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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Serdoa Wrote:Why should you look bad when you avoided to lynch a villager?

Because then people are going to claim I'm a 'Wolf, and thus knew he was a Villager, so I was trying to avoid suspicion by casting a "safe" vote.

Of course, I'm not a 'Wolf, but good luck telling Meiz that. wink

I would hope that all remaining villagers (including me) have learned that it is not safe to believe Meiz and Jkaen...

Is it a bad sign that I still don't trust Rowain and am waiting on Sareln to tell us for sure? Is this game warping me, or is it a perfectly natural response?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Is it a bad sign that I still don't trust Rowain and am waiting on Sareln to tell us for sure? Is this game warping me, or is it a perfectly natural response?

Perfectly natural. smile Don't worry, you're doing fine.

[Size="7"]End of Day 6[/Size]
On the 6th day, the village gathered and hanged the Vintner. He was innocent of course, given the current arc of events this could hardly be surprising to our reader thur far. With the death of the vintner, the situation in the village had gone from bad to worse. The wolves were within one more bad lynch of seizing control of the village and butchering the remaining inhabitants. Suspicion had fallen onto the vintner based on a few comments made after the Schoolteacher survived the last night, and momentum never really built for any other candidate throughout the day, there was a late swing towards the smith which bears noting, though it fizzled out and the Vintner was hanged regardless.

As night fell the villagers returned to their homes, fearful of what the night would bring. They hoped that the baner would protect them, but the odds were looking increasingly grim.


~Kalocly: A Case Study

[COLOR="Red"]Rowain was Lynched!

Rowain was a villager.[/COLOR]

Vote Tally:
7v: Rowain ( Meiz, JKaen, Mardoc, Zakalwe, Scooter, Ichabod, Lewwyn )
3v: JKaen ( Serdoa, Gold Ergo Sum, Roland )
2v: Scooter ( Novice, Rowain )
Vote History:
  1. Meiz votes Rowain
  2. Roland votes Rowain
  3. Ichabod votes Rowain
  4. Serdoa votes JKaen
  5. Rowain votes Roland
  6. Mardoc votes Zakalwe
  7. Zakalwe votes Rowain
  8. JKaen votes Rowain
  9. Novice votes Scooter
  10. Scooter votes Zakalwe
  11. Mardoc switches from Zakalwe to Rowain
  12. Lewwyn votes Mardoc
  13. Gold Ergo Sum votes JKaen
  14. Rowain switches from Roland to JKaen
  15. Novice switches from Scooter to JKaen
  16. Zakalwe switches from Rowain to JKaen
  17. Lewwyn switches from Mardoc to JKaen
  18. Novice switches from JKaen to Scooter
  19. Rowain switches from JKaen to No Vote
  20. Zakalwe switches from JKaen to Rowain
  21. Rowain switches from No Vote to Jkaen
  22. Roland switches from Rowain to Jkaen
  23. scooter switches from zakalwe to Rowain
  24. Rowain switches from Jkaen to Meiz
  25. novice switches from scooter to Meiz
  26. novice switched from Meiz to scooter
  27. Rowain switches from Meiz to scooter
  28. Serdoa switches from Jkaen to scooter
  29. Serdoa switches from scooter to Jkaen
  30. Ichabod switches from Rowain to scooter
  31. Ichabod switches from Scooter to Rowain
  32. Lewwyn switches from JKaen to Rowain

List of Remaining Players:
  1. Scooter - Grizzled Smith
  2. [STRIKE]Selrahc - Scribe[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 2, Werewolf.
  3. Zakalwe - Cacophonous Bard
  4. [STRIKE]Cull - Farmer[/STRIKE] Resigned on Day 3 due to time constraints, Villager.
  5. Serdoa - Brewer
  6. [STRIKE]Bobchillingsworth - Amateur Snoop[/STRIKE] Eaten on Night 1, Seer.
  7. Ichabod - Children's Teacher
  8. [STRIKE]Uberfish - Elven Emissary[/STRIKE] Eaten on Night 2, Villager.
  9. Lewwyn - Carpenter
  10. Mardoc - Glass Blower
  11. Gold Ergo Sum - Bricklayer
  12. [STRIKE]MJW (Ya That One) - Travelling Inquisitor[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 1, Villager.
  13. [STRIKE]Irgy - Trapper[/STRIKE] Eaten on Night 4, Fool
  14. [STRIKE]Mr. Nice Guy - Tailor[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 4, Villager
  15. Meiz - Retired Barbarian
  16. [STRIKE]Rowain - Vintner[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 6, Villager
  17. Novice - Farmhand
  18. JKaen - Herbalist
  19. [STRIKE]Sandover - Innkeeper[/STRIKE] Eaten on Night 3, Villager
  20. [STRIKE]Pocketbeetle - Stablehand[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 3, Villager
  21. [STRIKE]Fire & Ice - Village Idiot[/STRIKE] Lynched on Day 5, Villager
  22. Roland - Bowyer
  23. [STRIKE]Bruindane - Menhir Deliveryman[/STRIKE] Modkilled on Day 5, Werewolf
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Well, heck. My apologies, Rowain.

Now what?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker



Sigh frown. Guess we need to hope our baner works his magic again tonight.

Damn frown

(Sorry Rowain)

Mardoc Wrote:Well, heck. My apologies, Rowain.

Now what?

Now we wait.
I have to run.

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