OK, so some thoughts.
First of all, Kyan's dotmap. I broadly agree with it. My only concern is that, with the city to the NW, we'll have to wait for a border pop for it to do anything useful. But I think that's largely unavoidable, and in any case, we're not going to be settling either of those cities in the near future - I think you're right that despite the gold, we should settle immediately to the south or south west, depending on what we find there.
We'll have to find something reasonably quickly - one of the main differences of quick speed is that scouting is much harder.
Secondly, the demographics. I think we can probably work a couple of things out here.
Firstly, the top GNP went down last turn from 20 to 19. This is extremely puzzling. Apart from the 19 (Creative), everyone else has a GNP of 17, which is to be expected from non-Creative leaders (it's also my GNP). This fits with a level 1 tech I think - 10 beakers + 2 culture + 4 esp + 1 free beaker.
So the question is: where did that extra GNP come from?
So you get an extra 20% for researching a tech with a pre-req. So it would fit that a non-creative civ put a turn into a tech with a pre-req.
...I was 2nd with 17 GNP in that initial demographics screenshot. So it must have been the creative civ with the extra GNP.
So...I don't know. Maybe he worked a 2 commerce tile for a turn for some reason? It's a mystery.
The other big news -- and for this one I don't have to do a lot of pontificating -- is that Piet's score has gone up to 37. This is clearly a tech -- he can't have grown to size 2 just yet -- so it could either be Hunting or Fishing, both of which are 38 beakers (4 turns @ 10b/turn - Mysticism is too expensive). Piet starts with neither. He does start with Agriculture, so he could be doing Hunting before AH. His GNP hasn't gone up (for AH he would get a 40% prereq bonus), but he may not have picked his next tech yet, in which case it won't go up for another turn (I'll find out in two turns, but I thought the splash screen came up at the beginning of the next turn? Maybe not...). I'll keep an eye on his GNP next turn - if it hasn't gone up 4 points or so because of the pre-req bonus for AH, I'll assume it was Fishing.
As far as land tiles are concerned: average of the other 4 is 16,250, which means they have a total of 65 land tiles in their BFC.
We know that Ioan (Louis of Byzantium) has 17
We know that the 9 is Twinkletoes, whose borders have yet to pop
So there are 39 between the other two, which means one of them is probably coastal (unless they have three lake tiles between them, but I find that hard to believe...)
Think that's all I have. We'll find out next turn if anyone built a warrior while working a 2/1 tile... I hope so, because it'll mean I've already played better than them so far.