Willem) and Fin/Phi (Liz) are all banned
- Fin/Cha (Hannibal) and Fin/Spi (Mansa) had both gone
- which leaves Fin/Org (Darius), Fin/Imp (Vicky), Fin/Pro (Wang), Fin/Agg (Ragnar) and Fin/Ind (Capac)
Of those, I only considered Darius and Huayna Capac to be at all viable.
Darius was a little bit of a gamble - I'm not sure what difficulty level we'll be on (it's up to plako) and, of course, Organised becomes much more useful the higher in levels you go. For a pick of Organised to pay off over Industrious, I think the difficulty level probably has to be Monarch or above.
However, the other reason I went for Darius was simply synergy. A UB like the Rathaus, considered by many to be the best in the game, was a compelling reason to go Organised and abuse the fact that I get them half-price. There simply wasn't the synergy available with Huayna Capac; I think, if pushed, I would have done what TT did and paired him with Mali for half-price mints. But the mint as a UB sucks, so that wouldn't have been worth it. The HRE UU is also better than Mali's, IMO (and doesn't require a dead-end tech like Archery to use, either).
In short, I consider Darius to be one of the best leaders in the game. His two traits both help economically, particularly on higher difficulties. He doesn't get any hammer bonuses to speak of, but the vast gains in commerce from both Fin and Org make him very strong.
Time to look at my opponents!
Twinkletoes89: Huayna Capac (Fin/Ind) of Mali (Skirmisher/Mint)
The first thing to note about TT is that he and Kyan know each other quite well. He's played in both PBEM3 and PBEM7 and... didn't cover himself in glory during those games. Overall I expect him to be a bit of a wildcard - it's tempting to think he'll be a pushover, having made some very large (and very public) mistakes in previous games. But I'm sure he'll have learned from them, and of course he has far, far more MP experience than I do, so I think he's one to watch out for.
His pick is reasonable. I said above that Capac would have been my second choice for leader of those that were left, and if I'd gone with him I'd probably have paired him with Mali. Having said that, I'm glad I got the pick I did. The Skirmisher may be useful for an early choke, but requires teching Archery to get there, which may be sub-optimal assuming the existence of early horses and/or copper. The Mint is not a great UB, however, even if he does get it half price. It's basically a forge that gives you an extra coin or two once in a while, if you're running 0% gold for a couple of turns. It's really not worth very much extra at all.
Another thing to note is that Twinkletoes has had, in previous games, a predilection for shinies. As one of only two Ind civs in the game, this has its implications. Of course, he's also Fin, like 80% of the leaders in this game.
Ioan76 - Louis (Cre/Ind) of Byzantium (Cataphract/Hippodrome)
Louis? Really?! I was entirely puzzled by this pick. At least he took Byzantium, which is a very useful civ simply for its UU. Cataphracts are the best mounted UU in the game, and given that in MP, mounted units take on higher significance... yeah, that's a good pick. But I'm thoroughly confused by Louis. He's Cre, which is decent, and Ind, which... isn't so decent given that he has few economic bonuses. I really don't like this leader pick. He's also the only non-Fin leader in the game, which is a significant disadvantage, especially with NTT.
Having said that, I know very little about the player, so perhaps he's trying to handicap himself because he knows he's much better than all of us.
Jkaen - Hannibal (Fin/Cha) of Zulu (Impi/Ikhanda)
I like Hannibal. The combination of Financial and bigger early cities is a potent one early on. Charismatic tails off towards the end of the game, though, despite the XP bonus. But still, this will be strong early, and a good Hannibal player may well have a lead by the time the AD years roll around.
Zulu is a little bit more puzzling - the obvious reason he's done this is for the UB, which is like a Rathaus-lite. I imagine he would probably have taken HRE had it still been available. However, it's a slightly annoying UB, because a Barracks is not something you build in every city anyway, unlike the Courthouse. Further, not being Aggressive, he doesn't even get it half-price, which makes it 40 hammers or so to put into every city that other players won't.
The UU is somewhat nice for mobility if you can get early copper. They have a hard counter in axes, though, and any mobility advantage is lost in enemy territory, so its use will be primarily defensive.
Again, I know nothing about the player.
Piet - Mansa Musa (Fin/Spi) of Ottomans (Janissary/Hammam)
Mansa is the strongest standalone leader available in this game, IMO. The combination of Spi and Fin gives economic potency with flexibility. Spi becomes stronger as the game progresses, too.
The Ottomans is a somewhat strong civ; its UB is strong, although again an Aqueduct isn't something you would normally build, while if he can get to Gunpowder early enough (which, as Mansa, he might) Janissaries are also decently strong.
Again, I know nothing about the player.
Kyan - feel free to add your thoughts on life, the universe and everything as you see fit. To any and all lurkers - welcome along. I hope this will be a worthwhile read, and your input is highly encouraged.