scooter, who are the 8 most likely players to be innocent, in your opinion?
I have to run.
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
Werewolf 3 Game Thread
Meiz Wrote:Why I suspect that scooter is a wolf: Perfect? Huh? Selrahc vote was a total hit for me, but I've had a couple votes where the guy I voted for didn't get lynched - but he came in second. In both those cases, we don't know if they are innocent or not yet, so how can you call it perfect? ![]() Quote:- Suspects 3 known villagers on day 1, Actually this is funny in retrospect, as this kind of thing is a good sign of a villager. Look back at past WW games... In the early games, WW's are usually almost always careful to include at least one WW on those early game suspicious lists. Either I'm a careless werewolf or that actually looks good for me. It also seems to contradict your "perfect record" comments. Rowain will probably back me up on this (Irgy would if he was still alive) that we commonly made sure to suspect werewolves too (usually lower on the list), so that it wasn't super obvious. Quote:- Suspects known villager on day 2, Again, If I'm suspicious because I once suspected known villagers, then we are ALL guilty here. Quote:- When Selrahc is heavily under suspicion, suspects him but still votes PB, putting PB in lead, I'm baffled how those two things make me a werewolf. The fact you conveniently left out was that my vote was basically the tying vote on Selrahc. Yes Rowain was still ahead, but Rowain was still voting for someone else... So if it came down to the wire, Rowain would've swapped to Selrahc out of self-preservation. So again, I'm confused how two things that HELP my case as a villager somehow makes me suspicious. ![]() Quote:Generally I feel like he often jumps to pre-existing theories and rarely comes with much of his own. Still he always manages to land on the right side. Sounds like you've been listening to novice too much instead of making your own conclusions. Ironic, huh? I think anyone who's been paying attention this thread would know that I've developed more "original theories" than the two of you combined. ![]()
Scooter, for me personally it's mostly the "casual" play of GES and Lewwyn that have convinced me of their innocence (also the content as well, but I'm not interested to look for those messages now, I'd rather concentrate on finding the wolves). I don't know how to describe it, but it's like they don't need to spend too much time on crafting their messages, since they have nothing to hide. Someone better worded could probably explain it better.
Rest of your list is on my wolf radar.
Mardoc F&I GES (I'm not really sure why novice and Meiz feel he is innocent. Is there any sort of reasoning or just gut feeling?) I would say lets take one from that list. F&I seems great, getting light into the last vote. Did we again have two villagers on the block or was a wolf saved this time? I know if he is a wolf I incriminate myself (because I voted MNG) and if he is a villager I look also bad (for obvious reasons) but really guys, if we have to just guess, doesn't it make sense to at least get some hard facts for yesterdays vote? F&I novice Wrote:scooter, who are the 8 most likely players to be innocent, in your opinion? This is roughly in order of probability, however it's not like I made out a chart or anything, so it's a fluid list. Still, I'm much more convinced of someone who's in the top 2 than someone in the bottom 3, for example. 1. Lewwyn 2. Roland 3. novice 4. Meiz 5. Gold Ergo Sum 6. Mardoc 7. Serdoa 8. Bruindane Note: I obviously did not include myself, as I know I am innocent. This is just a list of those that I tend to think are much more likely to be innocent. The ones higher up I could explain if need be, the ones lower down tend to be more like hunches. If you'd like me to explain any of those, feel free to ask and I"ll do that. I'm headed out in like 5 minutes though, so I'll probably have to get to it later. Meiz Wrote:Scooter, for me personally it's mostly the "casual" play of GES and Lewwyn that have convinced me of their innocence (also the content as well, but I'm not interested to look for those messages now, I'd rather concentrate on finding the wolves). I don't know how to describe it, but it's like they don't need to spend too much time on crafting their messages, since they have nothing to hide. Someone better worded could probably explain it better. I understand this post. Lewwyn is pretty far off my wolf radar now, as I've been won over - mostly by the things you are saying honestly. GES is on the fringe of it, but there's lots of posts where I think he'd be far more careful if he was a WW - the drunk one for instance. Anyways, I have to go now, so hopefully the rest of the players weigh in and I can get back to this later. scooter Wrote:Perfect? Huh? Selrahc vote was a total hit for me, but I've had a couple votes where the guy I voted for didn't get lynched - but he came in second. In both those cases, we don't know if they are innocent or not yet, so how can you call it perfect?What I meant was that you have not lynched an innocent, and have lynched a wolf. Maybe you're just that good, I don't know... scooter Wrote:Actually this is funny in retrospect, as this kind of thing is a good sign of a villager. Look back at past WW games... In the early games, WW's are usually almost always careful to include at least one WW on those early game suspicious lists. Either I'm a careless werewolf or that actually looks good for me.You have a point there I had not concidered. Clearly I'm not that good in this game. scooter Wrote:I'm baffled how those two things make me a werewolf. The fact you conveniently left out was that my vote was basically the tying vote on Selrahc. Yes Rowain was still ahead, but Rowain was still voting for someone else... So if it came down to the wire, Rowain would've swapped to Selrahc out of self-preservation. So again, I'm confused how two things that HELP my case as a villager somehow makes me suspicious.PB vote could be seen as a way to try to save Selrahc. Later it was quite clear that Selrahc was so much under suspicion that he was surely going down soon, if not right away. You have played as a wolf before, wouldn't this be a good time to sacrifice a wolf to gain cover? scooter Wrote:Sounds like you've been listening to novice too much instead of making your own conclusions. Ironic, huh? I think anyone who's been paying attention this thread would know that I've developed more "original theories" than the two of you combined.My memory might be leaking, but I think most part of the game you were just going with the existing lynch targets. Now that there has been a lot of talk for people lacking own content, I don't find it surprising that you came up with these theories. It's a smart play for a wolf. Serdoa Wrote:GES (I'm not really sure why novice and Meiz feel he is innocent. Is there any sort of reasoning or just gut feeling?) General feeling that he is not crafting precise messages (same as I was talking about earlier) + the famous drunken post ![]() Serdoa Wrote:Jkaen That could be interesting. Sareln Wrote:Vote Tally: 9v: Mr. Nice Guy ( fire & ice, Jkaen, Zakalwe, [STRIKE]novice, Lewwyn, Serdoa, Irgy, Meiz,[/STRIKE] Mardoc ) Could it be that easy? Lynching Zakalwe and potentially clearing scooter is also an option. And Rowain might need to be looked up sooner or later.
I have to run.
Meiz Wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot Brundaine since he's been afk. I would add Roland, if there wasn't the constant fear of Roland the puppet master at the back of my head. Am I just giving too much credit for him? Considering how I can't PM anybody to orchestrate my master plans this time around, yes I would say you are giving me too much credit. ![]() ![]() ![]() Serdoa Wrote:Jkaen I find it mildly suspicious that the most obvious benefactor of yesterday's outcome was zakalwe - yet you're completely reluctant to bring his name up in red. He was saved from the gallows by first Mr. Nice Guy, and then fire&ice. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for lynching fire&ice at this point. I'm just not convinced we should do it before zakalwe. |