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zakalwe, one point which I agree with: I believe that the WW after the seer-kill started to work together. There is no reason not too as long as you don't do it too obvious. And if you look at that, suddenly you will find several people stating who the find suspicious but if you ask them to vote for this suspect, they don't want too.
Btw: Lewwyn, if our lynch today goes wrong, I am willing to vote with you on novice.
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I think there's now 7 hours remaining of the day phase. 9am GMT-8 is 7 hours from now, but in Europe we adjusted for summer time this night, so I'm not quite sure. It would be nice if Sareln could confirm.
5v: fire&ice ( Serdoa, zakalwe, Jkaen, Gold Ergo Sum, Meiz )
4v: zakalwe ( Roland, scooter, Mardoc, Ichabod )
2v: scooter ( novice, Rowain )
1v: Novice ( Lewwyn )
Not Voting:
Bruindane, fire&ice
I have to run.
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novice Wrote:I think there's now 7 hours remaining of the day phase. 9am GMT-8 is 7 hours from now, but in Europe we adjusted for summer time this night, so I'm not quite sure. It would be nice if Sareln could confirm.
5v: fire&ice ( Serdoa, zakalwe, Jkaen, Gold Ergo Sum, Meiz )
4v: zakalwe ( Roland, scooter, Mardoc, Ichabod )
2v: scooter ( novice, Rowain )
1v: Novice ( Lewwyn )
Not Voting:
Bruindane, fire&ice
Confirmed Day will end in 6.5 hrs. And now I sleep so that I can wake and write the Lynch
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Need to know what the forum pretends my time is right now.
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Ok, 10:17 when it is 11:46, meaning that Sareln wrote his message at 11:30 my time. 6.5 hrs on top means 18:00. Yeah, exactly what I thought
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BTW, if Bruindane doesn't vote in the next 5.5 hours then he gets modkilled right?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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"Regarding the current voting, yeah I'm not keen on any of the top three targets.
Zakalwe, obviously not, Scooter nope, and F&I not really (ok this one is stretching, I think he is a likely wolf).
Let's go for a fourth.
Lewwyn is suggesting Novice, several players have suggested Roland (although his reasons seemed Rolandlike), let me offer a suggestion.
Since Day 1, Rowain has been on a crusade."
(imaginary cookie for anyone who gets the reference  )
For Rowain, his game has been all about PB. We still have no idea what the theory was and what names it included. Oh there was one, conveniently Selrahc's name was mentioned after we had lynched him. It looked like Rowain was really onto something there, he did have Selrahc as a suspect. Funny how I don't remember him mentioning Selrahc much before his death...
I've been wondering why Selrahc did not vote against PB on day 2. What if the only reason was to give more fuel to Rowain's theory? There was still something to gain for wolves, even if Selrahc would die. Rowain was heavily underlining the only sensible explanation after Selrahc's death.
Selrahc did not vote against PB, because that way PB looked more guilty, and Rowain looked more likely innocent. It's the best they could get out of the situation.
So let's take a look at Rowain's theories, after PB was killed. First he started to publish voting patterns of certain people, but he did not draw any conclusions from them. Just stating the facts.
Vote for Lewwyn,
No reasons really...
Vote for Zakalwe,
Reason: "2 of them have voted together with Selrahc: zakalwe and Serdoa."
Zakalwe asked Rowain's suspects and the answer:
He has Lewwyn (what was the reason again?), and some other candinate. Ok...
Vote for F&I,
No reason really...
He then suggested us to reconcider "novice theory" (Lewwyn and novice planned to switc votes on the same time to gain cover for Novice). A bit too far fetched to me (and that's a lot said, since you know how eagerly I draw these concpiracy theories  )
Oh, he even admitted that he has not brought anything to the table since PB,
Vote for Roland,
No reasons, just liking my list.
Vote for Scooter,
No reasons really...
But finally I manage to find a theory and a list of possible innocents and suspects!
Oh, it was mostly a joke...
Rowain Wrote:You are absolutly right in this point. But please note the one who got super-cover from day2 is novice and roland (he cast the tie-vote between me and Selrahc). Also note that Roland was one main supporter of the PB-lynch (yes I'm responsible for it but still)
Since so many thing I'm suspicious I offer you a deal. Lynch me today. you will then see that I'm a plain villager and afterwards take a good hard look on those 2: novice and Roland.
I can understand that you are unwilling to trust me so just kill me but afterward please don't get lulled again by strange remarks a'la novice or 1000-word posts a'la roaland which in this game so far don't contain half as usefull information as his ww2 posts.
I'll take that deal, and hope that others will as well. We can only afford 3 wrong lynches, and I don't think a villager would be so eager to offer this. A villager would desperately wan't to get a wolf lynch, and avoid villager lynches at all costs.
And to lighten the mood a bit, I end my post with a "wolf would never do that" - comment
Rowain Wrote:If you really believe a wolf would vote for someone and stay on that one for 2 days while full knowing that if the one turns out to be a villager he is the next one to get lynched you are a graduate of MJW-school of logic. 
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3.5 hours remaining.
4v: fire&ice ( Serdoa, zakalwe, Jkaen, Gold Ergo Sum )
4v: zakalwe ( Roland, scooter, Mardoc, Ichabod )
2v: Rowain ( Meiz, novice )
1v: scooter ( Rowain )
1v: Novice ( Lewwyn )
Not Voting:
Bruindane, fire&ice
I have to run.
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Fire&ice can't even cast a vote to save his own skin. Would a wolf really be that checked out of the game?
I have to run.